Baker Eddy
more information on the Second Coming, visit the
following related articles and links:
Baker Eddy's Healing
Truth About Mary Baker
and Introspection
was the God-ordered mission
symbolized in Revelation
as a woman clothed with the sun,
the radiance of spiritual truth
inspired by the deific
Mind to proclaim the message
which, Christ Jesus said, "will
guide you into all truth."
Paul Stark Seeley,
A Biographical Sketch
Glimpses of
spiritual reality have lightened the darkness of
material history for centuries. But it was left for
one woman to receive this full revelation of Truth
in this age, Mary Baker Eddy. The parentage,
education, experience, and remarkable spirituality
of Mrs. Eddy had made her well fitted for the
mission to which God had called her. She possessed
a remarkable degree of spirituality even in
childhood, and rapidly developed into that
individuality which was needed to voice to this age
the Science of Christianity.
In her
autobiography, Retrospection and
Introspection, she recorded the "experiences
which led her, in the year 1866, to the discovery
of the system that she denominated Christian
Science" (Science and Health, p.
Childhood and
Mary Baker Eddy was born on July 16, 1821, in Bow,
New Hampshire, five miles from Concord, the state
capital. The Baker family had been in New England
for six generations. Mary Bakers father was
Mark Baker, who married Abigail Ambrose of
Pembroke, New Hampshire.

Mary Baker
Eddy's Birth Place
Both on
the paternal and maternal side, the future
Discoverer of Christian Science was
descended from members of the
Congregational Church.
One of Mary
Bakers brothers was Albert Baker, who
graduated from Dartmouth College, studied law with
Franklin Pierce (who later became President of the
United States), and was admitted to the bar in both
Massachusetts and New Hampshire. With Albert, she
studied moral science, natural philosophy, Latin,
Greek, and Hebrew grammar.
At an early age the
question of her joining the church presented
itself, but she showed opposition to the decree of
predestination as taught in the Congregational
church. In spite of her stout declaration of
disbelief in this, she was nevertheless admitted.
She states in her autobiography Retrospection
and Introspection, on page 15, My
connection with this religious body was retained
till I founded a church of my own, built on the
basis of Christian Science, Jesus Christ
himself being the chief
The Baker family
moved to Tilton when Mary was fifteen, and she then
attended the private school of Professor H. Dyer
Sanborn. Under this instruction and the
intellectual and spiritual guidance of the Rev.
Enoch Corser, pastor of the Tilton church, Mary
made great progress in her studies. She had shown
from early on a love for poetry, which later
manifested itself in the writing of those hymns
found in the Christian Science Hymnal which are
treasured by Christian Scientists today for their
comforting and healing effects.
Marriage to
George Glover
In 1843
Mary Baker married George Washington
Glover, a young man who had been
associated with Samuel Baker, her elder
brother, as a contractor and builder.
Originally from Concord, New Hampshire,
Mr. Glover had established himself in
business in Charleston, South Carolina.
Mary Baker Glover first came into touch
with slavery in the South. Her husband
owned some slaves and her sense of right
revolted against the practice.

George W.
Hardly a year had
passed since her marriage when her husband had
occasion to go to Wilmington, North Carolina, on
business and took her with him. Yellow fever was
found to be raging in that city, and Mr. Glover was
incapacitated by the disease and died, leaving his
young widow. Mrs. Glover set free her
husbands slaves, and was then escorted as far
north as New York, where her brother George met her
and took her back to her fathers home, which
she had so lately left. A boy was born to her not
long after her return, and she named him after her
husband, George Washington Glover.
A Challenging
In 1849 Mrs. Glovers mother died, and about a
year later her father remarried. There was a
rearrangement of domestic affairs. Mrs.
Glovers nurse during her prolonged illness
following childbirth was to be married, and it was
planned by the family that Mrs. Glovers son
George should go to live with the nurse in her new
home, as Mrs. Glovers health was precarious,
and she was about to move into her sister
Abigails house, where her little son might
prove too great a charge. Against this plan Mrs.
Glover protested vigorously, and only gave up her
child when no escape from this necessity presented
Mrs. Glover
continued to write on the subject of slavery, which
was daily becoming a more and more burning question
and was soon to culminate in the Civil War. She had
made a brief experiment of opening a
childrens school somewhat on the lines of the
kindergarten system, but the times were not ready
for this venture and she soon abandoned it. Her
position of dependence upon her family was at times
exceedingly difficult to bear, especially as she
found herself moving farther and farther away from
their views on the vital questions of the day. Her
invalidism made her helpless to resist the drift of
her life into almost constant
At this time,
spiritualism and allied beliefs were stirring
public thought. Mrs. Glover interested herself in
these matters as she did in the question of
slavery, and gradually won her way to definite
convictions concerning spiritualism, mesmerism, and
animal magnetism (later called hypnotism),
convictions which she has recorded in her
Marriage to Dr.
In 1853
Mrs. Glover, after nine years of
widowhood, married Dr. Daniel Patterson, a
dentist, a relative of her fathers
second wife. She expected from this
marriage that it would enable her to take
her child back into a home of her own and
give her the necessary freedom to work out
her individual life problem.

Mary in
In Retrospection
and Introspection, page 20, we read: My
dominant thought in marrying again was to get back
my child, but after our marriage his stepfather was
not willing he should have a home with
This initial
disappointment clouded the whole relationship and
drove Mrs. Patterson more and more into that life
of introspection which was preparing her through
much tribulation for the eventual illumination of
her great discovery.
Searching for
In the endeavor to regain her health, Mrs.
Patterson tried many experiments and followed many
systems. She strictly observed the laws of hygiene,
as then understood, subjecting herself to a strict
diet and to a regular system of bathing. She
likewise began the study of homeopathy, but the
acts of spiritual healing recorded in the
Scriptures were never altogether absent from her
During her life
certain inexplicable occurrences had startled her
thought into taking new paths. An experience while
she was a child has been recorded in the following
language (Retrospection and Introspection,
p. 8):
"Many peculiar
circumstances and events connected with my
childhood throng the chambers of memory. For some
twelve months, when I was about eight years old, I
repeatedly heard a voice, calling me distinctly by
name, three times, in an ascending scale. I thought
this was my mothers voice, and sometimes went
to her, beseeching her to tell me what she wanted.
Her answer was always, Nothing, child! What
do you mean? Then I would say, Mother,
who did call me? I heard somebody call Mary, three
times! This continued until I grew
discouraged, and my mother was perplexed and
Later, when this
call repeated itself, the child, on the advice of
her mother, answered in the words of Samuel,
Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth,
and thereafter the call was not
In Rumney a mother
came to her with a child in her arms who was
suffering from inflamed eyes. Mrs. Patterson took
the child in her arms, lifted her thought to God,
and the child was healed. These and other instances
had caused Mrs. Patterson to ponder. She kept them
stored in her heart, waiting until the time when an
explanation should be vouchsafed her.
Association with
Phineas Quimby
About this time Doctor Patterson had heard of
the healing powers of a certain Phineas P. Quimby
of Portland, Maine, and desired him to try to cure
her. There was some correspondence. Mrs. Patterson
wrote to Doctor Quimby about her proposed visit to
him, but before this could be carried out her
sister Abigail, now Mrs. Tilton, had taken her to a
water-cure sanitarium at a place called Hill. In
October of 1862 Mrs. Patterson finally arrived in
Portland, and was assisted into the office of
Doctor Quimby, who, she imagined, had discovered
the method by which cures were effected in Bible
times, and on whom she looked as a living example
of a modern practitioner of spiritual
This visit marks
Mrs. Pattersons contact with that which she
was later to uncover as being not the Principle of
spiritual healing itself, but the subtle
counterfeit of the same, as the application of
human willpower, instead of the realization or
recognition of the truth of being about God, man,
and the universe. The future Discoverer of
Christian Science was here making her acquaintance
at first hand with the phenomena of self-will as
distinct from spiritual understanding, and it is
not to be wondered at that at first she was baffled
by the apparent resemblance between the effects of
both methods and should have been induced to
believe the magnetic practice of Phineas P. Quimby
to be the demonstration of the power of Spirit over
untoward physical conditions.
The one feature of
his practice which forever excludes it from any
resemblance to Christian Science was the belief
that he, as a personality, was the healer of
disease, that some curative, magnetic fluid was
conveyed from himself to his patients.
The method of
Quimby was therefore merely a personal belief with
himself, a familiar phase of mental suggestion,
similar in character to various methods based on
mesmerism and animal magnetism (more recently
called hypnotism). It was not based upon Principle,
was not scientific, and did not attempt to explain
the acts recorded in the Scriptures and commonly
denoted as miracles.
While due credit
must be given to Quimby as a sincere and courageous
experimenter in the phenomena of magnetism, no
doubt should be permitted as to the essential
nature of his practice. It was not what Mrs.
Patterson later discovered as Christian Science,
nor did it even contain the germ from which
Christian Science could originate; neither does the
fact that Mrs. Patterson was temporarily cured of
physical ills of long standing by Quimbys
method militate against this conclusion, nor indeed
the further fact that Mrs. Patterson herself
imagined Quimby to possess an understanding of
Gods law and was ready to proclaim him as the
discoverer of the true nature of the healing done
in Bible times. The trend of her thought inevitably
gave his practice a religious
Mrs. Patterson was
deeply grateful for her relief, but Mr. Quimby did
not understand her religious explanation of his
practice, and there seems to have remained in his
mind only a confused belief that it was God as
Principle who mesmerized. It was not until later
years that Mrs. Patterson herself reached the
conviction that mesmerism was not of
In course of time,
Mrs. Patterson learned that the mesmeric magnetic
method of treating disease was in fact a subtle
counterfeit of the true, a method at once
destructive to health and dangerous to character.
For some years, from the time of her relief from
invalidism until her discovery of Christian Science
in 1866, she was apparently under the impression
that the solution of true mental healing long
sought by her was represented by Quimbys
In 1862 and in 1864
Mrs. Patterson wrote down her impressions of his
system and turned over the manuscripts to him. In
view of their collaboration Mrs. Patterson signed
Quimbys name to these manuscripts, and this
gave rise in later times to the report of Quimby
manuscripts being in existence from which Mrs.
Patterson was assumed to have derived Christian
Science. For information on the Quimby manuscripts
hoax, click
In 1864 Mrs.
Patterson moved to Lynn, Massachusetts, with her
husband, who there opened an office and engaged in
dental practice. Her health was now good and she
took an active part in life once more, not only
writing for the Lynn newspapers but also attending
church and going out into society.
An Accident and
Mrs. Patterson was returning home one evening from
a meeting in the company of friends, when she
sustained an accident which was to become memorable
by reason of its immediate result. The Lynn
Reporter of February 3, 1866, made mention of
the following:
"Mrs. Mary
Patterson of Swampscott fell upon the ice near the
corner of Market and Oxford Streets on Thursday
evening and was severely injured. She was taken up
in an insensible condition and carried into the
residence of S.M. Bubier, Esq., near by, where she
was kindly cared for during the night. Doctor
Cushing, who was called, found her injuries to be
internal and of a serious nature, inducing spasms
and internal suffering. She was removed to her home
in Swampscott yesterday afternoon, though in a
critical condition.
Of this accident
and her recovery, Mrs. Eddy herself afterward
published the following explanation:
"St. Paul writes:
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be
spiritually minded is life and peace. This
knowledge came to me in an hour of great need; and
I give it to you as death-bed testimony to the
daystar that dawned on the night of material sense.
This knowledge is practical, for it wrought my
immediate recovery from an injury caused by an
accident, and pronounced fatal by the physicians.
On the third day thereafter, I called for my Bible,
and opened it at Matthew ix. 2. As I read, the
healing Truth dawned upon my sense; and the result
was that I rose, dressed myself, and ever after was
in better health than I had before enjoyed. That
short experience included a glimpse of the great
fact that I have since tried to make plain to
others, namely, Life in and of Spirit; this Life
being the sole reality of existence.
(Miscellaneous Writings, p.
We have already
quoted Mrs. Eddys words concerning this
discovery, as contained in Retrospection and
Introspection. Taken in connection with the
above description, her words show clearly the
impassable gulf between Christian Science and any
method of personal magnetic healing. Her recovery
was due to the Word of God, a spiritual
illumination from the divine Mind, and in this
sense was wholly impersonal in its
Here, indeed, was
the healing for which she had always striven, which
she felt must be at hand did one only know how to
realize its presence. Here at last was the ideal
toward which her whole life had tended from her
childhood experiences, her stout refusal to believe
in a cruel God, her insistent conviction that
divine Love is the liberator of mankind from all
woe. This conviction had only been fortified by the
measure of sorrow and suffering through which she
had passed. Even her experience with the subtle
counterfeit of spiritual healing had not disabled
her from recognizing the real healing when it
dawned upon her consciousness. Thereafter she could
never be deceived again, never be in doubt as to
what constituted the healing of Bible times. Nor
from the moment of her discovery does she ever seem
to have hesitated about her manifest mission to
give this truth to the world.
Her experiences for
the next ten years proved inexpressibly hard, and
one would gladly omit all chronicle of them, did
they not prove, as perhaps nothing else can do, the
unquestioning attitude of her mind toward her
mission. It must be understood that as the
discovery of Christian Science is inseparable from
Mrs. Eddys human experience, so also is its
Searching the
Then followed Doctor Pattersons desertion of
his wife, and Mrs. Patterson was obliged to secure
a decree of divorce from him. Her father and mother
having passed away, she might naturally have gone
to the home of her sister, Mrs. Tilton, but the
sister made it a condition that she should forsake
her unconventional religious convictions, and this
Mary Baker was determined not to do. She turned now
more and more to the elucidation of the meaning of
her discovery and its practical application to
human affairs. She chose poverty rather than ease,
and now began a life of involuntary wandering from
one home to another, from one boarding place to
another, the life of a student searching the
Scriptures, nourishing her glorious discovery,
applying it where she was welcomed; sometimes loved
and appreciated, more often misunderstood and even
traduced; healing the sick, transforming character,
and always writing, writing that mankind at large
might gain the spiritual revelation which had come
to her.
At first she may
have thought that the world would instantly grasp
this good news, as eagerly as she herself had done,
but she was soon to be undeceived as to any
immediate readiness on the part of mankind to
assimilate Christian Science. Here and there she
found some one ready to listen.
Her First
While she was boarding with a family of the name of
Clark, she met a Mr. Hiram S. Crafts and his wife.
He was an expert workman in the shoe trade. Finding
him ready to accept her teachings, Mary Baker made
him her first student, and he was soon able to set
up as a mental healer and prove the truth of what
he had been taught for himself.
As time went on she
began to teach little classes of students. Some of
these students fell away in the hour of test, and
Mary Baker had to experience many of those sudden
antagonisms, misunderstandings, and controversies
which at first were inexplicable to her, but which
later became apparent as the subtle working of an
innate resistance in human consciousness to the
absolute facts of being.
In 1870 Mary Baker
finished a manuscript entitled The Science of
Man. She copyrighted this manuscript, but did
not publish it immediately, and eventually issued
it as the chapter entitled Recapitulation in
Science and Health. This may be accepted as
the first scientific exposition of her discovery
made four years before.
Science and
Health Published
In 1875, while residing in Lynn, Massachusetts,
Mary Baker finished her book Science and
Health, placed it in the hands of a publisher,
and an edition of one thousand copies was issued.
In that year also was made the first beginning of a
Christian Science church, when a number of her
students united in inviting her to hold meetings
and preach to them every Sunday, and subscribed a
weekly salary for her.
In 1877 Mary Baker
Glover was married to Mr. Asa G. Eddy, who, being
in bad health, had been sent to her for treatment.
She had healed him, had taken him through one of
her classes, and had learned to trust him so
thoroughly that she had placed many of her affairs
in his charge.
Growing Interest
in Christian Science
Mrs. Eddy began to lecture in Boston before
audiences growing ever larger and more
appreciative. Her home with Mr. Eddy provided her
an atmosphere of peace and security for her
teaching and healing work.
The beginning of a
Christian Science church made in 1875 had not
survived the disaffection of some of her students,
but in 1876 the Christian Scientist Association was
formed, which fulfilled the needs of the times.
In 1879,
Mrs. Eddy's followers and students formed the
"Church of Christ, Scientist," with Mrs. Eddy
appointed pastor. In 1892 a reorganization of this
church took place and the name adopted of "The
First Church of Christ, Scientist, which it
holds today.
Services were held
in Hawthorne Hall in Boston, and in 1882 Mr. and
Mrs. Eddy moved to that city, but Mr. Eddy passed
away in that same year, and Mrs. Eddy once more
faced the world alone in her efforts to establish
Christian Science upon a sure footing.
Massachusetts Metaphysical College
In 1881
Mrs. Eddy opened the Massachusetts
Metaphysical College in Boston. Of this
foundation she writes in the Preface of
Science and Health (p. xi), that it was
accomplished under the seal of the
Commonwealth, a law relative to
colleges having been passed which enabled
her to get this institution chartered for
medical purposes. Mrs. Eddy closed this
college in 1889 in order to devote herself
to the revision of Science and Health, but
retained her charter and reopened the
college in 1899.

The Massachusetts Metaphysical
The Christian
Science Journal
In 1883 the Journal of Christian Science was
first published. This magazine, of which Mrs. Eddy
was the editor and publisher, became the official
organ of the Christian Science church, under the
title The Christian Science Journal.
Many of Mrs.
Eddys articles in the Journal were
later collected by her and issued as her book
Miscellaneous Writings. During this
year also, Mrs. Eddy found herself constrained to
sue a former student for the infringement of her
copyright, and the United States circuit in Boston
sustained her plea and issued an injunction against
the pirated works, ordering them to be
A Far-Reaching
Christian Science now began to spread to other
parts of the United States. In 1884 Mrs. Eddy spent
a month in Chicago, initiating thereby a
far-reaching movement which soon permeated the
whole of the western field. On her return to Boston
Mrs. Eddy continued to write and direct the various
departments which she had founded.
In 1887 she moved
into a house of her own at 385 Commonwealth Avenue.
In 1888 she once more visited Chicago, this time to
attend the National Christian Scientist
Association, and made an address at the Central
Music Hall before an audience of about four
thousand. A year later Mrs. Eddy addressed an
audience in Steinway Hall, New York, but thereafter
withdrew more and more from public
In 1879 Mrs.
Eddys son, George Glover, had been located by
her in Minnesota, and upon her request had come to
Boston to visit her, but he did not seem open to
the reception of Christian Science teaching. In
1887 he repeated the visit to his mother, this time
bringing his children with him, and was
affectionately received by Mrs. Eddy, who presented
the children to the congregation of The Mother
Church. Her son soon returned to the West, and Mrs.
Eddy, looking for some one to help her in her
immediate surroundings, conceived the idea of
adopting as her son Dr. Ebenezer Johnson Foster, a
former physician who had become interested in
Christian Science, had received instruction in the
college, and who resided with other students in
Mrs. Eddys household.
From 1892
to 1908 Mrs. Eddy resided at Pleasant
View, a house situated on the outskirts of
Concord, New Hampshire, on rising ground
overlooking a large expanse of hill and
valley. Here she spent fifteen fruitful

Pleasant View
It was during these
years that Mrs. Eddy was fine-tuning the
organization of the Christian Science church,
supervising the various means she had founded for
placing her discovery before the public, writing
occasional messages to the church, revising her
writings to make her meaning clearer, receiving
visitors from all parts of the world whither her
teachings had penetrated, keeping in close touch
with her pupils who were occupying positions of
trust, but ever withdrawing more and more from a
merely personal sense of herself on the part of
others, and discouraging any personal adulation
which the beneficiaries of Christian Science might
be inclined to place upon her.
throughout the World
The Christian Science church which had originally
met in Hawthorne Hall, then in Chickering Hall, was
now about to acquire a church building of its own.
After some vicissitudes, a church occupying the
triangle at the junction of Norway and Falmouth
Streets, in the Back Bay district of Boston, was
finished at the end of December, 1894, and
dedicated in January 1895. And in 1902 an extension
was added.
Mrs. Eddys
followers were now found among all classes of
society and among the principal nations of the
earth. Christian Science not only covered the
United States and Canada, but also many parts of
the world.
Mrs. Eddy
established one by one the different means by which
Christian Science is placed before the public. She
founded the periodicals of the denomination,
beginning with The Christian Science Journal,
a monthly to which reference has already been
made; Der Herold der Christian Science,
printed in German; the Christian Science
Sentinel ; The Christian Science Quarterly
contained the weekly Christian Science
Lesson-Sermons; and The Christian Science
Monitor, a daily newspaper.
Mrs. Eddy's
In 1908 Mrs. Eddy decided to leave Pleasant View
and took a house in Chestnut Hill, a suburb of
Boston, where she quietly passed away in the winter
of 1910, full of years and good works, greatly
beloved by a multitude of men, women, and children
in all parts of the world, who have been redeemed
and healed by her teachings.
sketch has been adapted from "Christian
Science: Its Discovery and Development" by
William D. McCrackan.
More About this
"One's enemies never could do one justice
in writing one's record, and it follows
that only the friends of Mrs. Eddy
those who have known and loved her most
can really give a correct estimate
of her."
Truth About Mary Baker
"For the world to understand me in my true
light, and life, would do more for our
Cause than all else could. This I learn
from the fact that the enemy tries harder
to hide these two things from the world
than to win any other points. Also, Jesus'
life and character in their first
appearing were treated in like