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Christian Science
Bible Lessons

I enjoy the Sunday lessons very much. The Bible is so plain to me now when studying it with Science and Health.

Jennie Keast
The Christian Science Journal
January, 1901







"Spiritual uplift"

Christian Science taught me to learn the inner meaning of passages in the Scriptures, which are so wholesome and satisfying; the understanding of them satisfies the hunger for spiritual uplift.

Frank L. Reissner
The Christian Science Journal
October, 1922
















"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom . . ."

 This week's lesson subject: SOUL

"He that is our God is the God of salvation."

Psalms 68:20.

Last week's subject: SPIRIT

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The History and Development of the
Christian Science Bible Lessons
From 1879 to 1889, Mrs. Eddy was pastor of the Church of Christ, Scientist. She delivered sermons during this period, and was also assisted by students who served as "assistant pastors." In July, 1888, the then assistant pastor, Frank E. Mason, CSB, began to publish in the Christian Science Journal, “Notes on the International Sunday-School Lessons,” written from the Christian Science standpoint, and entitled “Bible Lessons.” At first only two lessons per month were issued. In the June, 1889 Journal appeared the “International Bible Lessons” with a few references to Science and Health. The lesson in this issue was divided into four subjects, one for each of the four Sundays in July.

In the July, 1889 Journal, a notice appeared as follows: “Christian Science Sermons. The Christian Science Publishing Society is preparing to issue a series of sermons on topics of Christian Science for the use of Sunday meetings. These will be selected with a view to the various conditions of thought that have to be met among inquirers and those who have gained some understanding. These, with The Christian Science Series and the Bible Leaflets, or Christian Science Bible Lessons, will meet all the requirements of Sunday meetings where there is no preacher.”

In the August, 1889 Journal, the lessons were resumed under the title of “Christian Science Bible Lessons. (International Series). F.E. Mason, CSB.” In this series, each week’s lesson had a separate title. Also, in this August Journal appeared the following: “The demand for the Christian Science Bible Lessons is such that it has been found necessary to issue them as a regular serial (i.e., in reprints from the Journal) . . . All who hold Sunday services are earnestly recommended to make a study of these Lessons a feature of their meetings, and to commence with the first of the Series . . . These lessons are based on the same Scripture texts as the International Series, but there is nothing else in common. They are Christian Science Bible Lessons, pure and simple . . . They will be published eventually in a volume for the use of Bible students. They will doubtless form one of the standard publications of the Publishing Society . . .”

The first Christian Science Bible Lessons to be printed separately from the Journal began December, 1889. The purpose of this separate printing was to give more space in the Journal for articles. From this date onwards the Bible Lessons were not printed in the Journal.

In January, 1890, the Bible Lessons were compiled by a committee. The name “F.E. Mason, CSB” no longer appeared on the publication. It contained copious references to passages in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, illustrative of the Scripture text under consideration.

With the issue of February, 1890, the “Cross and Crown” emblem appeared on the Bible Lessons leaflet.

In the Journal for March, 1890, appeared the following: “April first, the International Christian Science Bible Lessons will be issued in the form of a quarterly.” Thus the Christian Science Bible Lessons terminated with the April issue, and The Christian Science Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1, began with the issue of April-May-June, 1890.

The practice of reading “Bible Lessons” at Sunday services became so general that at a meeting of the Christian Scientist Association in October, 1891, the subject came in for long discussion, as indicated by the Association's records: “Much was said in favor of the Bible Lessons, of how much they had accomplished in the Sunday services, in place of sermons . . ."

A Chronology of the
Christian Science Bible Lessons


Permanent foundation established for the Uniform Series of the International Sunday-school Bible Lessons, to be used by Protestant churches.


The Christian Science Journal first includes Notes on the International Sunday-school Lessons written from a Christian Science standpoint, by Frank E. Mason, CSB, assistant pastor of the Church of Christ (Scientist), Boston.


The Journal contains an announcement that the Christian Science Bible Lessons are in such demand that they will be issued as a regular serial, and recommended to be featured in Sunday services. Mrs. Eddy appoints a committee of four to prepare the Christian Science Bible Lessons.


Christian Science Quarterly begins with the April-June issue. Article appears in the May Journal describing a successful experiment using selections from Science and Health and the Bible in place of a sermon.


For uniformity among Christian Scientists in their church services, Mrs. Eddy submits an Order of Exercise which included reading from Science and Health and the Bible as well as a sermon.


Mrs. Eddy ordains the Bible and Science and Health as pastor for The Mother Church on December 14th.


The Bible and Science and Health ordained as dual pastor for all Churches of Christ, Scientist in the April Journal.


The first "Explanatory Note" appeared in the January-March Quarterly.


Mrs. Eddy's twenty-six lesson subjects introduced in the July-September Quarterly. Click here to read the complete list of subjects.


Separate set of afternoon or evening lessons based on the International Series was discontinued.

Related Articles
The following articles address the study and the spiritual value of the Christian Science Bible Lessons.


The Makers of the Sermon
Christian Science Sentinel, Vol. 1, No. 27, March 2, 1899


The Make Up of the Sermon
Christian Science Sentinel, Vol. 1, No. 28, March 9, 1899


The Interpretation of the Sermon
Christian Science Sentinel, Vol. 1, No. 29, March 16, 1899


Practical Illustrations
Christian Science Sentinel, Vol. 1, No. 30, March 23, 1899


The Lesson Sermons
Christian Science Sentinel, Vol. 1, No. 31, March 30, 1899


The Christian Science Bible Lessons
The Christian Science Journal, Vol. 40, No. 12, March, 1923


Value of the Lesson-Sermons
The Christian Science Journal, Vol. 47, No. 10, January, 1930


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