We can learn best the real
character of Jesus from the beloved disciple the one
who rested on his breast. He knew more of the inner meanings
and characteristics of Jesus' life than any other person.
The enemies of Jesus could not give any correct analysis of
his work. It follows just as truly that one understands best
those of his friends that he loves most. One's enemies never
could do one justice in writing one's record, and it follows
that only the friends of Mrs. Eddy those who have
known and loved her most can really give a correct
estimate of her. It has been my pleasure and privilege to
know Mrs. Eddy personally for nearly 25 years. She has
visited in my father's home. At one time she came to our
home and remained nearly a week. Thereafter she moved into a
house directly across the street from where we then lived;
and there again she visited in our home. I have visited her
in her home, and I know from my personal acquaintance with
her that she has lived as pure a life, as unselfish and
Christian a life, as is possible for a denizen of this
world; and in all that she has done she has considered
herself but a humble disciple, seeking to learn more of the
spiritual meaning of the Bible that she might impart it to
the world, and to its great advantage.
Excerpt from the
"Christian Science: Its Religious and Healing Elements"
Bliss Knapp, CSB