A - F



Above and Beyond ". . . The dawn of Christian Science arises, dispelling the dark shadows and revealing a consciousness that is above and beyond the power of evil to disturb . . ." B. F. West, 1919


The Absolute and the Relative "It is of the utmost importance in the study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy, that clear distinction be made between those statements which are absolute in their meaning, which express the spiritual fact, and those which are relative, which express the human sense, the material point of view." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1911


The Abundant Life "To any man who comes under the sway of the Spirit there is thrown open the door to endless possibilities." Forrest E. Rohl, 1940


According to Our Faith "Because we gain quickly a certain intellectual grasp of the letter of Christian Science, we are tempted to call this spiritual understanding. Using this letter, even though with commendable zeal, we may find our efforts failing to bring the healing we so long to have manifested." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Accuracy "Recently I climbed up to the wireless station on the outskirts of our city, and upon entering the little room where the operator was receiving and sending messages, my eyes fell upon a sign over his desk, printed in large red letters which read, 'Accuracy First.'" Lena Cobb Gunnison, 1918


Acknowledging God "The acknowledgment of God as supreme is most important because it is always the very first and simplest step by which we turn from matter to Spirit, from error to Truth, from chaos to Principle." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Affirmation and Denial "Everyone knows how unmistakably real to his dream-sense of identity both that identity and the events of the dream are." Ruth Ingraham, 1919


Affirmations of Truth "Christian Science teaches the sick man the truth about God and about himself as the son of God." Willard J. Welch, 1919


Agreement and Difference "One earnest thinker, himself a clergyman, has this to say: 'Among all the creeds of Christendom the only one which has the authority of Christ himself is the Sermon on the Mount. When one reads the Creed which was given by Jesus, and the Creeds which have been made by Christians, he cannot fail to detect an immense difference. . . .'" Annie M. Knott, 1918


The Alert Sentinel "A soldier on guard at a particular place has the definite responsibility of challenging with his 'Who goes there?' every person who comes, — allowing to pass those who have the right of way, evidenced by their giving the password, and checking or resisting those who have no right to pass, or giving the alarm to the whole garrison in case of an attack." William P. McKenzie, 1917


All Things New "It is surely glorious, beyond the possibility of words to tell, that each one has the opportunity and privilege of demonstrating continually, with ever increasing ability and power, this newness of life in Christ, which shall show forth the 'new man,' which Paul tells us is 'renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1923


"And it was so" "I saw distinctly that if everything God made was good, it was perfect then, it is so now, and it will be so forever because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and because 'he commanded, and it stood fast.'" Edith Maude Ellis, 1918


Angel Guidance "We know that our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, early heard the voice of the Lord, and that as years went by she faithfully obeyed the 'spiritual intuitions,' going ever forward in the understanding of spiritual things until the discovery of this new-old truth was made." Edith M. Shank, 1925


Angels and Protection "It was my custom when walking along the street to ponder the ninety-first psalm, and on this particular day the passage, 'He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways,' seemed to have a special meaning for me, . . ." Mary Alice McDonald, 1919


Animal Magnetism, Extracts from Letters on "It is only when one is abiding in the conscious reality of the divine Spirit that his handling of animal magnetism can be really effective." Bliss Knapp, 1956


Answers to Critics "Christian Science must be judged, not by what its critics say against it, but by what it really is and what it is accomplishing."


Apocalypse (poem) "Oh, watch with me this growing dawn / And see God's day begin, — / The glory of eternal 'now,' / The end of death and sin!" Ruth Ingraham, 1917


Apprehending Spiritual Ideas "'How much more should we seek to apprehend the spiritual ideas of God, than to dwell on the objects of sense! To discern the rhythm of Spirit and to be holy, thought must be purely spiritual.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1928


The Ark "In his second epistle St. Peter tells us of the coming of this second deluge, that of fire; but with calm confidence he also tells of the protection of those who love and obey God, declaring that 'the Lord is not slack concerning his promise.'" Annie M. Knott, 1917


The Ark of God ". . . Evil, having no basis in God, is unreal; and, therefore, the belief of evil is self-destructive. It is, then, the self-destruction of evil that is evidenced in the calamity depicted in the story of Noah and the ark." M. Pauline Siedoff, 1924


"Armor on" "In the epistle to the Romans Paul gives this sage counsel: 'Let us put on the armour of light.'" Annie M. Knott, 1918


"As an eagle stirreth up her nest" "The observant may learn many useful lessons from nature, and the Bible abounds with similes and metaphors taken from the daily lives of plants and animals." Inez Koch, 1924


"Ask, and it shall be given you" "In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus not only said, 'Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you,' but also, 'Ask, and it shall be given you.'" John Ellis Sedman, 1924


The Atmosphere of Spirit "There were no fogs, or storms, or even darkness in John's vision of the holy city. In his description of this heavenly dwelling place he uses symbols that express only purity, transparency, reflection, and light." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Attaining Joy ". . . Do not be discouraged, even though the path for the time being is very steep, and the way dark, and many errors rise up at the beginning of your career to be destroyed and wiped out of consciousness, . . ." Emma Harris Jamison, 1902


Baptism "Can Christians have 'two' baptisms when Paul says, There is one baptism? (Ephesians, 4: 5.)" E. C, 1898


"The beauty of holiness" "Although the greater portion of mankind has desired beauty, it has been very generally held as something that is personal and material. It is therefore scarcely strange that in consequence these standards have been varied and variable, and every effort to gain beauty permanently therefrom has resulted in disappointment and failure." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


The Beginner in Christian Science "The clinging to theories which are the opposite of Christian Science teaching will not forward one in its understanding, for it is evident that the incorrectness of material beliefs must be seen, to gain a scientific knowledge of spiritual truth." Samuel Greenwood, 1904


Being Honest with God "Because that which we call God cannot be seen with the eye or touched with the hand, and is in no way materially recognizable, mankind as a rule have come to think of Him as altogether without the range of earthly experience. For this reason He does not seem to them to be as real and appreciable as their fellow men with whom they associate . . ." Samuel Greenwood, 1912


Believing the Bible Messages "The most clear and evident way for seeking after God is to investigate and understand that Science whereby God's healing power is being proven in the world." William P. McKenzie, 1918


Believing the Word "The study of a recent Lesson-Sermon has impelled me to relate my experience, so similar to the healing of the nobleman's son, as recorded in the fourth chapter of John." Lucy D. Ninde, 1920


Benediction Not Malediction "Through the enlightenment of Christian Science the world is gaining a revived understanding of the exquisite graciousness and heavenly kindness of 'our Lord Jesus Christ.'" William P. McKenzie, 1922


"Be ye thankful" "No one in the world today responds to Paul's exhortation, 'Be ye thankful,' more readily than does he who has experienced some measure of the marvelous blessings which accrue to the beneficiary of Christian Science." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


"Be ye thankful" "An elderly woman, whose room for a season was under the eaves of an old tumble down building, was asked what she did the night before in the storm, when it rained in upon her bed. With beaming face she replied, 'Why I thought, What are a few drops among so many?' She had learned the meaning of the saying, 'Gratitude is the bright weather of the heart.'" M. Ethel Whitcomb, 1917


The Bible "It would be difficult to say which has wrought the greater harm in this respect, the opinions of those who have contended for the literal interpretation of Scripture which pictures the Almighty as a vengeful tyrant, or the utterances of those who have denied the authority and correctness of the Bible at almost every point." Annie M. Knott, 1905


The Bible and Healing "As we read in the book of Acts and in Paul's epistles we find rest in the sweet naturalness of his entire experience; and even when we read of the trials and tribulations which he encountered along the way, we also find the assurance that he counted these things as nothing so that he might 'win Christ, and be found in him.'" Annie M. Knott, 1919


Binding up the Broken-hearted "'If we would open their prison doors for the sick, we must first learn to bind up the broken-hearted.' Thus writes Mrs. Eddy on page 366 of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1927


Biography -- True and False "As exemplars of true idealism, of selflessness, of courage and high emprise, the lives of illustrious men and women may teach many valuable lessons, for throughout the ages the spiritually illumined have been God's true witnesses; . . ." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Blasphemy "To know whether or not we are transgressing Good, we must know what Good is. It is evident that we cannot rest the question of what it is on mere speculation, supposition or hypothesis." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1894


"Blessed are they that mourn." "Once when a sense of sadness knocked loudly at the door, there came also the query, What could Jesus have thought was 'blessed' about mourning?" Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1909


The Blood of Christ "Christian Scientists know that they must be cleansed and quickened by the blood of Christ, spiritually understood and applied." Annie M. Knott, 1905


By Prayer and Fasting "Jesus' reply to his disciples who asked the reason why they had not been able to heal the boy pronounced by his father to be lunatic, as recorded in Matthew's Gospel, contains an important message to those who practice spiritual healing." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Calvary "Few would deny that the question, 'Was Calvary a defeat or a victory?' is indeed a fundamental one, and each individual must answer it in the light of his own experience before he can determine how much of a Christian he is." Annie M. Knott, 1906


Cause and Effect "What impressed me in this occurrence was the fact that the accident was detected as a condition in human thought before it had a physical expression, and that a period of time intervened between the mental disturbance and its physical manifestation." Bliss Knapp, 1918


Changing Our Standpoint "Many a prayer, many an honest struggle, many a deep experience often appears to be needed before one learns the lesson of approaching all Christian Science demonstration from the unchangeable standpoint of Spirit and spirituality." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Charity "Peter looked deeper than the mere surface of things; he saw and destroyed the false mental cause, and the man was instantly freed from his physical infirmity as a necessary consequence." M. G. Kains, 1913


The Child and the Teacher "What a blessed spot is a Christian Science Sunday School! Here the child and the teacher, in heaven-born gladness, meet to hear, to see, to understand the living presence of the Christ." M. Ethel Whitcomb, 1924


Children "The care of young children should always be approached from the standpoint that it is a holy work." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


"Children of the Resurrection" "In the brief period between the raising of Lazarus by Christ Jesus and his own crucifixion, he gave some of his most vital teachings, the truth of which had already been proved in his mighty works." Annie M. Knott, 1911


Christianity and the Commonwealth "In all times thinkers have agreed that the commonwealth is the highest ideal for a nation, although there have been widely differing views in ancient and modern times as to how this form of government could be realized." Annie M. Knott, 1919


Christian Ordinances "While to many Christian people symbols seem necessary to the observance of Baptism and the Eucharist, there comes a time when outward rite not only fails to meet the deepest human need, but when it tends to obscure the spiritual sense." Annie M. Knott, 1905


Christian Roots "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian." US Supreme Court, 1892


Christian Science "Those who are students of Christian Science are beginning, in a very humble way as yet, it is true, but still beginning, to prove that true Christianity is scientific, that it is governed by unvarying laws, irrespective of person, class, time, or space." Katherine English, 1919


Christian Science "Christian Science teaches that by pure and holy living we are to hasten the end of the world, not the end of God's creation, but the end of error, darkness, evil. All that is opposed to God, all that obscures the true concept of His creation, will be consumed by the 'fervent heat' of divine Truth." Alfred Farlow, 1904


Christian Science and the Church "The Church is the stepping-stone from error into the fullest glory of the Immortal Son of God." Frank Mason, 1888


The Christian Science Bible Lessons "Obeying Truth we become at-one with it, and thus are made free." Irving C. Tomlinson, 1923


Christian Science is Bringing Heaven to Earth "About seven years ago Mr. Lent wrote a book entitled 'Being Done Good,' and included in it a chapter in which he ridiculed Christian Science. Since that time he, like many others, has found that he was mistaken in his estimate of the value of this teaching, and it is his intention, we are informed, to insert in the remainder of the present edition of his book the following explanation and correction." Edward B. Lent, 1910


Christian Science Not Superstition "To believe in God's immanent power is one thing, and may be no better than blind worship; to prove one's faith through the destruction of erroneous beliefs is quite another, lifting religion and worship out of the realm of the uncertain and mysterious into the light of spiritual understanding, where superstition plays no part." Albert F. Gilmore, 1926


Christian Science: The Religion of the Bible
" . . . We boldly proclaim that there is very plain, very specific, and very abundant Scriptural authority for all that Christian Science claims, and especially for what it claims with reference to the possibility of healing sickness and disease through the direct agency and power of Almighty God." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1907


"Christ in you" "'Christ in you'! What vistas of spiritual possibilities are opened up in these words, and alas that these possibilities should ever be denied by anyone who professed to be a follower of the Master, he who excluded none that accepted his teachings from the far-reaching provision, 'The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these.'" Annie M. Knott, 1915


Christ Jesus Glorified "The so-called liberal thought in religion conceded to Jesus the place of a great moral teacher, but this was far from being his own estimate of himself." Annie M. Knott, 1913


Christmas "Let our sincere striving be to make the year which is about to dawn, a continuous Christmas, a perpetual day of Christ-living, and thus be the better prepared to do his work, making ourselves receptive to His 'working with us.'" Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1894


Cleansing from Secret Faults "The teachings of Christ Jesus invariably point to the necessity of gaining freedom from bondage to sin both in order to manifest sound health and also to win salvation." Albert F. Gilmore, 1925


Cleansing Processes "In all religious teaching the need for purification has been given much prominence, even if the appeal did not extend beyond the ceremonial forms which symbolized the spiritual demand for the cleansing of the very springs of our conscious life." Annie M. Knott, 1918


The Clean Windowpane "There is no Christian Scientist who does not long to become a perfect 'transparency for Truth,' who does not work and pray for that complete purification of sense and self which shall enable him to reflect only the glories of infinite Truth and Love." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


Clinging to Earth "Paul declared that the things seen through material sense, were 'temporal,' and that we should turn away from them, throw off the burden imposed by this false sense, and find the things which are 'eternal in the heavens.'" Annie M. Knott, 1913


Clouds Dispelled "Shall we for a moment lose heart because the war clouds seem very dark?" Annie M. Knott, 1918


"Come and dine" "In the twenty-first chapter of John's gospel is the story of the appearance of Jesus to some of his disciples after his resurrection, a story which is radiant with the glory of spiritual understanding." William B. Harrison, 1925


The Coming of Christ "In some of the German provinces, many years ago, a legend was cherished that each year, to some home, the home best prepared for him, the Christ-child would come on Christmas eve and would sup with the family and give to its members the benediction of his presence." S. F. Swantees, 1912


Compassionate Love "'Love thy neighbor as thyself' is Jesus' command, and if this is not exercised in a higher degree of compassion than a world of sense can conceive of, how can we hope or expect that the world can regard Christian Science as a higher order of Christianity?" J. P. Filbert, 1891


Confidence "While I had been what one might call a lukewarm student of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' up to my leaving Canada, I was very much awakened out of my dream and saw that I had to put forth a great deal of honest mental effort." Harold D. Colter, 1919


Confidence "Christian Scientists can best show their love to our Leader by following in her footsteps courageously, confidently, patiently, obediently; joyously pressing on, neither too fast nor too slow, but guided by Wisdom, keeping the commandments, for this is the only proof of love that abides." Martha Harris Bogue, 1903


Consciousness "The attainment of this spiritual consciousness requires constant watchfulness, unceasing prayer, and an earnest striving against material selfhood, which asserts itself in forms so subtle as to subvert the honest purpose of many a sincere and earnest heart." Ada Beers Foster, 1900


Consecration "Continuous devotion to God is the highway to spiritual attainment." Albert F. Gilmore, 1925


Consecration and Protection "In the Old Testament the ninety-first psalm stands out with great distinctness; and as we read it, we almost wonder at the marvelous understanding of spiritual law disclosed in all its statements." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Conservatism and Progress "Christ Jesus saw in prophetic vision a time of great tribulation coming like a snare upon the whole earth, and compared it to the days of Noah, when all flesh was corrupt, but the ark, with all inside it, was borne upon the flood, till it rested safely on the highest mountains." Helen W. Bannon, 1917


The Constant Remembrance of God "One of our earliest lessons in Christian Science is that the woes of men are the result of forgetting God. (Psalm 9:17.)" Samuel Greenwood, 1904


Contagion "This evil, which the growing understanding of Truth in the world has been steadily forcing to the surface, is today engaged in a tremendous struggle for existence. It throws into the fight all its so-called resources." The Christian Science Monitor, 1918


The Contrite Heart "So long as mortals are content with the things of the flesh, they will not seek the things of Spirit. Satisfied with matter and its deceptive allurements, they will not reach out for Spirit and spiritual bliss. They must begin to awaken to the unsatisfactoriness of a supposititious existence in matter apart from God, Spirit, before they will seek for something higher and better." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Courage "There is, perhaps, no quality more necessary to successful endeavor than courage." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


"A covert from storm and from rain" "It often happens that in taking up a new proposition in mathematics a student working faithfully to master and apply the rules laid down will find himself able to obtain the correct answer to the problems long before he really understands the basic law which the rules illustrate." Bernice W. Carter, 1918


The Crown of the Year "In his earlier experiences the student of Christian Science is largely grateful for relief from suffering, and then he becomes conscious that deeper gratitude is due for the truth which brought him freedom, that knowing of the divine nature which Jesus said 'is life eternal.'" Annie M. Knott, 1913


Daily Bread "It will not do for us to absorb love merely; we must reflect it, and thus we shall find that our affections are no longer famished, but fed. We shall also find that when this our greatest need is met, all the lesser needs will one by one be supplied." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Daily Overcoming "The bugle-call to spiritual advancement, from Genesis to Revelation, is overcoming." Norfleete Platt, 1927


"Day of Judgment" "This will indeed be that 'perfect day of understanding' referred to at page 387, Science and Health — no longer to be feared, but welcomed in accordance with Jesus' words: 'And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh' (Luke, 21:28)." Lieutenant-Colonel George V. Hamilton, 1900


The Day of the Lord "The day of the Lord is the day of Life, — aye, 'life eternal,' — the day in which God is known." Sue Harper Mims, 1911


A Day's Journey "A modern hymn writer gives a higher tone to hope when she speaks of each stage of our earthly journey as 'a day's march nearer home;' and it is surely well to learn how we can make every day count for so much that there will be no sorrowful retracing of steps and no barren regrets for wasted opportunities." Annie M. Knott, 1918


The Decalogue and Sermon on the Mount "The Mosaic Decalogue has lost none of its significance by lapse of time. It means as much today as it ever meant." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1899


Demarcation "The word demarcation as used in Science and Health is of the deepest significance, and the idea which it embodies cannot be too often pondered and applied in the working out of our human problems." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Demonstrating Love "We all love to talk about Love. We love to talk of how this Love may be expressed in various fashion. It is, however, of yet more consequence so to live love that the sick are instantaneously healed thereby." Ella W. Hoag, 1926


Demonstration "It is the truth the words stand for which is the power, and it takes more than a mere repetition of words to bring their substance into realization." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Demonstration "Let us see if the Bible lays stress on the necessity of demonstration or proof. St. Paul says, 'And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power.'" Charles D. Woods, 1902


Development ". . . We are told on page 233 of our textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy, that 'progress is the law of God,' and the Bible and our textbook constantly teach us the possibility of spiritual development." Charles V. Winn, 1922


Differing Viewpoints "Before deciding that a brother’s statement of Science is faulty, would it not be well always to seek from the Bible and Science and Health a clearer view of the question involved, remembering that the real issue is often obscured by the poor medium of human language." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Discipline vs. Suffering "Our desire should always be to get rid of all that is unlike God, and to realize more fully at each step of the way man's likeness to God, infinite Mind. With this desire held constantly in thought, we rise above the weakening and depressing sense of suffering and welcome the discipline which purifies character." Annie M. Knott, 1910


Distribution "A number of years ago Mrs. Eddy was asked by a student in one of her classes to what extent Christian Scientists should endeavor to bring this healing truth to the notice of the public by printed articles." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Divine Guidance "Unerring guidance must always come from above the erring human mind, as the following incident will show." Grace A. Williams, 1913


The Divine Idea "Those unacquainted with Christian Science are sometimes at a loss to grasp the meaning of such phrases as 'the divine idea' and 'the Christ-idea.'" Annie M. Knott, 1917


The Divine Likeness "The belief that the human body is the divine likeness receives a strong rebuke in that wonderful passage in the eighth chapter of Romans where Paul says that Christ Jesus came 'in the likeness of sinful flesh,' a statement which nullifies the argument that Christ Jesus as seen by mortals was the likeness of God." Annie M. Knott, 1908


Divine Metaphysics ". . . Christian Science, that is, divine metaphysics, deals wholly with divine Mind and its spiritual ideas, which constitute the only true universe. Its laws are the laws of God; its substance is Spirit; and it relates not at all to the beliefs of a material universe." Albert F. Gilmore, 1923


The Divine Order of Christian Science "This prophetic child of God was sent to the 'lost sheep of the house of Israel.' Lost, because they claimed Abraham as their father and the law of Moses as their guide, while they, in their blind beliefs of life and manhood in the flesh, knew not the faith of Abraham; neither did they keep the spiritual law of Moses." Ira O. Knapp, 1902


The Divine Remedy Metaphysical Not Physical "As we see a seeming increase in epidemics, and a growing ascendency of material methods for relief and prevention invading every avenue of human experience, we are led to ponder deeply these things. Is not our God 'a God at hand'?" Sue Harper Mims, 1910


Divine Revelation "We can rightly claim to be followers of Christ Jesus, or true believers in the oneness of God, only as we consistently and constantly strive to rise above the degrading bondage of sin and of slavery to the physical body, — as we prove to ourselves and to the world that we are indeed the children of God by our likeness to the Father." Annie M. Knott, 1905


Divine Theology ". . . As Christian Scientists let us all protect, adhere to, love, and revere that holy theology which is part and parcel of God's own Science, which includes the understanding of Christ's Christianity, and which is absolutely necessary to the scientific healing of the sick and the sinner." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


Doing Our Best "It is a confession of half-heartedness, in seeking the kingdom of God, that we are so easily satisfied with being and doing less than our best." Samuel Greenwood, 1913


Dominion "When Truth dawns upon consciousness we are awakened to see what slaves we have been to matter, laws of hygiene, etc.; and we begin to learn that we can break every physical law, if we obey God's laws, and live in accordance with divine Principle." Jennie B. Baird, 1894


Dominion "The place where each one must exercise dominion is in his own thinking. It is there his battles with evil must always be fought; there all his victories must be won." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Dominion and Power of Spirit "The choice before a man becomes simple when he is asked who or what shall have dominion over him. Will he allow carnality to be enthroned and his life enslaved? Or will he have spirituality enthroned and enjoy 'the glorious liberty of the children of God'?" William P. McKenzie, 1919


Dream and the Awakening "Who has not had the experience of realizing, in the midst of a disturbing dream, that it was, indeed, 'only a dream,' and would pass away when he awakened from sleep." Charles C. Sandelin, 1919


Earth's Atmosphere "Physicists may tell us of impending or bygone atmospheric disturbances, but never attempt to trace their relation to mental conditions, though the Bible states plainly that drought and other undesirable manifestations accompany or follow disobedience to divine law; whereas obedience thereto, which includes right dealing between men and nations, would result in harmony." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Easter "Christian Science has revolutionized the meaning of resurrection, as it has so many other teachings of the Scriptures, by restoring them to their original meanings, the meanings they had before scholasticism entered to confuse and weaken Biblical authority." Albert F. Gilmore, 1928


Easter "On that morning of the long ago, when the women at the sepulcher were met by the angel who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead, it is little likely they had even a faint concept of what that wonderful event was to mean for all mankind." Ella W. Hoag, 1923


Easter (poem) "Amidst the gloom of doubt and fear, / The light of Truth is breaking; / And loving duty leading on, / There comes a grand awaking." Frank Walter Gale, 1895


A Letter to Mrs. Eddy "In years gone by I have been asked, 'Did Mrs. Eddy really write Science and Health? Some say she did not.' My answer has invariably been, 'Send those who say she did not to me. I heard her talk it before it was ever written. I read it in manuscript before it was ever printed.'" Samuel P. Bancroft, 1906


A Letter to Mrs. Eddy "Some four years ago a certain New York city newspaper was making a bitter attack upon you, and I took a fiendish delight in blue penciling the articles and sending my paper away after half reading it." Ralph R. Chapman, 1909


A Letter to Mrs. Eddy "When will the world know what you are to this generation? I often think of the efforts made by the disciples to have it understood what their Master was. History is repeating itself." Lida W. Fitzpatrick, 1905


Letters to Mary Baker Eddy "I saw the young man, Mr. Tillett, at his home, as one dead; it was like a vision, if I may use that word. I took up the thought in my sleep, there is no death, Life is eternal, and then very quickly I saw him in perfect health."


Reminiscences of Mrs. Eddy's Classroom "Mortal life is appalling, seen beside the real. It is artificial, vapid, and evanescent, like some delusive chapter of fiction. We awoke, and lo, our past life was but a dream! All its pleasures had but delayed the dawn of eternal harmonies."


Mary Baker Eddy's Crown "To attest their love and veneration for Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, a society of Christian Scientists of this city sent her a gift or token of remembrance in the shape of a crown containing forty-six pearls and twelve diamonds."


Mrs. Eddy's Place "In 1943, the Christian Science Board of Directors published a position-statement based on the report of a six-member committee of editors and former editors of the Christian Science periodicals appointed by the Directors in April, 1938, 'to discover just what Mrs. Eddy believed concerning herself with respect to Scriptural prophecy.'"


Extract from a Letter on Mrs. Eddy's Place "Indeed, the evidence concerning Mrs. Eddy's place is absolutely conclusive to the spiritually minded; but to 'the natural man,' described by Paul in I Cor. 2:14, they may seem foolish." Bliss Knapp, 1956


Mary Baker Eddy's Views on Peace and War
". . . Although she was strongly in favor of conciliation and arbitration, she did not counsel neutrality or pacifism when the safety and honor of her country demanded strength and firmness." Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson


The Effect of God's Government "To believe that any false belief can cause suffering, even in the least degree, to any of God's ideas, is having other gods, or breaking the First Commandment." Minnie Gardner, 1923


The End of Error "A perfect parallel to our Leader's prediction of the end of error is found in the teachings of the Master. The parable of the sower conveys the same message." Albert F. Gilmore, 1928


Endurance "To some 'the end' means death, with a promise of better things beyond the grave, but to the Christian Scientist it means the end of the opposing error, that which denies the omnipotence of divine Love, whatever be the issue involved. To God and His idea there can be no end." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Enduring to the End "Every worker should be encouraged to continue unto the end in his work. When Elisha's life work was nearly done, the king of Israel came to visit him, and well did he apostrophize the prophet as 'the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof,' for Elisha's sense of Principle had been the great protection to the kingdom." William P. McKenzie, 1918


Enlarged Patriotism "Here in America, while we rejoice that a large measure of freedom lays deep and sure the foundations of patriotism, we should remember that the redeemed are from 'all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues,' coming up indeed out of great tribulation, but being purified and made thereby fit for the service of God and humanity." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Environment, On the Overcoming of "Awakening to the truth about God and man, and to man's indissoluble relation with God, bringing into realization the facts of being, will destroy all sense of limitation, all belief in unfavorable environment . . ." Albert F. Gilmore, 1928


Errors of Temperament "The understanding gained from Christian Science, that the evils commonly associated with the human temperament, such as anger, jealousy, resentment, hate, etc., were never created by God, and have no place in the true idea of man, includes the ability to resist their asserted control, and eventually erase them from consciousness." Samuel Greenwood, 1907


"Escape to the mountain" "As human thinking is freed from false beliefs, it is lifted out of unreality into reality, out of the atmosphere of discord into that of harmony, out of error into Truth, out of matter into Spirit, out of ill will, envy, jealousy, and hatred into the love that seeketh not its own. This is the way that leadeth from sense to Soul." Elfriede Linde-Ebbinghaus, 1925


Eternal Life "The trouble is that humanity has too long judged itself unworthy of eternal life as Christ Jesus presented the idea, and has chosen rather a mutilated counterfeit of it, one in which death is given a prominent part." Annie M. Knott, 1915


The Even Balance "The even balance figuratively implies that spiritual equipoise which keeps the individual as it were in the middle of the scales of understanding and demonstration . . ." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1916


"Everlasting Gospel" "It is also well to remember that our real selfhood, God's idea, cannot suffer, and that our effort must be to 'put off' the false belief in a material selfhood unlike God, that it may be said of us also, 'Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.'" Annie M. Knott, 1912


"Everlasting punishment" "Christ Jesus said on one occasion, 'Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life,' and the failure to do so is followed by suffering and disappointment until the lesson is learned that when we come to God through the understanding of His Christ, there is for us no longer either sin or suffering." Annie M. Knott, 1916


The Ever-operative Law of God "All the rules of Christian Science are based on the divine law which Jesus utilized — the law of perfect cause and perfect effect, perfect Mind and perfect idea, spiritual substance and spiritual manifestation." Marie K. Larkin, 1954


Ever Present Love ". . . Love is the constant companion of every idea and is forever maintaining each idea in its proper course and in its right activity." Louise B. Snow, 1920


Every Man Speaking the Truth to His Neighbor "If every Christian Scientist on earth should unite for one week in the solemn and sublime purpose to live and act and speak only from the true basis of being, would it not make such a rift in the clouds of materialism that a very splendor of light and life and health and harmony would flow into consciousness?" Sue Harper Mims, 1910


Evil "The Scriptures declare that God is too pure to behold iniquity. Can it be that He is too pure to behold things of His own making? If He is the author of evil, He surely must behold it. If evil is nonentity, the question as to why God does not behold it is a very simple one." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1892


Evil Suggestions Not Transferable ". . . The only influence which suggestion can exercise over our thoughts or acts is the power which we seem to bestow upon it, that is, through the strength of our belief." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Evil Without Origin "In the Revelation of St. John, evil is depicted as that which deceiveth the whole world and which hath but a short time."


Exact Expression of Truth "Mrs. Eddy did not find it easy, as she frankly admits, to express metaphysics in physical terms, but she gave the world an exposition of Scriptural truth that has no equal; and there is no religious literature which excels in high spiritual teaching and power that which is the outcome of her prophetic insight and foresight."


Exaltation "We cannot too highly exalt our heavenly Father or too clearly realize the greatness of His reflection, the perfect man, all the while remembering the divine requirement 'to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.'" Annie M. Knott, 1916


Expansion "If the chick were willing and content in cultivated submission to stay within its narrow limits, it would thereby withhold from itself a broader and wider sphere of life. But the struggle within its narrow sphere gives it a vigor and growth which enables it to burst its limitations, and attain a greater sphere of activity and freedom." Kate Swope, 1900


Expectation "All through the gospels we read that Jesus expected nothing less than positive results from his understanding of the healing and purifying law of God, good." L. Emmett Sherred, 1918


Faith and Unfaith "Knowing the falsity of all belief which rests upon material objects or the carnal mind, Christ Jesus said to his disciples, with the sublime confidence of spiritual understanding, 'Have faith in God.'" Annie M. Knott, 1916


Faith Not Credulity "It is not only interesting but helpful to observe how we ourselves and others are disposed to be stupidly credulous or as stupidly incredulous when we ought to test by reason and revelation whatever is presented as a new idea." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Faith versus Fear "It is quite impossible to entertain at the same time such opposites as faith in evil and faith in good. Faith in evil may be said to be but another name for fear, so inevitably are they allied; while faith in good must be fear's annihilator." Ella W. Hoag, 1928


False Teaching "It is more unfortunate that any who were personally taught by Mary Baker Eddy, and whose opportunities for acquiring a true knowledge of her teaching were of the very best, should become prime movers in the kind of teaching and preaching we are considering." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1896


Family Ties "In the epistle to the Ephesians we read of 'the whole family in heaven and earth,' a thought so comprehensive as to make one pause and compare it with the ordinary concept of family ties." Annie M. Knott, 1914


Fatherhood and Motherhood "Those unacquainted with Mrs. Eddy’s teachings are sometimes puzzled, if not disturbed, because of her distinct teaching that God should be regarded not only as Father but also as Mother; yet the Scriptures distinctly present the quality of motherhood as an essential element of the divine nature." Annie M. Knott, 1916


The Father's Voice "The material sense of man and the universe must give place to the spiritual, and in view of this we may well address to ourselves Peter's question: 'What manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?'" Annie M. Knott, 1913


"Fear not!" "In Christian Science there is indeed found the way out of all fear, for this blessed revelation explains perfectly Jesus' method, whereby he triumphed over all evil." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


Fear Overcome "A famous writer says that fear 'is the attraction of mortals to earthiest earth.' Heroism must then result from the attraction of humanity to the spiritual, the pure, and the true, for these are the victors in every struggle, and they whisper evermore 'Fear not.'" Annie M. Knott, 1913


The Fiery Path to Freedom "In reading the account of the three Hebrew captives the impression generally received seems to be that nothing about them was touched by the fire. There was one thing, however, upon which the fire did seem to have some effect." James J. Rome, 1906


Filling Our Own Niche "How different would have been the result if Joshua had desired to take the place of Moses, because mortal sense said he occupied a higher and less dangerous position." Willis F. Gross, 1893


The Final Revelation "Some have thought this 'man child' referred to Jesus, and that his mother must be Mary, the mother of Jesus. But Jesus could not foretell his own birth; and the 'man child' was described to John at least sixty years after Jesus’ crucifixion." Bliss Knapp, 1938


Finding One's Self "When one gives up the false belief that he is both material and spiritual, and that he has a mind separate from God, he is ready to know his own true being with all its divinely bestowed capacities to be and to do." Annie M. Knott, 1915


A Firm Stand "In our individual experiences today we may find that we have to walk right up and face the evil which has seemed to us to be ferocious. When we realize the truth, however, that the only power this seeming evil has is the power we give it through fearing it, then we can approach it and prove for ourselves its nothingness." D. Allyn Garber, 1919


Forgiveness "To the burdened heart longing to be rid of sin, tied down as it has been through false education, not only to the belief in the reality of sin but also to the fear of it, Christian Science comes with its glad offer of redemption and lifts one to an immediate sense of hope, which the schools have never given." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


"For Which Works Do Ye Stone Me?" "The carnal mind was enraged because of the truth which declared that the flesh profiteth nothing. Enraged at learning that material man is not God's image and likeness, and that the pains and pleasures of the senses are unreal, it vented itself upon the Teacher. But it failed in its attempt to free the world of troublesome truth." 1919


Freedom "He who knows (understands) his real freedom will demonstrate it in proportion to his knowledge." Albert F. Gilmore, 1918


Freedom "Before a nation can have healthful governmental conditions, the majority of its citizens must understand and express mental, moral, and physical health, and this can come only from a divine source." Annie M. Knott, 1905


"The Friend of God" "To be the true friend of anyone is to set his interests above one's own. It is to be so closely acquainted with all that is grand and true in his nature that no least breath of defamation, of unjust criticism, shall be allowed to blow upon his name." Ella W. Hoag, 1923


Friendly Biographers "One's enemies never could do one justice in writing one's record, and it follows that only the friends of Mrs. Eddy — those who have known and loved her most — can really give a correct estimate of her." Bliss Knapp


"From sense to Soul" "To reach the foothills is only an urge to the mountains beyond. So why should we wish to linger in the sense-valleys, when the wondrous heights of Soul are all about us, to be enjoyed whenever we are willing to make the effort to climb?" Manilla Harris Smith, 1927


From the Press "'Within the last ten days I have seen scores of women and many men who were suffering from influenza fear and not a symptom of the real disease, and I know many other physicians who have similar experiences.'"


The Fruits of Obedience "We need feel no sense of discouragement when we find that perfect understanding is not gained in a day, nor attained without prayerful desire and effort." Nellie E. Pease, 1922


The Fulfilment of Prophecy "Among the prophecies in Revelation which have special reference to Christian Science, that concerning the 'little book' is very significant. Its meaning is made clear by our Leader in the chapter of Science and Health called 'The Apocalypse.'" Mattie Bird Clarke, 1906


A Full Salvation "Of the necessity of complete self-immolation in order to gain spiritual freedom Mrs. Eddy states on page 343 of 'Miscellaneous Writings': 'Let us watch and pray that we enter not into the temptation of ease in sin; and let us not forget that others before us have laid upon the altar all that we have to sacrifice.'" Albert F. Gilmore, 1922


Fundamentals "If frequent recurrence to fundamentals is necessary for the preservation of free government, it is equally essential for the preservation of true religion." Joseph R. Curl, 1922


The Future Life "Christian Scientists are not troubled as to what the future will unfold, for they are daily proving in their healing work the truth of all Jesus' teachings." Annie M. Knott, 1905

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