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Gates of Heaven "On a certain occasion when Jesus prayed, his disciples saw him transfigured before them, — his face shone, and even his robes were radiant." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1916


The Gateway "The destruction of sin in the human consciousness, be it slow or fast, is the pathway to immortality, and there is no other." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1903


Giving versus Getting "Since Christian Science teaches that we eliminate an argument of error, not by ignoring it, but by reversing it, — or, in other words, by substituting in place of a false concept of anything a right idea, — let him put in place of the word 'get' its exact reverse, or opposite, which is 'give.' Then let him note how the whole situation instantly changes." Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1925


God Incorporeal "The Bible says that God is a spirit; this passage, literally translated, would read Spirit is God, or Spirit is the God. We might just as well say God is God, as to say God is Spirit, unless we know what Spirit means. What then is Spirit?" Gen. Erastus N. Bates, 1893


God or Caesar "The question as to which we love more, matter or Spirit, answers itself in our daily lives. If we love matter more we will seek to preserve our sense of pleasure or comfort in it, at the expense of spiritual growth; while if we love Spirit more we will strive to hold to it, and gain a truer understanding of it, at any cost." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1907


God Satisfies the Desires ". . . Since God includes all good, nothing truly satisfying can be found outside of that good." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


God's Ideas "God is unchangeable, eternal, including all that is good; and to learn what God is, unfolds what creation is; . . ." Catherine Brooks, 1919


God's Light "We read in Genesis that 'in the beginning' God's fiat, 'Let there be light,' went forth with the inevitable result that 'there was light'! From then until now this same command of God has been sounding its awakening note, since enlightenment is always needed everywhere." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


God's Man "When Jesus sent out his twelve disciples 'to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease,' he commanded them to declare the kingdom of heaven at hand, and among the instructions he gave was this: 'I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.'" Helen C. Sherer, 1919


God's Universal Reign "Whatever the human seeming may claim to be, it is possible to those accepting and demonstrating the teaching of Christian Science to prove in ever increasing measure that in proportion to one's understanding of and reliance on God as All-power, His universal reign may be demonstrated here and now." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


God's Word "It is wonderful how much of this Word becomes audible to us if we are earnestly listening for it. We verily find we are in the glorious company of angels whose voices of Goodness and Truth whisper constantly of heaven." James F. Gilman, 1896


The Good Shepherd ". . . The figure of the shepherd implies protection, and protection is that for which every individual longs, whether he is aware of this fact or not." Mary H. Cummins, 1920


Gossip and Conversation "There are people whose conversation is brilliant with choice thoughts from the wisdom of the ages, quotations, references, illustrations, so that when they speak they are teaching of wisdom and kindly views." William P. McKenzie, 1919


Government by Truth "Ships are wrecked again and again on the same reef, and nations likewise perish by repetition of the same form of mesmerism. Mesmerism, in brief, is that action of the human mind whereby the lie is made to appear as the truth." William P. McKenzie, 1919


"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel" "It is very easy to love our neighbor as ourself when in the quiet of our own room we see him and ourself as spiritual and perfect; but it is often very difficult to demonstrate this humanly. Yet this must be our demonstration if we are to prove the truth of Christian Science." Iva B. Linebarger, 1926


"The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" "'The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ' is that irresistible human expression of divine Love which, through its steady shining and buoyant sweetness, heals even the desire to oppose it." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1919


Gratitude and Gladness "Christ Jesus never forgot to give thanks, whatever the occasion might seem to human sense." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Gratitude and Unfoldment "The writer recalls an experience in which discouragement was overcome by gratitude, and this blessing resulted in perfect and instantaneous healing of a stubborn physical ailment." Violet Webster Dunham, 1918


"A great reform in our ranks" "That Mary Baker Eddy recognized herself to be the 'God-appointed' and 'God-anointed' messenger to this age is clearly shown by the following excerpts from her letters. To Ira Knapp she wrote: 'I am carrying on a great reform in our ranks through my letters.'" Bliss Knapp, 1947


The Great Commission "The Master's commission to his disciples surely makes it clear that no one can heedlessly dismiss, under any plea whatsoever, the idea of the Christ-healing which he presented; for it comes down through the centuries to witness against the belief that material things are as real as things spiritual and much more attractive to mankind than the things of God." Annie M. Knott, 1918


The "great white throne" "The Christ Science that uncovers error as impersonal and unreal destroys it. If we personalize error, we give it, in belief, an agent with which to strike back." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1943


"The greatest feminine exponent of Christianity" "However people may differ about the doctrines she taught; however diverse human opinions may be as to her claims and writings, all must admit that she was a transcendent character. The world has been made better for her having lived."


The Greatest of These (Part I) "In Christian Science it is learned that both the letter and the spirit of Christianity are necessary." Judge Hanna, 1901


The Greatest of These (Part II) "Love inspires one to think pure thoughts, speak kind words, and perform noble deeds. It leads man onward and upward and never causes a backward step." Judge Hanna, 1901


Guard the Windows and Doors '"You say that all sickness has its cause in the mind and not in the body. Now why did I have pneumonia, consumption, or dyspepsia, when I never thought of having them?" G. A. B, 1897


Guided by Right Intuition "When one seeks guidance from Principle it is real wisdom that he is seeking, not so-called worldly wisdom, which is but the cleverness of the world below and partakes not of the celestial order or divine revelation." William P. McKenzie, 1919


Habits, and Their Cure "The great secret of success, in triumphing over habits of all kinds, is to understand their nothingness; in that way we show our superiority over them." Frank Mason, 1887


Half Measure and Full Measure "We should bear in mind that the unfoldment of Truth's idea in individual consciousness is as irresistible as the day's dawning; that nothing can stay the grandeur of its stately progress. Though clouds may seem to obscure, they cannot hinder, they cannot deflect its course." Colonel W. E. Fell, 1910


The Handling of Error "Occasionally, Christian Scientists are heard to say: It is 'old-fashioned' to handle error; it is no longer necessary to do it; what we need to do now is to dwell in the absolute truth." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


Hanna, Judge A biographical paper on the individual Mrs. Eddy said had "done more for the cause than any other student in the field."


Harvest Gleanings "I accepted an invitation to go and hear the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy preach, and went to the hall very indifferent as to the subject or the speaker. Every seat was taken, and I thought it would be my death to stand through the service; I was sure it would cause a relapse." Sarah J. Clark, 1896


Harvest Lessons "The great Teacher had much to say about sowing and reaping, and it is well for us to cling to the fact that the good seed and its fruitage were given first place in his discourses and their permanence was shown." Annie M. Knott, 1915


A Healing Experience "One day, in company with some new found friends, Red Rock at Lynn was visited. We carried along some books, expecting to have a quiet time for reading and meditation . . ." Harriet O'Brien, 1918


Healing in the Gospels "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written." (John 21:25)


Healing the Sick "There never has been and never will be one failure in Christian Science. God's Word never fails. If there seem to be failures, it is for the lack of Christian Science." Ezra M. Buswell, 1893


Health Contagious "If we would make health contagious, we must radiate the light of Truth and Love, with its insistent demand for purity and its rich fruitage of fearlessness and faith." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Heaven "According to the Scriptures there are different planes of spiritual existence which are called heaven. Paul speaks of someone who was 'caught up to the third heaven,' and he says, 'Of such an one will I glory.'" Annie M. Knott, 1919


Heavenly Aspiration "Anyone may see clearly enough that a man who has heavenly aspiration will keep himself free from the mental contamination of drug or dogma, beer or propaganda. He will sincerely avoid whatever will stupefy his senses or stultify his mind." William P. McKenzie, 1918


"He pleased God" "In the epistle to the Hebrews it is said of Enoch, 'Before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.' This pleasing of God is a question of vast importance and one which cannot be considered too often or too earnestly." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


Herod and the Star "When the Magians had finished their interview with King Herod, they departed, and lo! the Star again appeared, and held its supremacy." Frank Mason, 1887


"He that hath" "The Christian Scientist knows that progress Spiritward is made only by gaining the Mind of Christ; that is to say, in proportion as his thought is spiritualized." Albert F. Gilmore, 1923


"He that shall endure" "In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew is recorded one of the most significant of the many prophecies of the Bible and one that is set forth in such simple, direct language that its meaning is unmistakable." Agnes M. Cleaveland, 1919


Hints on Healing "If a person is wilfully sinning, never tell him that he is the 'Image of God,' but arouse him to the enormity of his error, and make him see the suffering his course will impose upon him. To tell a sinner that he is a child of God, that he is good and never sinned, is to impress him with the belief that he is doing right, which will plunge him deeper into the mire." Frank Mason


Holy Days and Holidays "...If we truly enter into the spirit of this prayer, it will make of Christmas day a holy day whose inspiration will abide with us through all the year; help us to feed the hungry with the bread that satisfies and lead them to the Father's house." Annie M. Knott, 1906


The Holy Name of Mind ". . . The world has gone on in comparative darkness concerning the most important of all questions: What is mind? Where is mind? How can its thoughts be properly controlled?" Ella W. Hoag, 1924


"An holy priesthood" "It is doubtless true that as time advances greater and greater demands will be made upon the Christian Science practitioner to deal with the more hidden phases of mortal belief, whether manifested as sin or suffering; hence the need of greater consecration in all that is attempted." Annie M. Knott, 1917


The Holy Scriptures "So rich is the Bible in spiritual truth that we can go to it again and again and take from its teachings and from the experiences of the holy men of old as much of the pure gold of inspiration as we are prepared to receive; and when we go again, after having put into practice the truth thus gained, we find even more of the truth whose price is 'above rubies.'" Annie M. Knott, 1918


Home "He who truly knows God has found his home, and it is a 'refuge' and a 'fortress' where he rests secure in the Father's promise, 'I will be with him.'" Annie M. Knott, 1906


How to Think "Paul makes it very clear in his second epistle to the Corinthians that if we would use fearlessly and effectively the weapons provided for our spiritual warfare, so as to cast down 'every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,' be it sin or disease, we must bring our every thought into obedience to Christ." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Human Hypotheses "How can the vision of spiritual reality appear by a theoretical transfiguration of material forms and objects? Must we not, rather, turn entirely away from material suggestions in order to see spiritual reality?" Frank H. Sprague, 1919


Humility "Are we willing that 'the old man with his deeds' shall be put off, and the 'new man' put on? Are we willing that the world should know the motive of all our actions and of all we say? Are we willing to cease the strife for personal recognition and be accounted 'least in the kingdom'?" John E. Fellers, 1907


Humility "In 'Miscellaneous Writings' Mrs. Eddy, in speaking of humility, says (p. 356): 'This virtue triumphs over the flesh; it is the genius of Christian Science.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1919


"I am convinced..." "A thorough and unbiased study of the life of Mrs. Eddy reveals a woman of great personal charm, rare culture and learning, a purity of life and purpose, unsurpassed unselfishness, and the profoundest wisdom and spiritual discernment and understanding." Dean Masterson


Idea "A gentleman with whom I recently conversed, took serious exception to the word idea, as used to explain God's creations, and especially man. He somewhat contemptuously remarked, 'I hope I am more than an idea!'" Judge Hanna, 1904


The Ideal Man "Jesus demanded an equally radical and revolutionary change in the human point of view when he said, 'Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.' Is this demand heeded by professed Christians today? No! except by Christian Scientists, who do see that man cannot have two fathers, one spiritual and one material." Sue Harper Mims, 1906


Ideas and Symbols "It sometimes happens that when a student of Christian Science places emphasis upon the spiritual sense of a passage of Scripture, the listener concludes that he therefore denies or ignores the literal sense of the statement in question. To do this would, however, be to ignore Mrs. Eddy's teaching on the subject of Scriptural interpretation." Annie M. Knott, 1912


If All Were Christian Scientists "Picture for a moment all men a unit in their religious belief, and that belief the religion of our Master . . ." Samuel Greenwood, 1904


Illusion "To Jesus one illusion was as quickly dispelled as another. To him Spirit and spiritual things, Mind and its ideas, were so real, so tangible, so ever accessible, that error in any of its guises met its instant detection, followed by its immediate destruction." Dada Jellison Clark, 1919


Immaculate Origin and Being "The two points upon the horizon of human history at which Christ Jesus appeared and disappeared, are the links between earth and heaven, the Jacob's ladder up which, step by step, humanity passes above and out of itself and all its false beliefs, into the unbroken harmony of spiritual being." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1909


Impartial Love "Too long have mortals turned away from the divine protection so freely offered to all who will avail themselves of it. They have bowed before the unreal things of mortal sense, and in thought if not in word have even accused God of partiality when others seemed more favored than themselves." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Immortality "The long centuries of mortal belief and experience all show that the material body is not immortal, while spiritual understanding declares that it must be put off, with all the erroneous beliefs which it represents." Annie M. Knott, 1908


Individual Consecration "People will say oftentimes, 'Why cannot I heal?' Do we pray enough, love enough? Do we study enough those wondrous guides to consecrated living, the Bible and Science and Health?" Daisy Bedford, 1919


Individual Effort "Can we understand the light, and shut our eyes to its source? Could the disciples have accepted the Christ, while they turned from Jesus? No, never!" Frank Mason, 1888


Individual Responsibility "Whatever be our human problem, we may rest assured that if we work it out in accordance with the demands of enthroned Love and justice, each day's effort — nay, each hour's effort — will add to our strength and bring us closer to the reward." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Inexhaustible Love "One of the greatest blessings for which the writer has cause for deep gratitude to Christian Science, lies in the growing understanding of the reality and boundlessness of divine Love, its power and availability to help at all times and in all places." Jessie Bennett, 1918


Inexhaustible Supply "This consciousness of supply as the manifestation of intelligence, obtained and retained, brings into one's experience more and more of affluence of thought and abundance of supply, so that not only one's own but the world's great need is met." Carl Horton Pierce, 1913


The Inspiration of Sacrifice "What is the inspiration of this intense sacrifice of material things, this giving up of the freedom to follow individual aims and pursuits, this offering of the human sense of life, if need be, that the world may be brought to a truer understanding of life and liberty?" Nellie B. Mace, 1918


"In Spirit and in Truth" "In spite of mortal and material belief, there is no true healing, comfort, or reformation until one is awakened to the fact that because God is Spirit man is spiritual. Then for him true worship and true living must ever be in spirit and in truth." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Instantaneous Healing ". . . The variation apparent in the success of Christian Science practice is due, to a large extent at least, to the variable possession of the Christ-spirit." Lucie Haskell Hill, 1925


The Interpretation of the Sermon "As the sermon contains the truth of God, it will, if rightly interpreted, fulfil the work of Truth of which Christ Jesus spoke saying — 'You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.'" Christian Science Sentinel, 1899


Introduction to a Lecture "I am glad of this opportunity for a foreword to the lecture to be delivered this evening, that I may speak of Christian Science, the cause and subject nearest my heart, . . ." Ruth B. Ewing, 1919


Jealousy and Envy "We think Christian Scientists, as well as all others, can read with profit the following from Cyprian, one of the early Christian Fathers, whose power of analysis as a Christian Metaphysician was evidently great . . ." Judge Hanna, 1896


Jesus "It is of the utmost importance that we rise above the fleshly concept of Jesus, but this does not mean that we are to lose sight of him. In the second chapter of this epistle we read: 'Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?'" Annie M. Knott, 1915


Jesus in Christian Science "Blind, indeed, are the eyes and heavy the ears that do not see, and at least in part understand, the vast import of this hour." Sue Harper Mims, 1902


Jesus' Teaching of Life "Jesus distinctly taught the possibility of a present kingdom of heaven. When the Pharisees demanded of him to tell them when the kingdom of God should come, he answered that the kingdom of God was within; that is, that it was a state or condition of consciousness." Judge Hanna, 1909


Jesus the Christ ". . . We should be ever alert to the place he occupies in the divine plan. We should carefully avoid displacing him either in history or in our own consciousness . . ." Judge Hanna, 1916


Joy "It had been one of a succession of rather weary days; material thought seemed to hold sway. An old ailment, and the only one of many which had not yet wholly yielded to the action of Truth, seemed to assert itself persistently." Martha E. Killie, 1907


Joy and Gratitude "Searching mental analysis is often necessary to discover and uncover the errors which would often pass unnoticed unless we are animated by the most sincere desire to eliminate all that is unlike God." Laura Louise Galsworthy, 1920


Judgment "That the present financial and other turbulent conditions are in the nature of 'judgment,' no thinking person will deny. It is not judgment, however, specially sent by an angry God as a means of taking vengeance on a disobedient people, but that judgment which is the inevitable result of the persistent violation of divine law." Judge Hanna, 1893


Judgment Day "We unto deafness have prophesied, / For the deaf are leading the blind astray; / Truth have we spoken to those who have lied / And walked in an evil way." William P. McKenzie, 1938


The Judgment Day "Throughout the entire world there has been held by all peoples a very definite belief in a judgment day when wrongs would be righted and the wicked punished." Annie M. Knott, 1918


The Kingdom at Hand "He who has studied well the letter and entered into the spirit of Christian Science, will gladly face the light of Love's guiding, assuring presence, knowing that whatever the issue, God will abundantly prove Himself to be all that Holy Writ has declared Him to be." James Parker Naugle, 1914


The Kingdom Established "The kingdom of God is the eternal fact, and its recognition by all peoples and their rulers, also obedience to its laws, should be the chief concern of all nations." Annie M. Knott, 1919


"The kingdom of his dear Son" "To all who are unhappy, sad, poor, sick, or suffering Christian Science comes with healing from the false belief of separation from God, restoring them to their right place in 'the kingdom of his dear Son.'" Anne Sophie Hamilton, 1925


Knott, CSD, Mrs. Annie M. "In March, 1919, Mrs. Knott was chosen by The Christian Science Board of Directors to become the first woman Director of The Mother Church, a position to which she devoted her life for nearly fifteen years. In her untiring and loving service to the Cause of Christian Science and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Knott upheld the dignity of work, from the simplest tasks to the highest."


Knott's Court Testimony, Mrs. "Mrs. Eddy said she wanted to have The Mother Church modeled as closely as possible after the early Christian church and after Jesus' teachings, and the Church to be as free as possible from the trammels of material organization."


Knott's Lectures, Reports of Mrs. "The speaker was Mrs. Annie M. Knott of Detroit, who has gained a wide reputation as an advocate of the doctrine of Christian Science." Anderson Daily Bulletin, 1900


Knott, Letters by Mrs. "After a calm and careful review of your teaching in the Normal Class, I have to thank you greatly for the higher understanding of the Truth which I received." Annie M. Knott, 1887-1888


Knott, Reminiscences by Mrs. "I am unspeakably thankful that in the good providence of God I was permitted to be Mrs. Eddy's student, for the clearness of her teaching and the largeness of her character have been a perpetual inspiration and benediction in the sacrament of daily duty." Annie M. Knott, 1901


Knott, Reminiscences by Mrs. "Mere intellectualism will go with the 'wood, hay, stubble,' which material sense would vainly seek to build upon the spiritual foundation." Annie M. Knott, 1924


Knowing the Time "If we were always diligent in listening for the voice of Truth, we would never have occasion to fear the threatenings of error, whether of sickness or misfortune, for we would learn what to do and when to do it." Annie M. Knott, 1916


The Lamb of God "The persistence in the Scriptures of the idea symbolized by 'a lamb without blemish and without spot' calls for more than passing notice." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Landmarks "The passing of each landmark has been to me a proof of guidance in taking the right direction, and has given me fresh courage to ascend a step higher." D. Allyn Garber, 1918


Larger "With its divine demand of 'Larger,' Christian Science turns men to the study of the Christ-model . . ." M. Ethel Whitcomb, 1919


Law "In Science and Health we have an allegory presented in the chapter on Christian Science Practice, wherein Mrs. Eddy shows us that the work of the Christian Science practitioner resembles that of a lawyer more nearly than that of a doctor." Alfred M. Vaughn, 1918


Law a Power "Few people would be willing to deny the power of law, however understood, but there would doubtless be great diversity of opinion as to how this power could be proved." Annie M. Knott, 1915


The Law of God "Because evil is a suppositional opposite of God, good, it too claims to be governed by law, and every mortal must awaken to this claim and learn so to know the presence and power of the law of God, good, that he will instantly reject every least belief in an opposite of good, so that evil shall have no opportunity to say to him, 'I am law.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1920


The Law of Progress "Christian Science practitioners frequently encounter with one seeking spiritual help states of doubt and discouragement as to his progress." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


The Law of Supply "The 'bread of life' is spiritual understanding, and our understanding becomes our experience." Reginald H. Schenck, 1918


The Law of Supply "When Mrs. Eddy gained the spiritual understanding of the Bible, she knew at once that her own healing had been brought about through the natural operation of divine law; that this law had not through some special dispensation operated in her behalf, but, as law, was always present and always in operation." Marion E. Twichell, 1919


The Leaven of Herod "Bible students are generally familiar with Jesus' caution to beware of the doctrines of the scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, and have a more or less accurate knowledge of the mental and moral characteristics of these sects against which he warned them, but many may not be so conversant with this single reference to the leaven of Herod." Mabel C. Lucas, 1915


A Lesson from the Forest Reserve "As long as we are struggling with mortal thought, we must inevitably pass through some of its experiences, but it rests with ourselves whether they shall leave us as they found us." Olive Jennings Orbison, 1919


The Lesson of Naaman the Syrian "Naaman's struggle was severe, but loving counsel was at hand; and good triumphed over evil. He dipped or in other words, humbled himself not once but seven times, in obedient response to the demand of God, through His prophet, to wash and be clean. Then the man was changed." Florence E. B. Donaldson, 1922


The Lesson-Sermon "Never before has the Bible been studied as it is today by Christian Scientists, and in the clear light of divine Truth we have glimpses of the holy city of Revelation which, despite mortal blindness to spiritual facts, is an ever-present reality." Annie M. Knott, 1913


The Lesson Sermons "No attentive, sincere student, or earnest listener, whether Scientist or non-Scientist, can hear or read the alternate passages from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, without seeing the unity of the two." Christian Science Sentinel, 1899


Lessons from the Past and Present "Jesus said plainly that the faithful should pass through all perils unharmed, 'There shall not an hair of your head perish,' and he said further that, when error seems to be at its very height, 'then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.'" Annie M. Knott, 1903


"Lest we forget." ". . . Members can so protect their own thoughts that they are not unwittingly made to deprive their Leader of her rightful place as the Revelator to this age of the immortal truths testified to by Jesus and the prophets." Lewis C. Strang, 1906


"Let your light so shine" "Having seen the light of the great revelation of Christian Science, we must watch that the light is not darkened or dimmed to the searcher for Truth by any thought, word, or deed of ours." Faith Holmes Hyers, 1925


Letter and Spirit "In one of Mrs. Eddy's classes the question was asked why the Christian church should have lost the understanding of Truth necessary to heal the sick as in the time of the Master and his early followers." Annie M. Knott, 1913


"Letters to Our Leader" "We rejoice in the blessings that have come to us through your inspired teachings, and our earnest prayer is that we may become more worthy of the name Christian Scientists."


Liberation "The writer remembers during her early experiences in Christian Science a tendency to ignore the so-called small errors, the daily little annoyances that arose, and these unarrested beliefs in evil were the source of much confusion and discord." Margaret S. Sayre, 1919


Liberty "Thus we see that, while broadly affirming the absolute spiritual truth, Paul does not overlook the evidence of the false material senses. He was doubtless aware that the attainment of liberty was conditioned upon the destruction in human consciousness of all that tends to bondage." Judge Hanna, 1914


Liberty's Crusade "Christian Science is rapidly encircling the globe with its message of healing and of peace to all who hear and heed. Its ministry does not call for a priestly order, but it does demand consecrated workers who are ready either to defend the cause of right or to heal the sick and sinful." Annie M. Knott, 1910


Life "Mortal existence was not Life to Jesus' understanding. In his great love for humanity and his earnest desire to teach the real Life we hear him saying yearningly, 'And ye will not come unto me that ye might have life.'" Emma A. Estes, 1896


Light "In Ecclesiastes we read, 'Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine.' That spiritual understanding and communion have this effect is seen in the case of Moses, . . ." Herbert A. Hutchinson, 1910


Light "We are told that when Egypt was in deepest darkness there was light in the dwellings of the Hebrews, and this light, this symbol of the divine presence, was with them in their desert journeyings as 'a pillar of fire by night.'" Annie M. Knott, 1914


Light "The light of Truth was visible to Paul and to others in his day. He saw and felt it. It came to the disciples at Pentecost. Is there any reason why it should not descend upon Christian Scientists today?" Frances Mack Mann, 1922


The Light of Truth "Christian Science very speedily shows the earnest, honest student that he can never get rid of evil until he recognizes evil as evil." Ella W. Hoag, 1926


The Light that Heals "If a Christian Scientist were asked what it is that heals the sick in Christian Science, he would unhesitatingly answer that it is spiritual illumination, and for this response there is abundant Scriptural authority." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Lights Along the Way "A practitioner on going into a home where death seemed knocking at the door, remarked to a member of the family, 'With God all things are possible.'" Mignonette C. Starkweather, 1919


"Likeness" "If at any time we seem to fail in our efforts to realize the health, harmony, and prosperity which should always characterize the children of God, it is deeply interesting to search the Scriptures and find therein many statements as to the divine nature, that we may thereby trace our own likeness to our heavenly Father." Annie M. Knott, 1916


"The Lion of the tribe of Juda" "Right is right, and wrong is wrong. There is no convenient middle ground. We stand at the parting of the ways. Will we choose the right path now, or do we prefer to go round in a circle a little longer?" Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1919


The Logia of Jesus ". . . It is surprising that what is accepted generally as the only authentic record of Jesus' sayings limits them to what is contained in the four Gospels, and comparatively little attention is paid to research in numerous other sources which some day will be rewarded with rich returns." Henry Van Arsdale, 1907


Look Up! "Mrs. Eddy tells us in the Glossary to Science and Health (p. 586) that 'eyes' mean 'spiritual discernment, — not material but mental.' In the light of this definition we can more easily understand the Biblical expression, 'Lift up your eyes, and look.'" Norah L. M. Foster, 1929


"Lord, teach us to pray" "Through the prayer of understanding every bitter experience of mortal life can be made to serve rather than to master. Ingratitude, hate, all sin and disease afford opportunities for demonstrating God's all-power, and one may through his overcoming prove himself to be master of all that is unlike good." Eugenie Paul Jefferson, 1919


Love "A certain state of mortal thought sometimes imagines that loving-kindness may do harm, that to speak a kindly word to one who is known to have erred may in some way compromise one's own loyalty to Principle." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


"Love one another" "The rabbinical law had insisted upon love for God, and at the same time had taught 'an eye for an eye.' The Master's teaching was in striking contrast to this, for he emphasized the fact that we must have not only love for God but also love for man; that, as Paul later declared, 'love is the fulfilling of the law.'" C. L. Bostwick, 1914


Love's Demands "The devoted disciple in the laboratory of his own life gains the power which enables him to destroy the claims of error." Albert. F. Gilmore, 1924


Love Your Enemies "The true Christian Scientist knows that his enemies, so-called, more than his friends, bring the experiences through which his life becomes more and more consecrated to God." Isabel Lee, 1900

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