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Malicious Falsehoods "The authorship of the letters written to the postmaster at Concord, N. H., and to other persons, is also known. Unless these reprehensible methods cease we shall have somewhat more to say upon this subject." Judge Septimus J. Hanna, 1898


Man Inseparable from God "Christian Science teaches that God is Mind, and man the reflection of divine Mind; therefore all that is real about anyone is the good he manifests. This understanding brings unspeakable comfort and assurance of safety at all times, but especially in time of trouble . . ." Minnie Gardner, 1920


Man is Spiritual "It is argued by some who admit the great blessings which have come to mankind through Mrs. Eddy's discovery of the Science of Christianity, that there is no need to go the length of denying materiality altogether, that it is surely enough to admit that matter is subordinate to Spirit; and they contend that this position has the support of a well-nigh universal human opinion." Annie M. Knott, 1905


The Manner of Truth's Appearing "Those who really want 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,' do not quarrel with the how, when, or whence of its coming, but accept it with unquestioning obedience and with grateful thanks to God and to His Messenger." Katherine White, 1907


Man's Spiritual Individuality "The emergence out of material into spiritual selfhood is a path not strewn with rose petals; it is an advance opposed at every point by all the contending emotions and passions of material sense." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


"Many waters" "The human mind does not take kindly to the idea of loving according to law. It wishes to love as it pleases; and it is because it insists upon loving as it is moved by impulse and caprice, that its sense of love must always run dry and its gardens of delight turn to wastes and desolation." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


"Martyrs" "To be a martyr today should mean to be a witness to Truth, so protected by the understanding of the supremacy of Truth that all the shafts of envy, hate, and ignorance will fall powerless at his feet." Annie M. Knott, 1912


The Master's Program "Now no professed Christian would deny that God could heal the sick if He chose, and that Jesus did heal all manner of sickness, and even raised the dead, but they halt before his demand that his followers shall do the same." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Mastery ". . . It is well to ponder Paul's words to the Corinthians, his conclusion being reached from watching those engaged in the Roman games. He says, 'Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.'" Annie M. Knott, 1919


Men and Nations "No one need question that our very existence as a nation depends upon our unswerving obedience to the demands of divine Principle." Annie M. Knott, 1917


The Messiah "In many of the large cities in the United States the well-known oratorio called 'The Messiah' is given each year about Christmas time." Annie M. Knott, 1919


Ministering Angels "If by dwelling on perplexing problems thought has become darkened or confused, one can nevertheless, without delay, catch in silent prayer the true tone of Christian Science and 'arise up quickly,' as the angel commanded Peter to do." Peter B. Biggins, 1928


Moral Victory "Although Christ Jesus demonstrated the unreality of matter time and again . . . still it is quite certain that the metaphysical meaning of his works has not been generally understood." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Moses "That they who had been slaves in the land of material sense should learn freedom through obedience to spiritual law was his divine mission." Ethel Munro Goss, 1917


The Mount "There is a peculiar significance attached to the word 'Mount,' or 'Mountain,' as used in the Scriptures. The Mosaic Decalogue was given from Mount Sinai; Elijah talked with God from Mount Horeb; the transfiguration scene occurred on the Mount; the beatitudes were delivered from Mount Olivet; the mighty tragedy of the crucifixion was enacted on Mount Calvary." Judge Hanna, 1891


Mountain Climbing "Strangely enough, mortals complain of the process by which the heights of Truth are gained." Annie M. Knott, 1914


Murmurings Stilled "Mrs. Eddy leads thought away from materiality when she says in Science and Health (p. 369), 'It is error to murmur or to be angry over sin.'" Annie M. Knott, 1916


Nature "In Christian Science we no longer think of the returning seasons from a material standpoint, but instead, we learn to measure the unfoldment of our spiritual capacities by our power to gain from every aspect of nature higher and more helpful lessons." Annie M. Knott, 1905


Nearer "The things of earth will seem smaller and smaller as we ascend toward the heights of Spirit, and the attraction of materiality will lessen at every step of the way, so that it will cease to influence us either through fear of it or love of it." Annie M. Knott, 1912


The Necessity for a Scientific Basis "If we but seek scientifically, we shall find that omnipresent, life-giving Spirit which is divine Love." Bliss Knapp, 1903


Need of the Spirit "We must find the open door to the very heart of divine Love before we can accomplish instantaneous healing. We must possess not only the letter but the spirit as well, before we can reach this great desideratum." Alexander Warendorff, 1925


The Need of Understanding "The difficulty with mankind is, that through acceptance of material sense testimony as real, they are ignorant of their God-given dominion, and consequently cannot manifest it." Albert H. Hardcastle, 1920


Newness of Life "In Christian Science it is absolutely essential to individual progress that we live in the resurrection thought, and our Communion brings it before us each year with a more intense significance." Annie M. Knott, 1903


Newness of Life in Christ ". . . Whatever may have been the mistakes and regrets of the past, whatever may have been the lessons learned through toil and triumph, — each new year, each new day, here and now, is the glad opportunity for an ever renewed unfolding of good, for a constantly fresh and hopeful effort to 'put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1920


The New Year "The great Teacher made it very clear that a sifting-time must come before the final and complete establishment of God's kingdom on earth, and it is surely upon us even now." Annie M. Knott, 1909


A Notable Prophecy "'Tell your children to tell their children that in the year 1866 something notable will happen in the church.'" Frederick Root, 1910


"Now is the accepted time." "One who lived in Mrs. Eddy's household wrote of her, 'She never allowed her day to dawn darkened with the clouds of yesterday, but with forward gaze she pressed toward the mark' (Journal, May, 1911, p. 74 )." M. Ethel Whitcomb, 1912


Obligation and Responsibility "Christian Science is the religion of Life; therefore, the Christian Scientist should be active and energetic. It is the religion of Truth; therefore, the Christian Scientist should express veracity, integrity, character. It is the religion of Love; therefore, the Christian Scientist should be considerate, kindly, forgiving." John J. Flinn, 1928


"Occupy" "The Greek word in this parable translated 'occupy' means 'to do business,' — to do the will of God." Hugh Stuart Campbell, 1920


The Oil of Gladness "To lift the sense of heaviness we need to read the Psalms. Greatly did the Psalmist rejoice in an overwhelming sense both of God's goodness and of His infinite presence." Albert F. Gilmore, 1926


Omnipotence "Let us not be awed by the seeming magnitude of threatened danger. Remember David! From a purely material standpoint he had little prospect of overcoming so ponderous a giant as Goliath. Yet how complete was his victory!" Albert F. Gilmore, 1926


Omnipresence "The writer has had to prove for herself the wonderful truths contained in the thought of God's omnipresence." Kate Hall, 1918


One Holy Purpose "Nothing can truly prosper which is not in and of the infinitude of God, good. Then to find a right purpose we must certainly look to God for it, since He is the one and only originator of all good." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


One Method of Christian Science "The Christian Science which God has given to the world through its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, is the one and only Science of healing. God is its Principle; and its rules and laws are those which He Himself has furnished and established." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


"One on God's side . . ." "At the crucial hour of Jesus' earthly career John alone of all the disciples stood by the cross to witness what seemed the failure of the most heroic attempt to uplift humanity that the world had ever witnessed, but later John saw in spiritual vision a multitude which no man could number, 'of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues,' those who had seen the Christ-idea and had followed it to the final and inevitable triumph of Truth over sin, disease, and death." Annie M. Knott, 1908


The One Way "Two ways appear to present themselves to men in the walk through life. There is the straight and narrow way of divine Principle, demanding obedience to right, and there is the so-called broad and easy one wherein it is believed one may walk with comfort and pleasure, without care and without concern." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


On Guard Against Error "The error which ought surely to be guarded against is the mistaken notion that the chief care of Christian Science is for the human body, while the regeneration of mankind is of only secondary importance." Robert H. Teeple, 1918


Onward and Upward "The cause of Christian Science is firmly established, thanks to Mrs. Eddy's reflection of divine wisdom and her unceasing toil. To us is now committed the glorious task of seeing to it that no smallest portion of our spiritual heritage shall be lost to posterity, because of any lack of appreciation or energy on our part." Annie M. Knott, 1910


The Open Door "The average follower of religious theories will tell you he wants the truth, but when he is put to the test and his idols — human beliefs — are in danger of being shattered, he does not like it, and ofttimes bitterly resents the light of Truth." Tesora F. Sloan, 1920


Opinion versus Demonstration "There are few students of religious history who would deny that the introduction of 'mere opinion' was responsible for the divisions which came at an early date into the Christian church, and that as dogmas multiplied demonstrations of Truth's power decreased." Annie M. Knott, 1912


Opposites "It is very generally admitted by thinking people that Spirit and the flesh are opposites, and that they are exclusive the one of the other." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Opposition Conquered "The tendency to oppose any new idea is one of the most striking peculiarities or vagaries of the human mind. It is almost always observed whenever any new line of thought or effort is presented, or when some work is to be done which is not strictly in accordance with the established order." M. G. Kains, 1914


Other Cheek, The "Awaking from sleep one morning a little boy said to his mother, 'Why were you so mean to me in my dream? You were simply horrid.' 'Why, darling,' she replied, 'that was only a dream. I have been resting quietly by you all night.'" Maud Drewry, 1920


Overcoming Evil With Good "It was Christ Jesus who first taught men that all evil must and can be overcome by good; and after that teaching little by little had been seemingly lost as the ages passed, it was restored to mankind through the revelation to Mary Baker Eddy of Christian Science." Helen Ward Banks, 1928


"Our Father-Mother God" "One Sunday morning last spring, while the juvenile Sunday school class was assembled in our little circle, the thought was expressed that it was 'Mother's Day.'" Annie Jones Atkin, 1919


Our Present Sense of Good "It is our first duty to recognize the good in our present environment, and earnestly to apply our understanding of the Principle of good to the eradication of those aspects in our position which do not reflect good." Louis J. duBois, 1922


Our Rightful Work and Its Supply "Divine Love always has supplied and always will supply each one with his or her right work, right place, right and just reward. This can be lovingly accepted without fear of trespassing upon the rights or opportunities of others, because there is enough and to spare for all in the infinitude of good." Katherine English, 1923


Our Supply "What causes our distress in any direction? We may say it is lack of health, of strength, of material possessions, or lack of happiness; but when it is all summed up, we find that all our dis-ease is caused by ignorance of God and of His laws — lack of understanding." Marguerite Dyer Priesmeyer, 1918


Out of Tribulation "It is with this clarified vision of the salutary influence of tribulation that we can, with increased understanding, take the admonition that 'we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God,' and realize that it is not an unwelcome threat, carrying with it necessary suffering and sorrow, but one that brings a loving promise." Paul O. Nafe, 1923


Overcoming "One reason for the human acceptance of sin, disease, and death, instead of its denial and overcoming, is this, that the human mind has been taught to be reconciled to them because sent from God; yet Jesus would surely not have healed the sick and raised the dead, if sin and death had been part of the Father's plan." Sue Harper Mims, 1912


Overcoming Doubt and Fear "The Master did not lead his followers to think that there would be no struggles on the way to victory; he said, 'In the world ye have tribulation' (R. V.); but he added, 'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.'" Annie M. Knott, 1905


Overcoming Sympathetic Mesmerism "Not by knowing error — sorrow, sickness, misery — can one comfort and heal it; rather is aid given by knowing its nothingness, its utter unreality, for God knows of man only his perfection; and nothing is true of man which God does not know about him." Albert F. Gilmore, 1924


Pardon Through Reform "Although we may benefit by the love another reflects, the steps must be taken by each, for spiritual progress, which reveals man’s relationship with God, is invariably an individual experience. Pardon is not won vicariously." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Patience "Paul urges all men to run with patience the race that is set before them, having proved in his own living that patience alone is sufficient to the winning of the goal of spirituality." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


Patient Persistence "Mortals desire immediate results, forgetting that 'first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear,' is the order of unfoldment which our Master described in the parable of the sowing." Albert F. Gilmore, 1928


"Pay thy debt" "Our debt to divine Love is very great, but we can help to pay it by loving one another, and this can often be done by setting an example of true and noble living to those who may not yet see clearly the demands of divine Principle." Annie M. Knott, 1914


Peace "All discords of mind or body result from consciously or unconsciously giving power to evil or error — the supposed opposite of Good. When we realize that man is God's reflection, then the deflections of mortal mind do not affect us; hence this peace that passeth understanding." Anna C. Wyeth, 1899


Perception and Impression "It was through the agency of spiritual perception that Jesus the Wayshower was able to keep himself separate from and uninfluenced by the sense-evidence of the material world." Nellie B. Mace, 1917


"Perfect Models" "Strictly speaking, we can have but one model, God's perfect idea, with countless reflections, all governed by the one divine Principle. This does not, however, authorize us to say that there is only one eye, ear, or foot, for when we begin to talk of these we are getting away from the perfect, spiritual model." Annie M. Knott, 1914


Perfection and Reality "In Christian Science perfection and reality are synonymous terms." Annie M. Knott, 1915


The Perfect Will of God "When Christian Science brought to light this insistent and joyous demand of God's all-inclusive will, the claim of wills many, or the belief of mind in matter, was uncovered as never before in human history, in order that its utter falsity and powerlessness might be proved." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


Performance "Many earnest men and women have glimpsed the truth that performance is required of everyone; but just what was the nature of each one's work, or how mankind was to be awakened to the necessity of meeting this demand, seemed to be something quite beyond their ken." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


Pharaoh "How we do rejoice that in these latter days we have the full revelation of Christ, Truth, in Christian Science, the understanding of which gives man dominion and power now to enter into the promised land where 'neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,' and where nothing can enter 'that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.'" Ross S. Pillsbury, 1919


"Physician, heal thyself" "Occasionally students of Christian Science are called upon for treatment before they have themselves received complete healing." Leon H. Kellner, 1924


Pilgrims "Thus we begin to perceive what it is to be a pilgrim and to separate one's self from all evil. It is to desire Truth above all else, to listen for God's voice, and to follow wherever Truth and Love may lead." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1916


Place "Idea never has to wait to find its place; neither is place ever idle waiting for idea to fill it. From the beginning they are inseparable." Luella M. MacArthur, 1919


Place and Power "When mortals cease to seek place and power in matter, in material authority and office, and seek instead an understanding that identity is the reflection of Spirit, they find that their true place unfolds naturally, and that power is seen in actual experience in a conscious ability to reflect, in a degree, the nature and character of God." Martin G. Torson, 1922


Practical Illustrations "Of this we all are certain, the Christian Science Sermons are given by Love, constructed by Love and made up of Love. They are the offspring of divine Intelligence, the Light from the Sun of Righteousness for the healing of the Nations." Christian Science Sentinel, 1899


Pray Always "He tells his disciples they shall be hated of men, delivered up and cast into prison, for his sake, but to take no anxious thought as to their deliverance, for wisdom would be given them in that hour, and not one hair of their heads be harmed." David B. Ogden, 1897


Prayers for Prosperity "One thing is certain, that neither nations nor individuals can prosper in any true sense, or for any length of time, unless they are obedient to the law of Truth and Love: and the sooner we find this out the better for us as individuals in the working out of our daily problems." Annie M. Knott, 1917


Predestination "Someone has ventured to say that 'religion is mainly an opiate' to keep the nations asleep. The very opposite is the case! Religion makes the most tremendous demands upon mortals to arouse themselves, so as to bring out higher ideals along all lines." Annie M. Knott, 1928


Preparation "God blesses infinitely all who seek Him 'in spirit and in truth,' but the blessing is contingent upon the seeking. Adequate preparation insures the success of the true seeker." Albert F. Gilmore, 1925


"Press toward the mark" "Each mortal must some day recognize the fact that all must reach this goal; and there is only one way it can be done. It is the way Jesus did it, — through conquering the flesh with the spirit, through overcoming evil with good, through triumphing over matter with divine Mind." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


Probation "The more one investigates the Scriptures in this light, the firmer becomes the conviction that the 'probationary period' extends beyond this phase of life into the remotest future of sin's claims of power and dominion." Judge Hanna, 1897


The Problem of the Hickory Tree "A certain hickory tree which shades our lawn has lately been the means of teaching so valuable a lesson that its story is here told for the benefit of others who, figuratively speaking, may have hickory trees on their own premises." Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1911


Progress "This truth as taught in Christian Science is for all to understand and to practice, for 'God is no respecter of persons;' but the revelation did not come to the writer until she had learned to pray, at first haltingly and then with deepest desire: Take away all that would come between Thee and me." Mary Jones, 1920


The Progressive Revelation of the Immaculate Concept "To the faithful student of the Bible it is helpful to see that throughout the Scriptures the highest proof of the truth of man's divine origin is clearly shadowed forth." Sue Harper Mims, 1908


Promiscuous Literature ". . . If reading Science and Health and entering into its crystalline clearness of thought has lifted the cloud of beliefs of various kinds from your mind, and illuminated it, why should not reading error, or a mixture of Truth and error, have an opposite effect, and cloud your spiritual vision?" Caroline D. Noyes, 1889


The Promised Land "It is deeply significant to read that towards the close of this tremendous struggle a 'great white throne' appeared, that men and nations were called to stand before God and to be judged according to their works, and that then 'the sea gave up the dead which were in it.'" Annie M. Knott, 1918


"The Promise of the Holy Ghost" "Without the gleams of light which come from spiritual intuition, the history of mankind would have been dark indeed; but happily these have come from age to age, and most vividly when most needed." Annie M. Knott, 1911


Prophecy ". . . The time need not be far distant when the advancing students of this Science will demonstrate more generally the power of spiritual understanding to reveal the past, perceive the present, and foretell the future, whenever and wherever such knowledge is necessary in accomplishing good for mankind." William B. Harrison, 1922


Prophecy ". . . The warnings given in Scripture must not be overlooked. Mortal mind would be glad to dream on in its belief of the pleasures of the senses, all based upon the delusion of life as separate from God, Spirit, and unlike the divine creation." Annie M. Knott, 1917


A Prophetic Vision ". . . I read as a part of my Bible study the 53d and 54th chapters of Isaiah. As I read the latter it came to me almost as a voice speaking that this chapter was as distinctly and literally a prophecy of Mrs. Eddy as was the 53d chapter a prophecy of Jesus." Judge Hanna


Protection "Reference is constantly made in the Scriptures to the fact that God is near to all who rely on Him, and many concrete examples prove the reward of this trust . . ." Hugh Stuart Campbell, 1918


Protection "Religionists have preached loudly of God as the supreme protector; but have they understood just what His protection includes, or how to claim it?" Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Protection through Watchfulness "Christian Science shows in a simple and clear manner that Jesus was thus able to demonstrate perfect protection because he always watched his thinking, and never allowed any but the thoughts of God, divine Mind, to remain with him." Ella W. Hoag, 1926


Proving God "All day long the practitioner's words kept singing themselves in her heart, 'Did you ever try loving?'" Mary Dyer Lemon, 1919


"The pure in heart" "Of old, St. Paul said to young Timothy, 'Keep thyself pure;' and Mrs. Eddy says, 'It is chastity and purity, in contrast with the downward tendencies and earthward gravitation of sensualism and impurity, which really attest the divine origin and operation of Christian Science' (Science and Health, p. 272)." Annie M. Knott, 1909


Pure Rationality "'. . . [Mrs. Eddy's] message is the most purely rational that has been delivered to man; . . .'" Harry L. Rhodes, 1924


Purity "No divine quality is more to be desired than purity. The very word brings visions of loveliness and of things desirable; but because it presents, even to the human thought, so high a standard, mankind has generally relegated it to the realm of the impossible." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Questions and Answers "Only by starting from the one Scientific basis of omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God, Principle, the only Creator, can we understand that the universe — all that really exists — is entirely spiritual, with no possible element of matter or aught that can change or die." B. N, 1890


Quick and Powerful "Too much cannot be said respecting Mrs. Eddy’s sublime courage in standing by her discovery that divine power is the only power, and she did not hesitate to say that 'to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God' (Science and Health, p. 228)." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Quick Decisions "The familiar saying that 'delays are dangerous' may well be recalled here, for one who dallies with a temptation to sin is sure to yield to it." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Quimby Manuscripts Hoax, The "There are many who believe that during the controversy which has been waged around these alleged manuscripts for more than twoscore years, there may have been incorporated in them much of the teaching which Mrs. Eddy herself had published in her numerous books." Albert F. Gilmore, 1922


Radiation and Supply "True living consists in actively reflecting and diffusing mental light, spiritual ideas, which through the operation of divine law illuminate and dispel the dark ignorance manifest as sickness, limitation, sin, and death." Bertha V. Zerega, 1918


The Real and the Counterfeit ". . . The more conscientiously we obey the injunction to 'acquaint now thyself with him [God]' the less will we be liable to accept as real any of the counterfeits which error is ever presenting for our acceptance." Olive A. Rainey, 1913


Real and the Unreal, The "When we have learned the truth about God and His creation, we shall know that sickness and discord of every character are unreal; and just to the extent that we think and live in harmony with this understanding, we shall be free. God and His manifestation are all there is." George A. Magney, 1924


Reality "Peace, satisfaction, and plenty come to all who are willing to put off the old for the new; discord, disease, and death melt away as a dream when the vision of reality dawns upon enlightened thought and is expressed in daily living." Adell Lonergan, 1925


Reality versus the Counterfeit "The wise Christian Scientist does not waste his time with counterfeits in his pursuit of the genuine. He is endeavoring to reach beyond the illusions of sense and grasp to some extent the realities of Spirit." Lewis C. Strang, 1917


Reconciliation "To God, who is Life, there can be no death, and there is no inconsistency in the Scriptures when their statements are understood in the light of Truth, interpreted by divine Principle." Annie M. Knott, 1912


Redemption "In following this thought throughout the Scriptures we find many statements which declare that God redeems men from death and the grave, as well as from sin and sickness, from 'the power of the sword' and from 'the scourge of the tongue.'" Annie M. Knott, 1914


Reflection "In the first chapter of Genesis we are told that God, the creative Mind, was pleased with the reflection of His own nature as seen in the spiritual universe, — above all in man, whose consciousness compasses all reality." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Refuge "On page 83 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, 'Mortals must find refuge in Truth in order to escape the error of these latter days.' At the present time no Christian Scientist would question this statement, and happily for them they know where the place of refuge is to be found." Annie M. Knott, 1918


A Refuge from the Storm "On page 362 of 'Miscellaneous Writings' Mrs. Eddy says, 'We all must find shelter from the storm and tempest in the tabernacle of Spirit.' It is indeed good to know that this shelter is prepared for all of us, wherever we may be, and we have but to avail ourselves through spiritual understanding of this rich provision of divine Love." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Rejoice Always (poem) "My brother, my sister, rejoice while you go, / It will lighten your burden though heavy it seems; / When night comes on and the shadows grow, / When tempests arise and the mad winds blow, / Love will guide you till morning gleams." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1902


"Rejoice Evermore" ". . . It is not natural nor normal that any child of God should manifest anything but joy." Irving C. Tomlinson, 1913


Rejoicing in Tribulation ". . . Paul and Silas clung to the truth and kept on rejoicing, even when the way seemed very dark. They kept on until Truth triumphed." Dorinda Hinkson, 1923


Remarks by Clara Barton "'Mrs. Eddy should have the respect, admiration, and love of the whole nation, for she is its greatest woman.'" Van Buren Perry, 1924


Remedies "In justification of their rejection of all material remedies, Christian Scientists maintain that, since these remedies have no moral or spiritual quality, they cannot supply the needs of a moral and spiritual being." Annie M. Knott, 1905


"Remember now thy Creator." "To heal the sick as Jesus did we must pierce through the veil of belief in matter. At every point we must grasp and hold the spiritual fact of God and His idea, which is clothed with immortality. Then we shall know what is meant by man's going 'to his long home.'" Annie M. Knott, 1909


Reminiscence, A "It was in the summer of 1878, if I remember aright, that I saw Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy for the first time. Christian Science was comparatively new, and it was very difficult for her to obtain a place to preach in, large enough to accommodate an ordinary audience." A. P. W, 1888


Reply to a Critic "It is not difficult to note the sharp contrast which the Scriptures point out between a material method of healing and the divine method." Peter B. Biggins, 1924


Reply to a Critic ". . . The chronic critics of Mrs. Eddy and of Christian Science are often found quoting isolated statements, or even parts of sentences from Science and Health and holding them up to ridicule." Louis E. Scholl, 1919


Reply to a Critic "Christian Science claims and is proving itself to be a restoration of primitive Christianity." Henry Van Arsdale, 1918


Resurrection "The resurrection of Christ Jesus was an event of such tremendous importance that the Christian world has gone on honoring it in ever increasing measure." Ella W. Hoag, 1928


Resurrection "The work of the Christ, in coming to the flesh, is to destroy all evil; and Christian Science teaches that this is done by resurrecting true concepts from this supposititious burial in materiality . . ." Nellie B. Mace, 1925


Restoration "Among the many beautiful passages of Scripture which deal with the idea of restoration, these inspiring words of the twenty-third psalm stand out with great prominence: 'He restoreth my soul.' This, as understood in Christian Science, means the restoration of the spiritual sense, which knows only harmony, and which knows no fear even in 'the valley of the shadow of death.'" Annie M. Knott, 1916


The Return to Galilee "Christ Jesus, when struggling with the burden of the world's woe in the garden of Gethsemane, told his disciples, who were soon to desert him, that after he was risen again he would go before them into Galilee." Ezra W. Palmer, 1923


Reverence "Reverence is a holy quality and has to do with holy things. It is that which honors and reveres all that is true and valuable and noble and good." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Reverence and Brotherhood "The gates of pearl are found wherever a pure thought shuts out an impure one, and as the Christian virtues unfold to awakening sense we understand what is meant by 'all manner of precious stones' in the symbolism of the Apocalypse." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Reverence for Age "The Hebrews were wise enough to see that their national welfare depended upon their acceptance of the spiritual lessons which they received from the prophets, most of whom were men of long experience and rare insight and foresight; men who had proved for themselves the uncertainty of material things and who were reaching out for eternal realities." Annie M. Knott, 1907


Right and the Wrong Concept of Man, The "Although we may speak of man as being spiritual, yet we can know this man only as we overcome evil and matter, and partake of the spirit of Christ." Samuel Greenwood, 1908


The Right Beginning for Thought ". . . John went so far as to say, 'The whole world lieth in wickedness.' What is the matter with the whole world? Why do the children of the world persecute the children of God, and while not earning happiness for themselves try to argue it away from others?" William P. McKenzie, 1920


Right Condemnation "Now so long as one believes in and indulges evil, there must always be united therewith the consciousness that sometime its ultimate destruction must occur, and hence sin indulged always includes fear of condemnation. Then each mortal can readily see that he is the arbiter of his own sense of condemnation." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


Right Discrimination "Mrs. Eddy clearly saw the danger to the student from allowing his thought to be contaminated by false and poisonous literature . . ." Ezra W. Palmer, 1914


Right Mental Practice "Since the cherished beliefs of mortal mind occasion the discords termed sickness or disease, when these erroneous beliefs are corrected, healing is accomplished." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


The Right Place ". . . There are times in human experience when one apparently finds himself in very unpleasant and discordant surroundings from which he longs to escape. What is he to do then?" Grace E. Adamson, 1919


Right Social Standards "The student of Christian metaphysics is convinced that society will never reach its goal, will never fulfill its highest purpose, until humanity is willing to adopt the standards set forth by the Founder of Christianity, and men are willing to labor unselfishly, seeking their own good in doing good to others." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


The Right Standpoint "Strict adherence to the divine Principle or Mind and its harmonious expression is the foundation of all truly metaphysical practice." Rev. James J. Rome, 1918


Risen with Christ "Christ Jesus knew that because God is omnipotent, evil is powerless, and he faced it unshrinkingly in its most hideous and fearsome forms." Annie M. Knott, 1916

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