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Sacraments "Those who attend the Christian Science services will note that the sacrament is observed without the material elements of bread and wine which are used in most of the other Christian churches. Its observance in Christian Science is explained by Mrs. Eddy on page 35 of Science and Health, where she says, 'Our Eucharist is spiritual communion with the one God.' On the same page she says, 'Our baptism is a purification from all error.'" Annie M. Knott, 1915


Safety "A noteworthy incident, occurring a number of years ago and related in part at that time in the Christian Science Sentinel, testifies to the safety which even in extreme circumstances is provided by the application of Christian Science." Blanche Hersey Hogue, 1937


Salvation and Overcoming "Encouraging people in the belief that they can go on in a sinful state expecting to be saved by the sacrificial death of Jesus, is not warranted by the Scriptures, nor by the critic's own experience." A. E. Brandt, 1919


Scholastic Theology "Christ must take the place of creed. Christianity must supersede churchianity. The sleeping must be awakened. The dead must become alive." Judge Hanna, 1895


The School of Trial "Touching upon this thought, our revered Leader writes, 'Through great tribulation we enter the kingdom. Trials are proofs of God's care' (Science and Health, p. 66). Many hearts today bear grateful witness to the truth of these statements." Stokes Anthony Bennett, 1909


Scriptural Accounts of Wars ". . . While Christian Scientists adhere strictly to the idea of God's non-responsibility for war, they at the same time recognize the conditions of human relativity." Judge Hanna, 1898


Scriptural Symbolism "The letter of symbolism may be very interesting, but it is profitable only as we lay hold upon the substance for which it stands, and the teaching of Christian Science is distinctive in this, that it always lays its emphasis upon the spiritual values of the spoken or written word, and it thus escapes that slough of contention into which literalists are forever falling." Helen Young, 1910


The Second Bishop of Kensington ". . . In my invitation I drew your attention to the challenge which the action of that body of Christians called Christian Scientists makes. It is to me indisputable that they do heal the sick both in body and mind." The Rt Rev John Primatt Maud, 1924


The Second Coming "As we contemplate our beloved Leader, living in the 'silent sanctuary' of spiritual isolation, walking in the straight and narrow way that alone leads up the ascending heights of spiritual attainment, and bearing witness of the Christ by steadfastly pointing to Christ Jesus, the great Exemplar, we feel that we owe no apology to the world for the love, reverence, and gratitude for her heroism, fidelity, obedience, patience, and long-suffering." Sue Harper Mims, 1910


The Second Coming "No more in guise of Nazarene / Beside the Kidron's turbid stream, / Or on the Gallilean shore / With fisher-students, as of yore;" 1893


The Second Coming of Christ "We may well imagine his hearers' astonishment when he whom they had learned to know as 'The Prince of Peace' associated the coming of the Christ with scenes of turbulence and disaster of the most terrible description. What logical connection could there be between occurrences so diametrically opposite in their nature?" Frank H. Sprague, 1917


The Second Coming of Christ "The year 1866 has been referred to as the year in which a number of English theologians looked for the end of the 'present dispensation;' but as that time drew near without any Millennial symptoms, Dr. John Cummings, the chief exponent thereof, was understood to have modified his original views considerably . . ." Ezra W. Reid, 1897


The Second Coming of Truth "Why should not this revelation of Truth have come through a woman? Let us study the Revelation of St. John through the lens of the Christian Science textbook; we may thus gain new light on this profound subject." Evelyn Sylvester, 1899


The Secret "Though mists of mortal sense may seem to hide / The light of Truth, yet Love will break the spell, / Reveal the glorious fact that none beside / Our Father reigns; within His house we dwell." Edith F. Munroe, 1919


Seeing and Acknowledging "So long as we accept the material evidence, whether willingly or unwillingly, we fail to see the spiritual evidence, which to the spiritual sense is never absent, namely, God expressed in His idea, man, in His own image and likeness." Annie M. Knott, 1919


Seeking First the Kingdom "As God's spiritual reflection, man has boundless opportunities, infinite capabilities, ceaseless occupation. His capital is Mind's resources, unlimited and ever available." Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1916


Self-Abnegation "There is nothing that the Christian Scientist desires more earnestly to attain than real self-abnegation." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Sense Testimony Rebuked "One day, while thinking of the wondrous work and scope of Christian Science, it came to me suddenly that, in order to demonstrate its teachings more fully in daily life, every claim made by the corporeal senses, in their effort to manifest and maintain the belief of either pleasure or pain in the body, must be quickly detected and denied." Hattie P. Williams, 1909


Separation of Truth and Error "The most insidious form of evil — the highest attenuation of error concocted by mortal mind to oppose Christian Science, is that one taught in Chicago and recently illustrated in New York." Anonymous Editorial, 1889


Service "Jesus perceived that in order to perform this mission of service to mankind every one must first prove his mastery over the arguments of material sense in his own consciousness . . ." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Service "It is our privilege to be 'laborers together with God,' 'workers together with him,' to quote St. Paul, and we must be prepared to prove first to ourselves, then to all the world, our worthiness of this high honor." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Significance of the Wilderness ". . . The very place where the sense of difficult environment, unhappiness, disease, or loneliness seems to be is really filled with the presence of God; . . ." Dorothy Mary Hutchings, 1928


Signs of the Times "Most medical men are agreed that seventy-five percent of the cases of influenza they have recently attended have been directly induced by fear."


Signs of the Times "The firm confidence of the Christian is well illustrated by a conversation that occurred a short time ago between a young man whose father had just died and an acquaintance who was endeavoring to comfort his sorrowing heart."


Signs of the Times "If you insist on locating heaven according to the teaching of Jesus, then heaven is where God is, but we must have heaven in the heart or we shall not find it anywhere . . ."


Signs of the Times "Christianity has in it one idea that makes it quite distinct from the others. Christianity affirms that the main gateway to God is through love."


Signs of the Times ". . . The measure of your God consciousness is the measure of your reality, the measure of your freedom, the measure of your service to the world, the measure of your ability to be well, sound, sane, and efficient."


Signs of the Times "The church must give evidence of being something more than a temperance society, civic federation, or association for human elevation and betterment if it is to justify its claim that it is the representative of the teachings, ministration, life, and divine power of Christ Jesus."


Signs of the Times "The secret of living happily and effectively is not in externals; it is not in possessions and environment, in clothes and furnishings and the tools of living. It is in the attitude of the mind toward life. It is in what we think."


Signs of the Times "'If physical disease is God's will and desire, why did Christ, who came to do His will, fight against it and heal the sick?'"


Signs of the Times "In a recent sermon prelude, the Rev. George Laughton dealt with the question: 'Should the law compel Christian Scientists and others, who do not believe in academic medicine, to employ a physician or to use antitoxin?'"


"The simplicity that is in Christ" "When Paul saw the Christians of his day in danger of being turned aside from the clear and simple teaching he had given them, he warned them to beware, 'lest by any means, . . . your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ,' to a vain boastfulness which would glory in its own supposed grasp of spiritual things." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


Sincerity "The word 'sincere' is such a common one, so frequently employed in correspondence and elsewhere in a purely formal way, that we are likely to lose sight of its deep significance." Willard M. Grimes, 1922


The Single Eye "No divided purpose has ever been brought to perfect fulfillment. No aspiration can win its desired heights except the eye be kept single to its exalted demands." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Singleness of Vision "When Jesus was journeying for the last time to Jerusalem, he saw that evil was about to nail him to the cross, but he saw also the resurrection." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1907


Skepticism "If we take the character and experiences of Thomas as typifying a common phase of human belief, we may be able to see how material sense retards progress until the Christ-wisdom illuminates such thought so that it becomes transparent enough for the light of Truth to shine through." Annie M. Knott, 1906


Soldiers and Devoutness "Students of Christian Science can never think of the men who are serving the country, whether in camp or on the battlefield, as other than the highest type of men, whose deepest needs and desires are moral and spiritual, in brief, as our brothers." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Soldiers of Liberty "To accomplish his holy mission each soldier in the army of the Lord must be hourly faithful to his spiritual guard duty. Hundreds of times a day he must challenge such mental enemies as belief in material selfhood, fear of evil, love of ease." M. Ethel Whitcomb, 1918


Some had Ears to Hear "An article was prepared on Christian Science by one of the leading ministers of this place, and it was read before the ministers of the Orthodox Churches who had met to hear it and to discuss Christian Science." James Hightower, 1901


Something for a Beginner "The truth about God and man, intelligently brought to bear upon any situation, is what constitutes a Christian Science treatment." Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1919


Sonship "The apostle says: 'Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son.' Shall we, then, let material sense keep from us the privileges, the joys, and the infinite outlook of sonship in divine Science?" Annie M. Knott, 1913


Sons of God "An early step in the effort to gain some adequate grasp of the true significance of these momentous words should be to inquire who are 'we' whom John declared to be the sons of God. Surely not mortals, for mortals partake of qualities so unlike the divine that by no possibility could the handiwork of God be confused with objects so transitory." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


"Sound Doctrine" "The truth itself can never be perverted, but even sincere seekers may be turned aside by shallow and specious arguments, though these can never really mislead the diligent student of our Leader’s writings, which are strictly in accord with the teachings of the Bible." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Spirit's Alchemy ". . . The All-perfect does not beget or perpetuate anything imperfect, incomplete, or which fails to express His own nature and character. The divine Being expresses Himself perfectly in existence and perpetuity." Charles V. Winn, 1923


Spirit's Characterization "The true man, therefore, is always 'the expressed image' of 'infinite Mind,' manifesting the very 'character' of the 'most High.'" Irving C. Tomlinson, 1913


Spirit's Plumbline "Now, it is all very well for us to congratulate ourselves on the possession of God's exact Science; it is all very well for us to talk much of the letter of this Science, declaring its statements with great gusto; it is all very well to say: In Science things are thus and so; but it is quite another matter to prove these statements to be the truth." Ella W. Hoag, 1923


Spiritual Abundance "'The only will of God is good will, even the will that we should always have everything that we need, at all times, wherever we may be." Robert Stanley Ross, 1924


Spiritual Ascendancy "'Here a little, and there a little,' characterizes the process whereby spiritual truth is laid hold of; and yet, as spiritual truth gains the ascendancy in thought, definite progress is made in the destruction of false belief." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Spiritual Communion "All the material bread and wine on earth, if eaten and drank in the firm belief that it symbolized the body and blood of Christ, would not bring us one step nearer God, or make us in a single particular more Christlike." Joseph Armstrong, 1893


Spiritual Discernment "No student of Christian Science would deny that in order to attain the best results in healing, the clearest spiritual discernment is needed." Annie M. Knott, 1919


Spiritual Discernment "At the present juncture the best human concepts of the spiritual idea that are abroad in the world must be protected against the ruthless assaults and clandestine plottings of modern Pharisaism, which invokes the blessing of Deity on a propaganda of hatred and hypocrisy carried on in defiance of the accepted canons of civilization." Frank H. Sprague, 1918


Spiritual Equipment "The essential need for spiritual armor and weapons, also for unceasing watchfulness, is shown to be a constant requirement of humanity at all times, until the belief in a mind separate from God, good, and wholly unlike Truth and Love, is proved powerless." Annie M. Knott, 1917


Spiritual Knowledge "It is the eager desire for knowledge which lifts men above the narrow limits of physical sense and points the way to purer pleasures; and the time has come when, through Christian Science, the understanding of God, divine Principle, is being recognized as the only way by which anything can be understood aright." Annie M. Knott, 1906


Spiritual Man Incorporeal "If we could but realize always that the true sense of God and man alone can liberate us, and help us to free others from the oppressive bondage of belief in a material body with all its false pleasures and pains, we would never consent to the error of trying to link it to the spiritual idea." Annie M. Knott, 1913


Spiritual Power ". . . In the nineteenth century comes Christian Science to reveal the Truth to those who are willing to see it, who are willing to accept it, who are willing to live it, who are willing to be made 'new creatures,' who are willing to become 'Sons of God,' who are willing to 'walk, not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.' John B. Hough, 1894


The Spiritual Sanctuary "The advent of Christ Jesus gradually brought a changed concept of the sanctuary; for he said that the kingdom of heaven is within us, clearly setting forth the great spiritual fact that God is with all those who understandingly recognize His presence." Samuel Frederick Swantees, 1929


Spiritual Supply "We once thought that supply referred mainly to material things, but our Leader has shown us that the true sense of substance is found in the understanding of Life, Truth, Love . . ." Lilian Galarneau, 1913


Spiritual Uplift "What is spiritual uplift? It is the exalted sense resulting from gaining some measure of the Mind of Christ — the state of thought which comes from transforming consciousness, perhaps only slightly, from a material to a spiritual basis." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Spiritual Vision "In so far as the student of Christian Science understands that man as God's idea is coexistent with God, the divine Principle of all, and obeys God's loving behests, just so far can he prove the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of the divine Mind." Matilda J. Hoffman, 1919


Spiritual Warfare and Victory "In Revelation John speaks of the 'prayers of saints' in a way which emphasizes the great importance he ascribes to these prayers, and the glorious results he considers they have accomplished and will accomplish." John Ellis Sedman, 1920


Springtime Thoughts "All of us, at some time, reach a place in our earthly experience where materiality utterly fails us, and we wander wearily 'as sheep which have no shepherd.' Finally, humility companions with us, and we turn to God." Mildred M. Palmer, 1924


Steadfastness in Faith "In a testimony which recently appeared in the Christian Science Sentinel, the testifier stated that a serious claim of sickness had been worked upon by a faithful practitioner for two years without the slightest outward evidence of improvement. Then suddenly, as out of a clear sky, perfect healing was experienced." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


On Steadying the Ark "On page 84 of 'Retrospection and Introspection' Mrs. Eddy writes: 'The opinions of men cannot be substituted for God's revelation. In times past, arrogant pride, in attempting to steady the ark of Truth, obscured even the power and glory of the Scriptures, — to which Science and Health is the Key.'" Clara Miller Geiger, 1937


"The stone which the builders rejected" "Christian Scientists have become quite familiar with the argument that healing by spiritual means is not a vital element of religion; indeed some people insist that it is wrong to attempt it, although it was practised by Christ Jesus and his apostles." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Stronger than Armies "The seriousness of the mounting claims of materialism is forcing men to seek a spiritual means of preservation, which is found only in the Word of God." Buelah May Booth, 1943


Study References (1st and 2nd Coming) ". . . The beast bowed before the Lamb: it was supposed to have fought the manhood of God, that Jesus represented; but it fell before the womanhood of God, that presented the highest ideal of Love." From the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's Writings


Substance "It does not require any very exhaustive study of the New Testament to recognize that throughout its pages the endeavor is persistently made to instruct mankind as to the true nature of substance." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Success "Being the most scientific, it follows of course that Jesus was also the most successful man, and this is appreciated when his achievements are reviewed. He overcame the three great enemies of mankind; namely, sin, disease, and death, and all real success lies along the same lines." Lawrence Thompson, 1919


Sunday School Notes and Comments "It goes without saying that Christian Science never could originate with a human being. God had to select His chosen vessel and reveal Christian Science to Mrs. Eddy just as He revealed His nature as the Almighty to Abraham." Bliss Knapp, 1939


Sunday School Work Progressive "Our great need is to know the Bible better, love it more, and practise its teachings through the spiritual illumination gained from Science and Health." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Supply "It seems almost strange that through all the ages men have looked upon senseless matter as the source of supply as well as the supply itself." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


Supply "A student was once at the point of having her little all of material property swept away. The most of one night she spent in prayer over it. Sleep fled; while a strong desire to keep the property, and a great fear of losing it, struggled with the arguments of Spirit's allness." Edith L. Woodmansee, 1923


Supply and Demand "We learn in Christian Science that man created in God's own image is never the victim of unjust economic laws, for he lives in obedience to God's spiritual law of abundant supply. God's creation depends upon Him for its maintenance, enlightenment, and joy, and all these He invariably supplies." Katherine English, 1936


"The suppositional world" "Christian Science is freeing the race from its belief in and fear of evil by making plain the truth that evil is never actual but always suppositional." John Ellis Sedman, 1918


"The Supremacy of Spirit" "To go on for a lifetime repeating the words 'supremacy of Spirit' while nine tenths of that lifetime was given up to proving the exact opposite, namely the supremacy of matter in our lives, was a poor way to embody living force and practical faith in the words we professed to believe." The Christian Science Monitor, 1919


Symbols "Error would arrest our attention with symbols of evil, or by misinterpreting the types of spiritual ideas presented in nature and making them seem material; but Truth rebukes all falsity by revealing the real with its unvarying demand for perfection, which means health, harmony, and immortality." Annie M. Knott, 1913


Sympathy in Christian Science "'What was the effect upon you, mentally and physically, when you used to rehearse to your friends the details of your sickness, your symptoms and sufferings?'" Louise Delisle Radzinski, 1903


Taking the Long Look at Life "We can find harmony or heaven only by living love and cultivating the graces of Spirit. Happiness can come to us only as our understanding of Life is improved." Florence Gertrude Thyng, 1925


Taking the Side of Spirit "Many a mortal has reached the limit of his mortal endurance only to find divine Love waiting to show him how to take the side of Spirit and to begin to lose his weakness and his woes in the newly awakened spiritual sense of eternal strength and living joy." Nellie B. Mace, 1925


Temples "The faithful student of Christian Science does not allow his thought to linger long about the body, because he has learned the deep import of our Leader's words on page 261 of Science and Health: 'Look away from the body into Truth and Love, the Principle of all happiness, harmony, and immortality.'" Annie M. Knott, 1917


Testimony Begotten of Divine Assurance "The world is flooded with teaching, practice, and literature which are fatal adulterations of the Truth, yet purporting to be genuine." Mary W. Munroe, 1887


Testing Times "In the epistle to the Hebrews we are told many times of the tests imposed upon the humanity of Christ Jesus, each one higher than the last and more conclusive in its results for the whole race. It is no doubt difficult for us to recognize the element of joy in our testing times, but unless we do, the trial of our strength is apt to be prolonged and the final result may even seem uncertain." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Thanksgiving "As Christian Scientists we see that the greatness of any people depends absolutely upon their recognition of Divine power and their obedience to Divine law." Annie M. Knott, 1907


Thanksgiving "The true Thanksgiving then comes to those who can thank God for every opportunity to prove His presence and allness in spite of any and all the suppositional arguments which material sense may claim to present." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


Theology "'Any one who takes the slightest interest in the history of the Christian church and the faith once delivered to the saints, may discover without much effort how the church has been corrupted and how the religion of Jesus has been misrepresented.'" Judge Hanna, 1898


The Theology of Jesus "The theology of Jesus makes tremendous demands upon Christian Scientists. We who profess to understand and demonstrate Jesus' teaching with the 'signs following' can never for an instant forget that it is his theology that heals the sick and sinning!" Ella W. Hoag, 1927


"There is no connection between a lie and Truth"
". . . F
rom no possible point of view is it correct to say that a lie is always a lie about something. Hence I repeat that absolutely it is not possible to lie about Truth, and relatively it is not possible to talk about evil at all without telling a lie about a lie." Judge Hanna, 1917


"There is no death!" "O Death! At home they call it death — / And sit and weep because they think / Their sons beloved are slain, / And they are left alone / To mourn their dead." Mary Lloyd McConnel, 1918


The Third Commandment "The name Christian Scientist is a sacred title to bear, a title to make one constantly prayerful, constantly on guard, constantly ready to reflect the light, constantly ready to demonstrate good in daily living." Eunice F. Maurer, 1922


"Thou art there" "In the Psalms we read these assuring lines: 'Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.'" Maud Tillery Trumbo, 1918


Thought and Thinking "Most people are agreed that to think means to live, but not so many are aware that right thinking leads to eternal life, with all that this implies in the way of present blessedness." Annie M. Knott, 1914


"Thy will be done." "In a state of vision, or wakefulness, I cannot tell which, I saw floating over my head four words: 'Thy will be done.'" L. H. P, 1885


"Thy will be done" "As a man lets God's will be done in his experience, he escapes from the seeming rule of evil, and comes into the conscious realization of the power of divine Principle to protect and deliver." The Christian Science Monitor, 1918


"Thy will be done" "Who would think of fearing that which he knew could bring him only perfect happiness? Yet perfect happiness is what our Father-Mother, Love, has in store for each one of us." F. Edith Hill, 1925


The Time for Thinkers "Many have been the deceivers and the deceived because no invariable standard was accepted whereby it could be decided as to which thoughts were true and which were false." Ella W. Hoag, 1923


Timely Thoughts "The anti-scientist has always taught that the seen and the unreal are the real, when the Scriptures affirm that the unseen is the real and eternal." Hanover P. Smith, 1883


Today "The Psalmist writes, 'This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.' Is not this what we all long to do — rejoice in each new day as it is unfolded to us?" Herman Campbell Blye, 1929


Toleration "In opposing error, wherever found, it should be done with the greatest love and forbearance toward individuals." Lanson P. Norcross, 1892


The Transcendentalism of Christian Science
"To be a true Christian transcendentalist is to have such an abiding conviction of the power and presence of infinite Spirit, that our very mental atmosphere shall radiate healing and inspiration as spontaneously as a rose exhales its fragrance or the sun emits its light." Sue Harper Mims, 1905


Transformation "In direct line with this teaching of the Master we find St. Paul saying, 'Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,' and in this statement we have a hint of both process and result." Annie M. Knott, 1915


The "Travail of my Soul" "The class included many highly cultured people, all more or less conversant with the rudiments of Christian Science; while I, a sailor, with only a seaman's knowledge of the world, and no faintest inkling of the field to be opened up before me, felt very much out of place indeed. However, God had called me there, and I had long since been schooled to say: 'Thy will be done.'" Joseph Eastaman, 1892


Treasure Seekers "For long years, — centuries, perhaps, — human interest has been awakened by rumors of buried treasures awaiting the adventurer's quest on land, or perchance in the depths of the sea, where some gold-laden vessel had gone down in storm or calm." Annie M. Knott, 1925


The Trial of Jesus "Now come to us newspaper reports of the recent finding of a plate evidently similar to this one, containing an exact copy of the death warrant above mentioned, and setting forth in detail an account of the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate." Judge Hanna, 1896


True Ambition "Christian Science teaches the child as well as the adult to seek perfection in every undertaking, but tells him at the same time that he should desire that his brother do the same." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


True Compassion "In studying the character of Jesus of Nazareth no quality is found more prominent than the compassion with which he dealt with mankind at all times and under all circumstances." Gladys C. Fulton, 1922


A True Conception of God "Do Christian Scientists believe in God? This question is often asked us, and the reason for asking it is said to be that the inquirer has been told we do not believe in God. A Christian Scientist being once asked this question replied, 'Why I believe in nothing else.'" Judge Hanna, 1893


True Consciousness ". . . The realization of the one Mind has brought healing to many who were under sentence of impending death, according to medical opinion, when like a flash of light they saw that God is Mind and also Life, and then they were glad to respond to the high demand of Science to 'give to Mind the glory, honor, dominion, and power everlastingly due its holy name' (Science and Health, p. 143)." Annie M. Knott, 1912


True Education ". . . We should hold firmly to the prime truth that good men and good women are the safety of society; that in no form of government is civic righteousness so essential as in a democracy where the rulers are the people whose individual rectitude must determine the collective morality of the state and the standards of public ethics."


True Equality "For centuries human beings have been struggling for equality. They have always believed that there should be equality of rights, equality of opportunity, equality of privilege, and have been always crying out against the injustices and limitations which human existence has seemed to present." Ella W. Hoag, 1920


The True Fast "Christian Science, then places the whole question of fasting on a purely spiritual basis." Albert F. Gilmore, 1922


True Interpretation ". . . We who are trying to guide our lives by the understanding of God as revealed in the Bible and in the writings of our dear Leader, remember what she tells us on page 320 of Science and Health; namely, 'The one important interpretation of Scripture is the spiritual;' and when reading Old Testament stories, the most important part is to learn the lesson they have to teach each one of us." Jessie Bennett, 1918


The True Law "Christianity in its early experience found its path of progress swarming about with those who would present a counterfeit gospel." Arthur R. Vosburgh, 1895


True Sacrifice "From the beginning of time, mankind, in the realization of their sins against God, have recognized that in some way the sense of separation from God — brought about by these sins — must be overcome, and they have always glimpsed the fact that this could only be done by some form of sacrifice on their part; or in other words, by their giving up of something, although they did not know exactly what that something might be." Ella W. Hoag, 1919


True Supply "The sense of lack of supply is not necessarily limited to finance, for every problem can be traced to some phase of this belief. It may present itself as a lack of intelligence, a lack of health, or a lack of the right idea needed to readjust our business." Alex L. Walker, 1922


True Sympathy "True sympathy, then, as understood in Christian Science, is love tenderly descending to the human sense of need and lifting it into a consciousness of the infinite goodness of God." Elizabeth Earl Jones, 1913


"The true thinker" "Sincerity, mental elasticity, humility, and teachableness are characteristics of the true thinker; consequently the adult who has grown proud of his opinions must regain childlikeness, before he can become a thinker or understand Truth." John Ellis Sedman, 1919


True Worship "True worship leads thought straight to the understanding of God. Because it denies matter the slightest semblance of reality, it lifts vision to the cognition of God and His infinite allness as the only presence, substance, and creator, thus precluding the possibility of another reality, named matter." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


Trust and Foresight "It is apparent that trust in divine Love and wisdom is especially needed when the senses testify to darkness, doubt, and danger, but mortal mind characterizes such trust as folly and would punish, if it could, the one who, like Moses, endures 'as seeing him who is invisible.'" Annie M. Knott, 1915


Truth and Truthfulness "To realize the power of Truth, we must ourselves be truthful in thought, word, and deed. We must know the truth about God and man, and hold to it unswervingly, whatever the opposing evidence. The more we do this, the surer will be the uncovering of the error which would defeat the divine purpose." Annie M. Knott, 1914


Truth's Power "That which was true 'when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy,' is just as true today, and when we know it, we can do no less than give utterance to our joy." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Truth's Sustaining Power "What a blessing to know that it is impossible for a man to be in any conceivable circumstance where God cannot help him, because if we do think this we are believing in a power opposed to God." Reginald Lavery, 1917


Truth's Triumph over Fear and Unbelief "Christian Science reverses the ordinary human estimate of fear by insisting that fear can be avoided; that it can be conquered; that the one expressing it is responsible for his acceptance or indulgence of it." Ella W. Hoag, 1927


Truth Telling Destroys Evil "To forestall error and forewarn humanity of evil is a compassionate work. It is as if one saw his neighbor's house on fire, and gave the alarm that saved it." Charles Daniel Reynolds, 1918


Truth the Basis of True Knowledge "It is clear to Christian Scientists that evil never develops into good; nor does matter merge into Spirit. This Jesus showed by the parable of the tares and wheat." Mary E. Simpson, 1919


Trying and Doing "One of the meanings of the verb to try is to attempt, or to put forth an effort, and it is simply astonishing how often trying is made to take the place in human experience of actual doing." Annie M. Knott, 1916


The Turning Point of World War II "Not only is it incumbent upon us to be obedient to her revelation, but it is of utmost importance that we see her in her true light as the woman of prophecy, — the woman 'clothed with the sun,' as she is described in the Apocalypse."


Two Trees "There are two trees mentioned in the second chapter of Genesis about which mankind as a whole still seems largely in ignorance." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


Unbelief Cast Out "Early in his experience the student of Christian Science learns that he is not expected to accept blindly any statement, whether religious or secular, but must apply to it the inexorable test of Principle. He thus sees that nothing material can ever furnish positive evidence of reality, indeed that such evidence is of value only when scientifically corrected." Annie M. Knott, 1918


Unceasing Progress "In no other respect perhaps is watchfulness more needed than in the effort to progress steadily. Intermittent activity will do very little toward enabling us to reach the goal." Annie M. Knott, 1916


Understanding "In Proverbs we read that understanding 'is more precious than rubies,' and that 'all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.'" Annie M. Knott, 1913


"An Understanding Heart" "When God said to Solomon, 'Ask what I shall give thee,' Solomon replied, 'Give . . . thy servant an understanding heart, . . . that I may discern between good and bad.'" Ella W. Hoag, 1925


Unfoldment of the Divine Idea "As the true concept of God is scientifically understood, we come to measure ourselves and others by a new standard." Annie M. Knott, 1906


Unreality Imagination "A wise Christian Science practitioner would never tell a patient that his sufferings were the result of his imagination, but, recognizing his bondage to the law of mortal belief and his ignorance of the divine law and its activity, would gently and compassionately lift his thought to a recognition of his true being which is consciously governed by infinite Love, hence is not subject to sickness or sin." Dora M. Knapp, 1902


Unselfed Love "As yet the world is liable to sneer at unselfishness and honesty; but in the judgment of God nothing is more certain than that the time is approaching when these qualities will be greatly honored." Samuel Frederick Swantees, 1924


An Unswerving Purpose "God is always at hand supplying not only the perfect purpose but the understanding to maintain it unswervingly." Ella W. Hoag, 1922


The US and Great Britain "The two flags will float side by side in a deeper unity than that of fleshly ties. They will float as the unified emblem of a brotherly love as broad as the teaching of the great Nazarene. They will stand as the signal for the restoration of Israel. They will herald the dawning of the millennium."


The Veil Spread Over All Nations "To God no one is ever dead, for Christian Science makes it clear that God, infinite Mind, sees always His own reflection, which can never include death." Annie M. Knott, 1919


Vision of Sept. 10, 1887 Mrs. Eddy's vision of things to come.


A Visit to Mrs. Eddy's Memorial "It was a glorious June afternoon, and the mission of Christian Science with its profound meaning was uppermost in the thoughts of the Scientists, each of whom had been greatly blessed in some hour of need by the application of this healing truth." Mary Hatch Harrison, 1919


The Voice of God "Since God is Mind and Mind is good, we can only know God through His good thoughts; we therefore hear His voice when we discern His thoughts." Ella W. Hoag, 1924


On Walking by Faith "The great majority of earth’s inhabitants today follow the lead of the material scientist, who proclaims matter as reality, material law as the only law, and truth as relating only to materiality or its subjective state, the so-called mortal mind. These materialists utterly refuse to accept as true any proposition which does not come within the compass of physical sense." Albert F. Gilmore, 1927


The Wanderings of Abraham "According to 'Science and Health,' the word Abraham signifies fidelity, — faith in the Divine Life and Eternal Principle of Being." Frank Mason, 1887


War "It ought to be clear that all the safety and security which we enjoy, we owe to the measure of truth and love which is expressed in the world's thought." Annie M. Knott, 1905


Warfare, True and False "Readers of the Bible are apt to overlook the fact that although the idea of peace figures largely therein, a great deal is also said about warfare." Annie M. Knott, 1917


Watch and Pray "Daniel's victory over the lions was not the sudden triumph of a day, but it was the result of many days of faithful prayer . . ." Ethel Munro Goss, 1919


The Way Out of Loneliness "Have you, from a human point of view, ever been really lonely, desolate, solitary, 'having no hope, and without God in the world,' longing to get away from yourself and from your thoughts?" G. Henry Brumell, 1920


The Way Out of Self-seeking "Through all time men have struggled to gain personal good for themselves, only to see what they imagined to be yet higher objects ahead, and, pursuing them, have finally acknowledged that they have won little if any real satisfaction from their efforts." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


The Wayshower "A study of all that our Leader says in the textbook and her other writings under the head of Wayshower, which can readily be found in the concordances, will throw a flood of light over the subject we are considering. Such a study gives clearer views of Jesus as the human guide and Christ as the divine Leader." Judge Hanna, 1917


The Way to True Happiness "Now if we will only turn our gaze and thoughts Godward, absolutely, we shall awake from our dream of sin, sickness, and death to the beautiful realities of being, and know God — Good — as our life, our health, our strength, our joy; and as Love, love that sustains, comforts, blesses its own idea, — man, — and brings joy and happiness that is eternal." Jeannette R. Goodman, 1900


Weathering the Storm "The student of the Bible first sees all this as picturesque description of events happening to others; but ere long discerns that the psalmist is graphically explaining life, and calling upon all of us to praise God for His goodness to the children of men." William P. McKenzie, 1920


What God Creates "It is often seen in Christian Science that destructive insects and other vermin disappear when the divine creation is understood and declared; or else they cease to be troublesome, and this proves man's dominion over all that is beneath him, and surely points to dominion over his own body." Annie M. Knott, 1909


"What think ye of Christ?" "For long centuries mortals have been asking their fellowmen what they thought concerning Christ, whether they accepted the dogmas of some particular church or denied them." Annie M. Knott, 1928


"Where is your faith?" "There seems to be no lack of faith; in fact, it is amazing how much faith people seem to have. But where is it placed? If it is in matter or in the so-called human mind it is misplaced, and is not the faith that saves." Katherine English, 1922


Wherewithal Shall We be Fed? "Our Leader’s words, 'May thought soar' (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 131), should inspire us to rise above the material and find in divine Love all we can ask or desire." Annie M. Knott, 1915


Who and What is Right? "It was Judas, not John, who by his infamy and treason hastened on the glorification of our Lord. History repeats itself." 1885


Who Shall Be Greatest? "No really great man ever worked for himself alone. He was far more interested in solving a worthy problem than in any direct results it might have upon his fortune, his fame, or anything connected with himself." M. G. Kains, 1912


Why Should We Love? ". . . It takes love to make us happy, to make us harmonious; it takes love to make us good companions, to constitute true friendship; and it takes love to heal sickness and to overcome sin in ourselves or others." William E. M. McCune, 1901


Winter: A Type of Life "Prophecy points to heat as the agent of earth's final destruction. 'The elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.'" Zoe Seymour Loveland, 1889


Wisdom and Wealth "It is undeniable that all men desire wealth, but it is questionable whether all desire wisdom; yet rightly understood they are inseparable." Annie M. Knott, 1932


Withdrawal "The student of the New Testament must needs be impressed with the frequency with which Jesus withdrew from the crowd, sometimes even from the immediate society of his disciples, to commune with God, and thereby to refresh himself at the infinite fountain of divine inspiration." Albert F. Gilmore, 1925


"Without material accompaniments" "All that the human mind knows of its so-called material world is the picture it forms of phenomena which are themselves subjective states of the human mind." Nellie B. Mace, 1918


The Woman in Boston ". . . All through the years following, the question would come up, What has become of that 'woman in Boston?'" Jean Hudgens Rome, 1896


Woodbury Trial, A Statement by Bliss Knapp Concerning the Implications of the "As I have already stated, Mr. Kimball apparently did not know about that editorial, but the publication of it would have put the lie upon what Mr. Kimball said." Bliss Knapp, 1958


The Word Declared "Following Moses, there came the long line of leaders and prophets, emphasizing, in their degree of understanding, the truth about man, and crying out against the teachings, the customs, and the sins of their times; recognizing, one and all, that a fact must be declared, to be established, and working to that end through denunciation, encouragement, exhortation, rebuke, exalted example, praise, and prophecy." Blanche Hersey Hogue, 1905


The Word is with Power "All Christian Scientists are most deeply interested in this power of the Word, and all are longing to understand and demonstrate it perfectly." Ella W. Hoag, 1925


The "Word" that Heals "When the Master offered to go with him, the centurion declared he was not worthy of such honor; 'but,' said he, 'speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.'" Annie M. Knott, 1916


Working for God "Every Christian Scientist knows what it is to have a Bible verse, a line from one of the hymns, or a passage from one of Mrs. Eddy's writings come to him over and over, just seeming to sing itself into the thought, even when the person is busy with other things." Katherine E. Varga, 1918


The World's Great Need "Humanity is waking up and beginning to think. In this testing time of each nation's history old things are passing away, all that is false and insubstantial is melting in the fervent heat of purifying fires. Then let us rejoice, even in the midst of tribulation." Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian, 1918


Worldly Pleasures ". . . The things of sense, one after another, cease to allure, as spiritual realities are recognized and begin to take their rightful place in human consciousness." Annie M. Knott, 1910


WWI Relief Work in France "One is reminded how easily healing was accomplished when the early Christians voiced the truth about God and man." Agnes Chalmers, 1918

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