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Christian Science Testimonies
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". . . The prayer of faith shall save the sick . . ." St. James
The following testimonies are from early issues of The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel.


"A BETTER AND HAPPIER EXISTENCE" "When a boy in the teens I became very despondent over my prospects in life, and lost all interest in everything, becoming somewhat of a recluse. The despondency grew from year to year until it developed into suicidal melancholia . . ."


ABNORMAL GROWTH HEALED ". . . I stood firm in the realization that nothing exists but God and His universe, peopled with His ideas, all governed and controlled by His spiritual law, all as perfect as the Father, now."


ABNORMAL GROWTH HEALED "A friend who had known of my slight interest in Christian Science asked if she might have a practitioner treat me until the day of the operation, and I rather indifferently consented, promptly forgetting all about the promised treatment."


ABNORMAL GROWTH HEALED "It is over seventeen years since I first heard of Christian Science. At that time I was a physical wreck. There was an abnormal growth on my breast, for which an operation was to be performed, but I was asked to try Christian Science . . ."


ABNORMAL GROWTH HEALED "For some ten or twelve years I had on the back of my neck a large lump, which my physician said was a cyst or small tumor, not dangerous, and removable by the knife or electric needle. As it gave me no pain I had nothing done for it, and rarely gave it a thought unless some one happened to question me concerning it."


ABSCESS AND COUGH HEALED "My husband and sisters proposed all sorts of things for me to do, and considered it almost criminal that I did nothing (as they thought); but I wrote to a lady who had already helped me in Christian Science . . ."


"ABSENT FROM THE BODY ... PRESENT WITH THE LORD" "I came to Christian Science, as thousands of others, in search of health. A member of my family had been wonderfully benefited by its teaching; and, after a noted specialist in New York had pronounced my case beyond the reach of material means, I turned in my despair to God."


ACCIDENT HEALED, EFFECTS OF AN "She did not see or hear the approaching delivery truck which struck her on the head, shattering the glass over the lamps of the machine."


ACCIDENT HEALED, EFFECTS OF AN "To mortal sense it was a very severe accident. I was placed in a cast, and forty pounds of weight were attached to the injured leg. The next day I called a Christian Science practitioner, as the verdict of the doctors was that I would be crippled for life and probably never able to walk again."


ACCIDENT HEALED, EFFECTS OF AN "Not long ago I was struck by the attached engine head of a falling windmill tower."


ACCIDENT HEALED, EFFECTS OF AN "My son was caught between two large oil trucks. His face and the upper right side of his body were caught and held between two radiators, one car pressing him against the other. When he was released the foreman saw his condition and had little or no hope for his recovery."


ADDICTION OVERCOME "Eventually a doctor prescribed a solution containing a considerable percentage of cocaine as a means of affording temporary relief, which I was told to use only on occasions of great distress."


AILMENTS, HEALING OF CHRONIC "The sentence of death was hanging over me, — 'only a question of a few days,' the doctor had said."


AILMENTS HEALED "About five years ago I was indeed at man's extremity, but it proved to be God's opportunity; for an understanding of man's relationship to God came to me through the reading of the Christian Science literature."


AILMENTS HEALED "The doctor attending my case did his best, but the disease grew worse. Then a friend, who herself had been healed through Christian Science of a severe kidney trouble called my attention to this teaching."


"ALL MY TROUBLES LEFT ME" "One day we heard of the healing by Christian Science of a malignant growth, and it seemed so wonderful to me that my husband took me to see the one who had been healed."


"THE ALLNESS OF GOD AND THE NOTHINGNESS OF ERROR" "After spending a holiday with some friends, when getting out of the train on my return I was suddenly seized with violent pains so acute that I almost lost consciousness."


ANGEL THOUGHTS "These angel thoughts led me to my Father's house, the consciousness of perfect harmony, where I could be at peace, in calm and rest, while all around was trouble, danger, and dismay."


ANKLE, HEALING OF INJURED "On page 420 of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy is found this advice: 'If students do not readily heal themselves, they should early call an experienced Christian Scientist to aid them.' This was a great help to me at one time.


APPENDICITIS HEALED "I feel it is my duty to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the good which has come to us in Christian Science."


APPENDICITIS HEALED "Having been the wife of a physician and druggist for more than twenty years, I was familiar with the symptoms of many diseases. One morning I awoke quite early with the most intense pain, and immediately realized I was suffering from appendicitis."


APPENDICITIS HEALED "Ten years ago I was taken violently ill with appendicitis, and though every attention from the most skilled physicians was given me, they felt I must go."


APPENDICITIS HEALED "One day I witnessed an instantaneous healing by Christian Science and then realized that this religion must be the truth."


ASTIGMATISM HEALED "As soon as I began to read the book, I felt that in some way I was being helped and spiritually uplifted."


"AWAKENING FROM AN AWFUL DREAM" "Through work and worry I began to decline in health, and my condition became worse, until I was a nervous wreck, and spent most of my time in bed."


BABY, HEALING OF A "When I entered the room I found the baby limp and white in the nurse's arms, scarcely breathing; and the nurse, in tears, said there seemed to be no life left."


BABY, HEALING OF A "Christian Science has been a great help to me in every way. It has made me strong and well and given me something to live for."


BACK PAIN HEALED "I do not know how long I worked, but for a time I was not conscious of a material body, — I just knew that man is spiritual, 'neither in nor of matter.'"


BELIEFS OF OLD AGE REJECTED "Not years, but the acceptance of the belief that mortal experiences are real is what bows the form, dims the eye, furrows the cheek and brow."


BLESSED BY TURNING TO GOD "The dark days are remembered, not with bitterness, but only with thanksgiving, because they forced me to find God, who, in place of causing evil, as I had believed, blesses His children when they turn to Him."


BLESSED SCIENCE "One year ago I looked upon the founder of Christian Science as one of the 'false Christs' spoken of in the Gospel of Matthew."


"BLESSING IN TIME OF NEED" "One day a friend came to see me and brought a lady with her, saying as she came into the room, 'Cheer up, Sarah, I have brought you something now that will heal you.'"


BLINDNESS HEALED "Christian Science came to me in the darkest hour of a mother's life — when the discovery was made that my baby was born blind."


BOIL, HEALING OF A "For some time I have wished to express my gratitude for all the blessings that Christian Science has brought into my life. I have found that it is indeed a 'pearl of great price.'"


BOWEL ABSCESS HEALED "Everything known to medical science had been done, with no success. So it was decided to take up Christian Science."


BRIGHT'S DISEASE HEALED "Christian Science, revealed by Mary Baker Eddy to this age, literally kept me from the grave."


BROKEN LEG HEALED "While returning from my work one night, I fell from a bridge and sustained a serious injury to my leg."


HEALING OF A BURN "My daughter's little boy, thirteen months old, in passing along before the open grate, fell with one hand right into the fire."


A HEALING OF BURNS "Material conditions could not overthrow the government of omnipotent Love, and I was entirely free from suffering."


HEALING OF BURNS ". . . My dress, which had recently come from the cleaner's, caught fire at the bottom, and in a few seconds I was enveloped in flames."


HEALING OF BURNS "While cooking on the top of the gas stove, I lighted the oven and left it for a few minutes. When I opened the oven door there was a loud explosion, and I was bathed in flame."


HEALING OF BURNS "This is a very wonderful case of healing and taught me a much-needed lesson, — to be more constant in my study and to stick closer to Truth."


BURNS HEALED "Wishing to save my house, I started to throw the wax out by the back door. I opened the inside door, but the storm door blew back against me, knocking the blazing wax all over me. I ran out of the front door with my clothing all ablaze."


CATARACT QUICKLY CURED "I wish to add my testimony to those of others, and hope that it may be the means of bringing some poor sufferer to health, to happiness, and to God. I was healed through simply reading this wonderful book, Science and Health."


CHARACTER TRANSFORMED "I read the works of the best known atheists, but could nowhere find a conclusive proof of the assertion that there is no God; for at decisive, important points all these writings drew illogical conclusions."


CHEMICAL BURNS OVERCOME ". . . My little dog apparently drank a solution of caustic potash. He was found some days later, and upon examination it was found that his tongue had entirely gone, and death seemed inevitable."


". . . I would like to bear witness to one or two of the 'signs following,' which prove that it is the power of God with us, the fulfilment of Christ's promise."


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE INDISPENSABLE "Through the great love and patience manifested by my mother in a sincere effort to live the life of a Christian Scientist, I was attracted to her religion."


CLEAR VISION RESTORED "I have had many beautiful proofs of God's presence and power, one being the laying aside of glasses, which I had worn since a child of seven."


COMPLETE RESTORATION TO HEALTH "I was afflicted with defective sight and defective hearing from birth, had worn glasses from childhood, but even with the aid of glasses at times it was difficult for me to see to read."


"COMPLETELY HEALED" "I do not know why I should have been opposed to Christian Science, as, to my knowledge, I had never heard the two words put together before; but I was immediately prejudiced, and said, 'Oh, that must be faith cure, and I could not have any faith.' My friend replied, 'No, it is not faith cure: for I was healed, and I did not have any faith.'"


CORNS AND WARTS HEALED "This case of healing has been a wonderful help to us all, and we hope it may be of benefit to others. It was indeed a surgical operation performed by Truth."


CROUP, HEALING OF THE "One experience I would like to mention in particular was the instantaneous healing of my little girl of the croup."


DARK CLOUDS DISPELLED "The doctor attended the child for three weeks, but he did not get any better, and to mortal sense was gradually slipping away from us."


DEEPLY GRATEFUL "I had never thought to ask for treatment for this condition; but while I was studying the Lesson Sermon and reading the textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy, this trouble and other ailments vanished into their native nothingness."


DEFORMITY HEALED "Our second child was born with the bones of her legs and ankles malformed, the ankles being so turned that the soles of the feet were toward each other."


DEPRESSION HEALED "With deepest gratitude I offer my testimony of Christian Science healing, hoping that it may lend encouragement to another."


DEPRESSION AND PARANOIA HEALED "The faithful doctor, who very earnestly and honestly tried to cure me, finally said that another month would find me in an insane asylum, for every known remedy had been exhausted."


DIGESTIVE TROUBLES HEALED "Christian Science found me with no religion whatsoever and a materialist to the minutest detail. Today it presents me buoyant with hope, with an unquestioned faith, firmly convinced of the existence of Deity, and with some understanding, at least, of the nature of this divine, all-inclusive Principle."


DISCORDANT CONDITIONS HEALED "I was led to Christian Science when, as an active member of an orthodox church, I was seeking with all my heart to know more of God, to be able to make practical to the needs of humanity the beautiful promises in the Bible."


DISEASE, HEALING OF "With a deep sense of gratitude and joy I wish to tell of a blessing which I have received through Christian Science."


DISEASES QUICKLY HEALED "In seven short days of earnest, honest study of Science and Health I was entirely relieved of burdens I had carried since childhood."


DISLOCATED BONE HEALED "During these years many demonstrations have taken place, of one of which I must tell, as it was a most striking example of the power of Christ, Truth."


DIVINE GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION "Just a little over a year ago I was able to demonstrate the guiding and guarding power of divine Mind in the third battle of Ypres."


DIVINE PROTECTION "Our little daughter, then three years and a half of age, one Sunday wandered from our ranch in western Texas, which was then our home. Search was begun about twenty minutes after she disappeared, but nothing could be found to give us an idea of which way she had gone."


DIVINE PROTECTION AND HEALING "I began the study of Christian Science nine years ago after attending church a few times with a sister who was interested."


DOCTOR ACCEPTS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Some five years ago I was practicing medicine with no thought or knowledge of Christian Science. About this time, a friend asked me to investigate Christian Science and let her know what I thought of it."


DOCTOR BECOMES A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST "I began to read Science and Health and in it found food, for it aroused a desire to know something about the works of Jesus; and I seemed from the first to be confident that it contained the truth about God and His creation."


DOCTOR GRATEFUL FOR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "The grateful and reverential thought of the hour, on this beautiful day of national thanksgiving, impels the recall from memory's pages of the experiences of years gone by."


DOCTOR HEALED BY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "I went to a Christian Science healer, and in a few weeks I was free to eat whatever I desired with impunity."


DOG BITE, HEALING OF A "I desire to contribute my mite to the efficacy of Christian Science, as taught by [Mrs. Eddy], the advent of which every man, woman, and child should hail with joy."


DRINKING AND SMOKING HABITS HEALED ". . . From my youth, I had been a heavy drinker and smoker. I used to boast that I would never be a teetotaler; and I never went near one if I could avoid it."


DROWNING, SAVED FROM "I feel more grateful for this experience than any other that I have had. We read in Psalms, 'The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.'"


EARTHQUAKE SURVIVOR'S EXPERIENCE "He was buried for three hours under a mass of debris, through the collapse of a hotel; his mouth and nose were almost stopped up with mortar, and his body was crushed into a seemingly impossible space."


EFFECTS OF EXPLOSION OVERCOME ". . . I met error in the form of a powder burn in the fall of 1906, when I was a student at the University of Idaho."


EYE INJURY HEALED "One day during the month of August, 1917, while I was curling my hair a hot iron slipped from my hand, striking the ball of my right eye, causing severe pains."


EYELIDS, HEALING OF GRANULATED "I felt that I had indeed experienced one of the miracles the Scriptures speak of."


EYE PROBLEM HEALED "About two years ago I awoke one morning to find myself unable to see out of one eye."


EYES STRAIGHTENED ". . . I was under Christian Science treatment, and asked a loving practitioner if she thought my child's eyes could be straightened by Christian Science."


FAINTING SPELLS HEALED "It is now nearly seven years since Christian Science was first brought to my notice. Up to that time, I was almost continually under a physician's care, scarcely knowing a well day."


FAITH AND HEALTH RESTORED "To many people the restoration of their religious faith means much more than the restoration of physical health, but both came to me through reading the Christian Science textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy."


FALL, HEALED AFTER "Last summer in cherry time, two little girls were playing one afternoon. As they were climbing trees, Grace fell from a high tree to the ground."


FALSE APPETITES HEALED "I took to the use of liquor and tobacco, sometimes indulging to such extremes that a doctor would be called to attend me, and were I to go into the details of my sufferings and those brought to my beloved ones, the loss of their affection for me, as well as my experiences in search of relief, it would require many pages."


HEALING OF FATIGUE "Before this great light came to me, life was simply one heavy burden and weariness laid on top of another."


FEAR OF DENTAL WORK HEALED "A few months ago I had to have considerable dental work done. For five years or more intense fear had kept me from having work of any extent done, and the need had become very great."


FEVER HEALED "I was in the country away from any possibility of getting help from a practitioner and had one evening what appeared to be a fever. I was feeling very miserable, so went to my room to read and try to realize the truth as taught in Science and Health."


"FILLED WITH GRATITUDE" "To make the story short, I underwent six operations, with the result that I had to give up my position and go home to Denmark with an almost stiff and useless arm."


FINANCIAL AND MORAL BANKRUPTCY, HEALING OF "Six years ago I was led into Christian Science after having spent many years dragging my weary footsteps through the quicksands of alcoholism and the mires of sensualism."


FINGER, HEALING OF SEVERED "One day, while running, I fell upon a lawn mower that was in operation. One of my fingers came in contact with the blade, thus severing almost completely about an inch of it."


FINGER, HEALING OF SEVERED "My husband was working in a butcher shop, and one day he ran his second finger into the sausage-mill, grinding off the end of it, except for a piece of skin on one side."


FINGERS, HEALING OF CRUSHED "The pain was so intense that I became almost bewildered and my first thought was to jump off the [streetcar] and return home, but I began to declare the truth, that 'all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all' (Science and Health, p. 168)."


FLESH WOUND HEALED "One day my little son fell on a foot scraper which had a heavy spring on it, and the spring ran into his mouth between the gums and cheek."


FLU HEALED "The doctors and nurses said there was no hope, and that I would grow weaker until the end. My sister, who had been in Science for several years, came in and said, 'Well, if you are through, I'll see what Christian Science can do for her.'"


FOOT SORE HEALED "On entering camp I asked a sick berth steward if he would give me a bandage to keep the dirt from my heel as it was chafed."


FOREIGN MATERIAL REMOVED FROM EYE "About a year ago, while at my work, a soft spot in the emery wheel with which I was working flew off so quickly and unexpectedly that a great deal of the emery went into my eye, making it impossible for me to see."


FREED FROM DISCORDS ". . . I know that only by living this truth and letting my light shine can I hope to prove the deep gratitude I feel."


FREED FROM SUFFERING "One day a friend, a Christian Science practitioner, came to see me and said there was only one thing which would help me. I replied that I knew it, but I meant suicide and she meant Christian Science."


FROM DRUGS TO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "In advertising I described diseases and their symptoms according to the prevailing methods of medical practice, . . . As time went on I began to observe that in every town and city where this advertising was introduced, an epidemic of diseases followed."

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