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". . . The prayer of faith shall save the sick . . ." St. James
The following testimonies are from early issues of The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel.


SAFETY IN A COLLAPSED BUILDING "When news of the theater disaster reached us, we knew that our daughter was probably buried in the ruins . . ."


SAFETY IN A HURRICANE "The noise of the wind and the rain and the crashing of parts of the neighbors' houses was terrific, but all through the storm I closed my eyes to all material sense testimony as well as I could, knowing that there is no other power or presence than God."


SAVED BY DIVINE LOVE "I called to him that we were going out to sea, but struggle as we would we could not get back."


SEASICKNESS HEALED "I went up on deck, but it was so rough it was impossible to do much walking. Very few persons were out, and I heard them talking about the number that were ill."


SEVERE INJURIES HEALED "I realize that it was only by a 'closer walk with God' that Mrs. Eddy was able to bring to darkened, suffering humanity this wonderful spiritual and physical healing — the Christ-cure with its benign influence which is ever ready waiting for 'whosoever will.'"


SEVERE SICKNESS HEALED "The next day I had the examination; and if I live to be a thousand years old, I shall never forget the scare this doctor gave me."


"SHE NEVER FELL" "I was getting ready to go to the morning service, and my little daughter, five years old, was playing about, when suddenly I felt a silence. I instantly noticed that the child was no longer there and that the window was open."


SICKNESS HEALED "A few months ago my little girl was taken with a very heavy cold and distress through the body. I called for help about noon, and the condition continued to be the same until about eleven o'clock that night, when she was apparently very much worse."


SICKNESS, HEALING OF "One Thursday afternoon our little son, aged three, came to me complaining of his stomach and told me to ask God to heal him."


SKEPTIC CONVERTED ". . . I was educated very strictly and carefully in the religious thought of the established church, and up to about twenty-three I had never felt the slightest doubt as to its doctrines being the whole and only truth."


SKIN DISEASE HEALED "After two years of struggle the valuable lesson was brought home to me that not only must we think the truth and speak the truth, but we must also act from that basis only."


SKIN DISEASE HEALED "A year ago last May, while living in Miami, Florida, I contracted what is known there as Cuban itch, a terrible skin affliction."


SKIN DISEASE HEALED "To those who have any doubts that God does heal through Christian Science, I would like to say that the disease of which I was cured was called by the doctors 'lupus,' which they pronounced practically incurable and a very terrible disease."


SKULL FRACTURE HEALED "The doctor, a prominent surgeon, told me that with a fracture of that nature my husband could live but a few hours."


FREED FROM SMOKING "One day after dinner I sat down to enjoy the reading of a Christian Science lecture, jammed my pipe full of tobacco, lighted it, and was all fixed for a real good time."


SMOKING HABIT HEALED "Being born in a southern state I was reared among a family of tobacco smokers, and it seemed as natural to use tobacco as it was to drink water."


SMOKING HABIT HEALED "Christian Science was brought to my notice about four years ago by my sister, who had been healed of a disease which doctors stated was incurable."


"SOMETHING WONDERFUL" "Although from childhood I had always thought of God as Spirit, I lacked the true recognition of infinite Spirit which began to awaken me from the material dream to the real spiritual being of man."


HEALING OF SORROW "One day my husband came to me with beaming face, saying that he had heard of Christian Science and that it healed."


SPINAL MENINGITIS HEALED "Everything humanly possible was done to gain relief, but without result. For several days the report was passed around the hospital that she could not live throughout the day."


SPIRITUAL AWAKENING "For ten years I suffered from neuralgia in the head, and from other ailments so serious that I was obliged to submit to two operations, and in October, 1911, my doctor said he thought another operation was necessary."


SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT BRINGS HEALING "About sixteen years ago a friend gave me a copy of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy, also some Sentinels and Journals to read, and after reading for about six weeks I found myself healed . . ."


SPIRITUAL LIBERATION "When three of my acquaintances were healed of so-called incurable diseases by one who had been Mrs. Eddy's pupil, I said, 'There is an understanding of God that I do not know anything about,' — and how I wished I had that understanding."


STOMACH DISORDER HEALED "The practitioner talked with me for about an hour, and at the end of that time I knew that what I had been hearing was the truth, because it was logical, and it was the first time I had ever heard anything about God that I thought was logical."


STOMACH TROUBLE AND OTHER AILMENTS HEALED "Nearly five years ago Christian Science was suggested to me by a lady who, though not a Scientist, had known of its healing."


STOMACH TROUBLE HEALED "I was treated by the best physicians, with no results; also consulted a specialist, who pronounced it the worst case of perforation and ulceration of the stomach under his observation, and gave no hope."


A STORM STILLED "Several years ago an earnest student of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook witnessed a scene where sudden tempest seemed imminent, and there appeared to be great danger."


SURE OF GOD'S PRESENCE AND POWER ". . . Truth requires absolute truthfulness and honesty; Life expresses itself in a spiritual understanding which is indestructible, and Love knows no man but the image and likeness of God."


HEALING OF DISCORDANT TEETH "I had searched for truth in orthodox churches till I was 'weary and heavy laden.' I worked in one church thirteen years, and from that went to a mission that believed in faith healing, but was not satisfied, and still kept on asking for light."


PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH "From childhood I have suffered from decayed teeth and toothache, until it finally became necessary to have most of my teeth extracted."


TEMPTATIONS OVERCOME "I did not take up Science for physical healing as much as for the overcoming of sin."


THANKFUL FOR HEALING "I am deeply grateful for Christian Science, as discovered and taught by Mrs. Eddy, and I thank God that I am well."


THANKFUL FOR THE REVELATION OF TRUTH "I wish to tell how I became interested in Christian Science."


"THAT GLORIOUS DAY OF MY HEALING" "How many times during these seven years, at some period of depression and discouragement, I have retired to my room in meditation, recollecting that glorious day of my healing; and in thanking God for Christian Science I would be healed again."


"THOUGHT GOVERNS THE BODY" "I should like to share an experience which was a further proof to me that thought governs the body, reflecting on it harmony or disorder."


THROAT DISEASE HEALED "From my earliest recollection I suffered more or less from a throat affection, and each attack seemed worse than the preceding one, until I lived in constant fear."


THROAT PROBLEM HEALED "When I first heard that, in Christian Science, healing was being done as in Jesus' time, I wanted to look into the subject."


"THROUGH CLOUDS TO SUNSHINE" "My experience, I presume, is much like that of many other dear students. I have struggled through many dark places; but have been cheered by many flashes of Light; glimpses of the spiritual reality."


TONSILLITIS HEALED "From early childhood I usually had two or three attacks of tonsillitis each winter."


SAVED FROM TITANIC "It is difficult to tell of the experience which follows, but the student of Christian Science will readily see in it that acceptance of the truth made the overcoming of fear possible, even as in the case of disease, and that divine Principle is to be relied upon at all times."


TONSILLITIS HEALED "I regarded Christian Science with tolerant amusement until, about ten years ago, I witnessed a wonderful healing."


TRANSFORMED BY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ". . . I went to my room, opened my traveling-bag, took out my copy of Science and Health, and also a box of cigars."


"TRANSFORMED IN THOUGHT AND DEED" ". . . I was suffering from several so-called incurable diseases, and three of the best medical doctors refused to prescribe, knowing that they could do nothing for me."


"TRUE ESTIMATE OF GOD'S MESSENGER" ". . . While reading about the importance of Mary Baker Eddy's mission and purpose, I felt within myself that the problem had been 'broken.' The healing started at that point and is now complete."


"THE HEALING EFFECTS OF TRUTH" "About eight years ago Christian Science was presented to me, and I feel so grateful and happy about it. Many times have I been able to see the healing effects of Truth."


HEALING OF TUBERCULOSIS "Three years last month I went to a Christian Scientist with the hope that I might get strength enough to enable me to get to my sister's home in the east to die, as I had no expectation of being cured or having my life prolonged for any length of time."


HEALING OF TUBERCULOSIS "For four years I had struggled with sorrow and the dread disease tuberculosis. I had lost all faith in the God of my childhood and could not see a ray of light anywhere."


HEALING OF A TUMOR "About fifteen years ago, while I was still depending upon materia medica, I was ill, and the doctors diagnosed my trouble as fibroid interstitial tumor."


TUMOR HEALED "On my way home after the treatment, I found that my thought, which had seemed to be so full of fear and hate, was full of a love that I had never experienced before."


UNFOLDMENT OF LOVE FOR GOD ". . . I analyzed my concept of God before I knew anything of Christian Science. I had thought of Him as being the originator of condemnation, sacrifice, and evil, and had decided that the less I knew about Him the better."


UPLIFTED BY THE POWER OF TRUTH "About this time a dear Scientist sent me an invitation to hear Mrs. Knott lecture. I came away from that lecture feeling much as I think Paul felt on the road to Damascus. So great was the power of Truth that I was a changed woman."


"USE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" "He pronounced the trouble nervous prostration and heart disease and said that I might live three days; that if I did live longer I would become helpless. As I left his office he remarked, 'Use Christian Science.'"


VISION PROBLEM HEALED ". . . When I first heard of Christian Science I had been in a very bad condition for a year, in fact life seemed a burden, and I was patiently waiting to die and get through with it all, as I then supposed."


FROM A WARDEN'S LETTER "This prisoner was received ---- to serve a life sentence for murder in the first degree. We were compelled to maintain him in solitary confinement most of his time; and he at one time made an attempt to assault a guard with the intention of escaping."


"WELL-BEING AND FREEDOM" "During the time of drought and depression which this part of the country went through two years ago, my husband's business seemed in a very bad way indeed, the bank having stopped giving any more credit, and the fear was expressed that the business would have to close down and the work and savings of years be lost."


"A WONDERFUL DEMONSTRATION" "My husband and I are in the theatrical profession, and during the performance one evening he fell to the floor from a height of sixteen or eighteen feet, landing on his face and hands, unconscious."


WONDERFULLY ILLUMINED "While I was reading it the third time my apprehension was wonderfully illumined; like Paul on his way to Damascus, the scales had fallen from my eyes and I was healed."


THE WONDERFUL POWER OF DIVINE LOVE "At the age of forty-five I was very profane, addicted to smoking, an occasional drinker, fond of gambling, and I drifted into any and all of the usual pleasures of a man who takes life easy. Now, all these things are of the past . . ."


WRIST INJURY HEALED "I was cleaning the kitchen table and rubbing it very vigorously, when suddenly I struck my arm on something sharp . . ."

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