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Christian Science Testimonies
G - L


". . . The prayer of faith shall save the sick . . ." St. James
The following testimonies are from early issues of The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel.


GLORIOUS LIGHT "In the year 1919 I was struck with blindness."


"GOD IS LIGHT" "I had occasion a few months ago to drive fifty miles in one day through the Rocky mountains. My companion and driver was a hardy native son, familiar with the roads and accustomed to handling horses."


"GOD IS LIGHT . . ." "A friend had sent me Christian Science literature, and in my reading of it I came across this wonderful declaration of John: 'God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.'"


"GOD'S HEALING AND PROTECTING POWER" "I was instantaneously healed of the result of two accidents, through the realization that man is a spiritual idea and does not live in a material body."


"GOD'S LOVING CARE" "Each day brings a new proof of God's loving care."


"GOD WAS WITH ME" "I was captain of a British man-of-war, which was torpedoed by a German submarine in the southeastern Mediterranean. When the ship gave her last plunge, I dived overboard, but was immediately sucked back again under the foc'sle awning, some twenty feet under water."


GOITER, HEALING OF A "When Christian Science found me I was afflicted with what physicians call a goiter."


GRATEFUL FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF GOD "Christian Science freed me from every vestige of nervousness, and brought to me a sense of peace, calm, and harmony, which I had never before known. Insomnia had troubled me during all these years; but this was healed in the first treatment."


GRATEFUL FOR HEALING "Having been healed by mental surgery, I wish to give my experience, believing that it will help those who still cling to the belief that human hands are necessary to adjust displaced organs and dislocated vertebrae."


GRATEFUL FOR HEALINGS ". . . As a girl in high school I realized I was losing the hearing in one of my ears. At the end of several months the hearing had entirely gone."


GRATEFUL FOR MANY HEALINGS "I had been looking for God, it seems, in every direction but the right one; and when coming into Christian Science, I received such a conception of the true God that it must and will last me for all time."


GRATEFUL FOR THE TRUTH "About twelve years ago I became interested in Christian Science, not for physical healing, but out of curiosity. I had heard it and Mrs. Eddy ridiculed and condemned so often from church pulpits that I began to wonder what its teachings were, not thinking it would mean anything to me, as years ago I had given up all belief in religion, God included."


GRATITUDE AND PROGRESS "When I first came to Christian Science I was hungry, thirsty, starving for the Word of Life."


GRATITUDE, EXPRESSION OF "Is it, then, dishonoring God to love and revere the one whom He has appointed to teach the truth to this age?"


"THE GREATEST BLESSING" "However indifferent my attitude toward Christian Science when first it was brought to my attention, I could no longer ignore it when it healed me instantaneously of a sickness of which medical aid had failed to relieve me."


A GREAT HELP IN EVERYDAY WORK "Once, while I was walking through a building which was being remodeled, a workman dropped a piece of scantling upon my head. I was dazed for an instant, but soon realized the truth sufficiently so that nearly all pain disappeared in a short time."


HAPPINESS FOUND "In March, 1912, it seemed as though I had reached the end of all conscious effort to go on living."


"HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS" "I had no money and seemingly at the time no human way to get any, but kept on every minute striving to work at my Father's business."


HARMONY IN THE HOME "After reading the textbook I knew I had found the truth. I wrote to a practitioner and asked for help, and can now say that my home has been changed from discord to harmony."


HEADACHE AND BLADDER TROUBLE HEALED "I had been a sufferer from headaches for over thirty years. As I was an atheist, religion was the last thing I thought of when a member of my family suggested Christian Science."


HEADACHES HEALED "I had suffered with very severe headaches since childhood, and was told that they were inherited, as my mother had always been troubled with them."


HEADACHES HEALED "I had not read many pages until I came to the conclusion that this was the most marvelous book I had ever read. It upset my entire religious education."


HEALTH, PEACE, AND HAPPINESS FOUND "Four years ago I first heard of Christian Science. This was in a grocery store where one lady said to another, 'The lady on the opposite side of the street heals by Christian Science.'"


HEARING IMPAIRMENT HEALED "For over a year I was noticeably deaf, being unable to hear an ordinary conversation unless it was especially directed to me; neither could I hear many consecutive words from a speaker's platform, although seated in close proximity to the speaker."


HEART DISEASE HEALED "I went to a practitioner for treatment, began to improve, and in less than a month I was well."


HEART FILLED WITH GRATITUDE "A few years ago the top of my thumb was cut off through the middle of the nail and up, not taking the bone. I declared the truth at once, and placed it on again."


"HELPED, PROTECTED, AND UPHELD" "It is possible here to give only the merest sketch of the way in which I have been helped, protected, and upheld by what I have been able to practice of Jesus' teachings through the illumination of Christian Science."


HELP FOUND IN THE NINETY-FIRST PSALM "Before coming to Florida I had heard much in regard to the noxious insects and reptiles with which the region was thought to abound, and of which I was warned to beware."


A HELPFUL EDUCATION "My first experience in the destruction of discord and the realization of harmony was a healing of mumps."


HEMORRHAGE, HEALING OF "Two months later the doctor called to see what had become of me, and frankly admitted he could not understand a power that could do such wonderful work."


"HE SHALL CALL UPON ME, AND I WILL ANSWER HIM" "Today, after several years of study and more beautiful demonstrations than I could enumerate, one, the healing of a disease of over twenty years' standing, I thank God for the most practical, purifying, and elevating influence that ever came into my life."


HOPE AND COMFORT FOUND "I thank God that though my need was so sore when I first began the study of Christian Science, the light came instantaneously, the supply of understanding coming with such deep conviction that it was like a glorious flash of sunlight, which illumined every cloud with a rainbow of promise."


"I FOUND GOD . . ." "Brought up in an orthodox church, at an early age I rebelled at its inconsistencies, and believing that truth was not to be found in religion I turned to the study of the physical sciences, philosophy, biology, and medical research."


"I HAVE BEEN NEWBORN" "I could not walk without the aid of two canes. This healing did not take place all at once. It was the result of persevering and persistent study and application of the truth, as I understood it, to the daily problems."


ILLNESS HEALED "I would like to testify to the beautiful healing of my mother, who was very ill last summer and seemed about to pass on."


ILLNESS HEALED "A young piano pupil of mine was taken ill several days before I arrived at his home to give a lesson. On my arrival his mother met me saying he was in bed."


"THE ILLUMINATED PATHWAY" "Who would have dared to broach Christian Science to me if I had not been as helpless and hopeless as I then believed myself to be? But our Father sent a messenger to me that day."


"I LOVE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" "A few years ago I listened to a testimony on Christian Science by a lady who stated that she had been a student for thirty-three years; and after enumerating some of the blessings she had received, she closed her remarks by saying, 'I love Christian Science.'"


"On several occasions I have had direct proofs of the good results of right thinking and of the ill effects of wrong thinking."


INFECTION HEALED "I awoke one morning with a severe case of conjunctivitis. It was a day for which much had been planned, and I was bitterly disappointed when I found that I could not open my eyes."


INFECTION HEALED "This demonstration was most remarkable to me, for I had seen cases where the material symptoms manifested were no worse than in his case and the patient was laid up for weeks."


INFLAMMATION, HEALING OF "I was in a hospital ten weeks suffering from inflammation of the kidneys, and no doctor could help me."


INFLUENZA, HEALING OF "Every day I am becoming more grateful for the life of Jesus the Christ, and feel deeper gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her unselfish, loving work for humanity."


INJURED FOOT HEALED "Through the understanding of God as taught in Christian Science I have been lifted out of the practice of material methods of healing into a work which is much more helpful, both to myself and to those with whom I come in contact."


INJURED HAND AND WRIST HEALED ". . . As my understanding of God increased, many physical healings were experienced."


INJURED NOSE HEALED "The great verities about the nature of God and divine healing are to be found in the Bible, but Mrs. Eddy gave me the insight by which I learned to understand those texts in their all-important actuality and practicability."


INJURIES FROM FIRECRACKER HEALED "On the Fourth of July, 1902, I went out to celebrate the day and started in with a six-inch cannon cracker."


INJURIES HEALED "I should like to tell first of a healing my little girl had five years ago. She was running across the road in pursuit of her brother when she was knocked down and run over by a car."


INJURIES HEALED "I was run over by a truck, and error tried to tell me that I was going to die."


INJURIES HEALED "Through this experience there has come to me a wonderful spiritual uplift from the realization of the ever presence of the loving Father-Mother God and of the immediate protection given to each and all of His children."


INJURIES HEALED "While standing near a trapdoor, it was opened without my noticing it, and on stepping backward I fell, striking my spine on a cement floor about eight feet below."


INJURIES, HEALING OF SEVERE "The gas burst out, ignited, and caused a terrific explosion, which broke all the windows in the building, and some across the street, and shook buildings several blocks away."


INTENSE SUFFERING HEALED "I was never free from pain unless asleep or under an opiate, and at times the pain was so excruciating that I contemplated suicide."


HEALING OF INTENSE SUFFERING "For the benefit of those who think it impossible to be healed of disease by reading Christian Science, I wish to state my experience."


INTERNAL GROWTH HEALED "I am particularly grateful for the removal of fear, which up to the time I commenced reading 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy, seemed to possess my whole life."


KIDNEY STONE AND OTHER AILMENTS HEALED "The attack referred to as kidney stone had the characteristic symptoms of that disease in a violent form. The healing was most remarkable and convincing."


LEG INJURY HEALED "There are probably few people who have more reason to be grateful for Christian Science than I have."


"LIFE IS REAL, AND DEATH IS THE ILLUSION" "It has been my custom to read from Science and Health or some of our literature before going to sleep, and one night soon after calling upon the practitioner to treat me, I was awakened with a sense of having been close to the shadow of death."


LIFTED OUT OF MISERY "I had no near relatives, was lonely, poor, scarcely able to work; and I was so unhappy that it hardly seemed worthwhile to struggle against such seemingly overwhelming odds."


LIP, HEALING OF A LACERATED ". . . Oh! the joy and spiritual uplift of knowing that our own right understanding of God and man — the true man being perfect and spiritual, even as the Father is perfect — does heal instantaneously and permanently, certainly is a blessing that one can never describe or know until he has realized that truth for himself."


"THE LORD LOOSETH THE PRISONERS" "I am very interested in Christian Science and realize more and more each day that there is nothing that replaces with hope and a true faith the self-pity and condemnation in a sore heart as do the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy."

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