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Christian Science Testimonies
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". . . The prayer of faith shall save the sick . . ." St. James
The following testimonies are from early issues of The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel.


MALIGNANT GROWTH HEALED "The mental suffering over the disease was as great as the physical, and I was constantly being urged to submit to an operation."


MALIGNANT GROWTH HEALED "During his stay at the hospital the patient continued to lose, and hypodermics were administered daily in order to bring him some measure of relief. While he was in this hopeless condition Christian Science was recommended, and my brother at once said he was willing to give it a trial."


MANY AILMENTS HEALED "I caught the inside of one finger in the catch of an umbrella, and the sense of pain was great, but instantly I remembered that I must not look for the material evidence but deny its every suggestion."


MANY BEAUTIFUL HEALINGS "Christian Science is indeed the truth which is steadily leading us out of the bondage of sense into the glorious liberty of the sons of God."


"MANY BLESSINGS" "When temptation comes, whether it be sin, sickness, poverty, or what not, we need only to draw closer to God and know that as we replace sense-testimony with spiritual reality there is nothing left to cause anxiety."


MARVELOUS AWAKENING "One Sunday, many years ago, I sat waiting to hear Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, speak."


MEASLES HEALED "I went back to school and was examined by the school doctor, who could find nothing wrong; so I was allowed to return to my classroom."


MEASLES MENINGITIS HEALED "Our little girl, aged seven, became entirely paralyzed with what the doctors called measles meningitis, and although she was taken to a local hospital and given the best care possible, she was visibly fading away."


MENTAL DARKNESS DISPELLED "For many years I longed to know what we were and what life meant. A search of college philosophy courses brought no solution."


MENTAL DISTURBANCE AND SELF-INFLICTED WOUND, HEALING OF "For one who has been lifted out of a mental and physical hell to a conscious realization of the fact that the kingdom of heaven is within and at hand, it takes more than words to express that gratitude which deeds alone can attest."


MENTAL ILLNESS, HEALING OF "Easter Sunday, I was called to an adjoining town to treat a young lady supposed to be dying."


MENTAL ILLNESS HEALED "In the fall of 1913 my wife was declared insane by our physician, who had certainly done all that he could for her."


MENTAL ILLNESS HEALED "I was called early last June to a patient — a young woman with the claim of insanity — the claim being hereditary, and one which leading physicians had pronounced incurable . . ."


MENTAL ILLNESS HEALED "My case was given up, and I was sent to a sanitarium for people who are mentally unbalanced. While there I borrowed a copy of the Christian Science textbook..."


MISCONCEPTION OVERCOME "Having the highest regard for the mental attributes of this friend, and believing that she had been deceived, I started making a study of Christian Science wholly for the purpose of pulling it to pieces that I might undeceive her."


NEEDS MET THROUGH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "When Christian Science was first offered to me I turned from it because I had no faith in what I then considered a 'new religion.'"


NERVOUSNESS AND INSOMNIA HEALED "Although having no knowledge of Christian Science (in fact I imagined it to be the same as hypnotism, etc.), I turned to it almost as a drowning man would clutch at a straw, little imagining the marvelous peace it was to bring me."


A NURSE'S EXPERIENCES "Words are inadequate to express my appreciation for what understanding I have of the truth as demonstrated in Christian Science, especially during the time of the recent epidemic of hypnotic fear which swept our country from ocean to ocean."


PARALYSIS HEALED "Greater happiness and deeper joy than I ever deemed possible have come to me through Christian Science . . ."


PARALYSIS HEALED "A few weeks ago the family decided to see if Christian Science would help him, and accordingly they called in a well-known Brattleboro woman, who gave the boy Christian Science treatment."


PARTIAL DEAFNESS HEALED "The physician examined her and said there were two perforations in the drum of the ear. A friend then advised me to try Christian Science . . ."


THE "PEARL OF GREAT PRICE" "My loving desire is to help all those I can to realize their blessed heritage as God's dear children; and it is such a joy to know that good is always unfolding and will continue to unfold more and more through all eternity."


PHARMACIST ACCEPTS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "In the darkest hour of my life, after trying for some years to regain my health through materia medica, I turned to Christian Science for help, which was received. "


PNEUMONIA HEALED "I became interested in Christian Science when I was a boy, and attended the Sunday school for several years."


POISONING HEALED "A year ago a gentleman who was sick came to me. He had been told that I was healed in Christian Science and he wanted to know what it was, so I explained to him what God and Christian Science are, as well as I knew how."


"THE POWER OF GOD" "I can bring many witnesses to vouch for the truth of this wonderful healing; for it attracted a great deal of attention, and is still often spoken of among those who, though not Scientists, were convinced witnesses of the power of God."


POWER OF TRUTH OVER ERROR "My son was presented with an alcohol engine on his sixteenth birthday and while testing the power of it, it exploded, covering his face with the burning fluid, the wick adhering to one cheek burning a hole in it; his sister, a year younger heard the explosion and rushed to him, then called to me to come at once that her brother was on fire."


PRAYER ANSWERED "The burden seemed too heavy to carry longer, so I earnestly prayed all night, asking God for help and guidance to see the Christ-way."


"PROFOUNDLY GRATEFUL" "One day SOS calls repeatedly came to us from a freighter which had been torpedoed and was sinking with eighty-four men on board."


"PROOF OF GOD'S LOVE" "When our third son was two years old, medical science pronounced him useless to the world. He had developed physically, with the exception of walking, but mentally he had made little or no progress."


PROOFS OF GOD'S CONSTANT PROTECTION "I appreciate and become more grateful each day to Mrs. Eddy for her life's work in giving us the true knowledge about God, about Jesus, about our brother man and ourselves."


PROTECTION DEMONSTRATED ". . . I was awakened by the presence of someone in my room. I arose on my elbow and turned on the light, which revealed the figure of a man; but before I had time to do more than see that it was no one I knew, he seized the fixture and took out the light bulb."


PROTECTION DEMONSTRATED "A liner crossing the Atlantic ran into a fog one evening. One of the passengers, a student of Christian Science, ill at ease over what was a familiar enough experience, retired early to his cabin to study those parts of the Bible, and of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy, which elucidate the question of 'mist.'"


PROTECTION FROM HYPNOTISM "In one of the recitation rooms of a large public school were gathered five or six pupils with their teacher for a few moments' recreation, when it was proposed by a boy whom this teacher had several times magnetized [hypnotized], that she try what she could do with those present."


QUICK HEALING "Finally, as a last resort, she consented to try Christian Science, and a practitioner was called. The call was made over the telephone at three o'clock in the afternoon, and an appointment was made for the next day. When I got home, the evening after the practitioner was called, I found my wife feeling better than she had for months . . ."


QUICK HEALING OF A COLD "Instead of commenting upon the cold in any way, this wise advocate revealed to my thought something of the magnitude and wonder of the great mission of Christian Science the redemption of the world."


QUICK RESTORATION TO HEALTH "Nearly two years ago a serious accident befell my son. By a slip of his motor-bicycle he was thrown in front of a two-wheeled cart, which went over his back; the horse also kicked him in the mouth, cutting his face severely. His tongue was terribly bitten between his teeth, and the loss of blood was excessive."


REJOICING IN FREEDOM "I also received a spiritual uplift which to me far transcends my physical healing, and today I am rejoicing in the freedom that belongs to God's child."


A REMARKABLE RECOVERY ". . . How great was my surprise when for the first time in my life I heard the tick of my watch with that ear, with which I was never supposed to hear again. The eardrum is gone, the hole left by taking out the ear bone is still there, but God does not need these material conditions to make His child perfect."


RESISTANCE OVERCOME "With much gratitude I have turned again and again to the promise in Ezekiel: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.' This promise has indeed been fulfilled in our home."


RESPIRATORY DISEASE HEALED "Since Christian Science has been revealed to me I am striving daily to have that Mind in me 'which was also in Christ Jesus' and our revered Leader, and I am most humbly grateful."


RESTORED TO HEALTH "Christian Science has taught me to know that it is the darkened thought that produces fear and discordant conditions, and that just in proportion as the light of this glorious truth dawns on one's consciousness can fear be overcome."


RESTORED TO PERFECT HEALTH "I am a veteran of the Civil War, and while in the service sustained injuries which culminated in a severe rupture."


RESURRECTION TO A NEW LIFE "From earliest childhood I was a victim of chronic headaches, dyspepsia, and neuralgia."


RHEUMATISM AND FEVER HEALED "Some time ago I awakened one Saturday morning to find myself bound hand and foot with rheumatism, accompanied by high fever."


RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS HEALED "Fifteen years of disappointed hopes in doctors and material means had so weakened our faith in man's help that when the real meaning of Christian Science was explained, we instantly and joyfully recognized it as the only logical explanation of God and the Bible, of man and the universe."

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