All Things New

         The thought of newness always comes to one with a sense of refreshment. It brings a vision of gladness, of hope, of courage, of a possibility of further achievement, of a broader activity. Any thought of something new brings quick response and an alertness ready to investigate and test the thing presented, always with an underlying faith that an added good may come into experience through the newly acquired. It is a wonderful fact that although through the ages mankind has constantly been confronted with new things, new aspects, new possibilities, and has found them more often than otherwise disappointing, in spite of this, the instant something new is brought to view men are as alert and quick to reach out for it as though a new thing had never before been encountered.

         Humanity is always longing for that which will satisfy. It is constantly reaching out for that which will bring it surcease from sorrow and disappointment, and will supply it with unfailing good. It has discovered through long experience that whatever has to do with matter, be it called old or new, is but transitory and results in no lasting satisfaction. New year after new year has apparently come and gone only to leave when contemplated from a material standpoint a train of disappointed hopes and frustrated desires. And still the new year recurs, and with it, as Pope says, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast;" but he goes on to state, "Man never is, but always to be blest." Behold the fleeting nature of all that has to do with mortal concepts!

         And yet the Bible has been teaching for centuries that there is a newness which lasts, which satisfies, which brings the constant refreshment of Spirit. Centuries before the Christian era God's promise to His people was, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." Could one imagine for a moment that such a gift could do less than bring a perpetual sense of the renewal of all that is satisfying and desirable? Jeremiah tells us that "the Lord's mercies ... are new every morning." With even the faintest understanding of God one must acknowledge that nothing which belongs to God could ever grow old. All that is of Him must certainly always retain its vigor, freshness, and perfection. Even while it holds its original newness it would still be unfolding into greater beauty, always fulfilling the promise of more good.

         Now it is Christian Science which brings the understanding of the way to find this eternal newness, this freshness and continuity which is ever unfolding. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 201) we are told: "Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and 'all things are become new.' Passions, selfishness, false appetites, hatred, fear, all sensuality, yield to spirituality, and the superabundance of being is on the side of God, good." The newness of Spirit, then, appears in proportion as the oldness of evil, "passions, selfishness, false appetites, hatred, fear, all sensuality, yield to spirituality;" in proportion as all that is unlike God, good, disappears in the presence of His perfect infinitude, recognized and demonstrated.

         The Christian world has long declared with Peter, "We, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness;" but it is God's revelation of Christian Science which is proving this new heaven and new earth to be a present possibility. Already the demonstration of Christian Science in overcoming sickness and sin is awakening mankind to expect a new and better order of things. Already the signs of the times point to the passing of the old and the bringing in of the new. Every triumph of Truth over error; every evil belief replaced by the understanding of good; every least conquest of hate by love; every claim of matter which is proved powerless through the might of divine Mind, these all show that, as our Leader tells us (Science and Health, p. 354), "The night of materiality is far spent, and with the dawn Truth will waken men spiritually to hear and to speak the new tongue." New opportunities, new hopes, new possibilities, new health, new understanding, will continuously unfold. Then not only will each new year stand for added good, but each new day, each new hour, each new moment, will resound with the marvelous voice of Him "that sat upon the throne," and we shall all hear as did John: "Behold, I make all things new." Jesus said of his followers, "They shall speak with new tongues." Because Christian Science presents the new tongue, no statement of the truth contained therein can ever grow old. Each word of Truth in the Christian Science textbooks the Bible, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy and her other writings is always revivifying. However frequently one may approach the study of these books, there will appear in their pages some fresh vision of good, some aspect of the truth before undiscovered, whereby the student may gain new motives, new courage, new assurance, new affections. This is why one can never weary of his pursuit of Christian Science. It always partakes of the eternal renewal which is the perpetual accompaniment of spiritual good.

         It is surely glorious, beyond the possibility of words to tell, that each one has the opportunity and privilege of demonstrating continually, with ever increasing ability and power, this newness of life in Christ, which shall show forth the "new man," which Paul tells us is "renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him."


"All Things New" by Ella W. Hoag, CSD
The Christian Science Journal, January, 1923

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