Christian Science Testimony

          I first became interested in Christian Science by reading "The Life of Mary Baker Eddy" by Sibyl Wilbur, while lying in bed suffering from sciatica. When I had finished reading the book I got up and told my wife, who was very ill (in fact had been given up by the doctors), that Christian Science was the only thing to cure her and she had better try it. A practitioner came and agreed to treat her, leaving a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy for her to study. After studying it, my wife began to ask so many questions that in self-defense I had to study both the Bible and Science and Health.

          At that time, and from my youth, I had been a heavy drinker and smoker. I used to boast that I would never be a teetotaler; and I never went near one if I could avoid it. My daughter used to accompany her mother to the Christian Science church; but one Sunday morning she could not go; so, rather than disappoint my wife, I decided to go with her, as I saw the improvement which had taken place in her. I had not been in a place of worship since I was a boy. We went to church and I enjoyed the service, being much impressed with its simplicity.

          On arriving home I left my wife and went to my usual hotel. From then on I continued to go to the services and afterwards to the hotel; but after a while I noticed the drink did not have the same flavor. I complained, but was told it was in splendid condition. I tried different hotels and every drink they had for sale, and struggled on for a period of four months trying to drink; but I found the taste had left me, and I could not go back to it. The smoking habit left me in the same manner three months later, although I fought very hard to continue it. I have also had numerous other healings, deafness being one. I had suffered since boyhood from this trouble, which the doctors had diagnosed as due to a perforated eardrum. This condition simply left me; and I hear perfectly now.

          At work I have also had some beautiful demonstrations. On one occasion, while I was opening out for survey the engines of a large steamer, the middle finger of my left hand was caught by a very heavy spring and crushed flat. It felt as if the bones were being broken, and all I could think of to say was the first sentence of "the scientific statement of being," from Science and Health (p. 468): "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter." I then called to another workman to bring a crowbar and ease the spring from my finger. He did so, and I immediately put my hand into my pocket and would not allow anyone to see it; nor would I allow anyone to go for a doctor or bring me any water. I kept on repeating the first sentence of "the scientific statement of being." Gradually, as I remembered all the words, I kept on repeating them; and about an hour afterwards, when I withdrew my hand from my pocket, I found it all right. The other workmen could not understand it.

          My wife, I am pleased to say, has been completely restored to health, and enjoys better health now than ever before. Christian Science has proved, and is proving, the greatest blessing that ever entered our lives. I am deeply grateful for all these blessings, — grateful for all the activities of church work and for the literature, and also to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her teaching and explanation of the Scriptures, which enable us to know man's true relationship to God.

Edward D. Collins
Whitley Bay, Northumberland, England


"Testimonies of Healing"
Christian Science Sentinel, May 23, 1925

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